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Romance in SoR, and KotFE?


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I doubt Disney would let them do that, but I wish that when you exited a Fade-To-Black that you ended up standing in your ship bedroom. I mean, you don't have to change much, just swap them from standing in a spot on the ship to now standing next to the PC's bed. Small change, but it would somehow make the scene more intimate.


Well hi Ashla Boga8769864, I agree that Disney would let them do it but the Hutt Baroom Female Dancers seem to get away with it because of tribal scars, tatoos and Body Paint with as near full nudity as you are going to see. Walk into any large Cantina and the female Dancers seem to slip under the Disney Radar of Morality. They make no bones about the Female Dancers doing their thing in cages and that they are slaves. Return Of The Jedi certainly put the icing on the cake when Jabba captured Leia Organa and made her a slave as she stupidly let down her guard over Han Solo trapped in Carbonite. I certainly agree that after you had a bedroom scene characters ought to appear in the bedrooms they went into, it would be a very important change quite helpful. However if you do that and little kiddies get more seeing into Adult Scenes then the Morality Police would get nervious.....wouldn't they? I thank you for replying to my post and it was not a reply from the SWsTOR Trolls.

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Some classes can be married to more than one person lmao! My BH is married to Torian but also some Baron on Alderaan and my Agent is married to Vector, a random Voss, and in one conversation she told Vector "I have a man waiting for me back home" I was like *** O_O (so 3 husbands? lol too bad you can't get Theron to marry you in SoR and then Koth in KotFE :p)


With the BH and the baron, he basically offers to marry her so that he doesn't have to marry anyone else; they spend the night together, and then never see each other again. He does this so that he won't have to enter into a political marriage in the future. I assume if he ever wants to, he can just get a no-contest divorce since the BH is unlikely to ever return to see him, nor actually care.


As for the Voss, that marriage is just for the Agent to get into certain parts of the planet; whether or not you spend the night with your "husband" (or wife), you later get a letter from them saying that they know you aren't their real "spouse" in the sense of it being a real marriage, so I guess you just get an annulment (or maybe your spouse does). But yeah, the "man waiting back home" comment surprised me; I guess I assumed that maybe they weren't really married, or it was a political marriage. Either way, my Agent's marriage to Vector is the one that matters to me.

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Whelp. I didn't think there was any companion contact once you're in KotFE so I kinda dove on Theron during SoR with my hubby Adronikus not really being bothered and such.. and low and behold.. I wander into the Gravestone finally reaching a mailbox and there's TWO love letters. Theron who's thinking of me and planning a rescue but also my pirate hubby Adronikus who's trying to find out what happened to me and will steal a shuttle if he has to to come find me.. oops? Now obviously I won't actually see Addy again until some of the new chapters if at all but I didn't think there was anything from your companions at all. My smuggler never got a dripping love letter from a pining Corso while she was carbonated and if there's any companion in game who's all lovey dovey in your face non stop, it's him. Is there a trigger for this, is it only married companions? I can't remember if I ever married Corso or not. My JC didn't get anything from her people but she never bothered with them either, romantically. Anyhows.. guess my SI is gonna have a problem if she ever sees Adronikus again while holed up with Theron on Oddessen.

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Whelp. I didn't think there was any companion contact once you're in KotFE so I kinda dove on Theron during SoR with my hubby Adronikus not really being bothered and such.. and low and behold.. I wander into the Gravestone finally reaching a mailbox and there's TWO love letters. Theron who's thinking of me and planning a rescue but also my pirate hubby Adronikus who's trying to find out what happened to me and will steal a shuttle if he has to to come find me.. oops? Now obviously I won't actually see Addy again until some of the new chapters if at all but I didn't think there was anything from your companions at all. My smuggler never got a dripping love letter from a pining Corso while she was carbonated and if there's any companion in game who's all lovey dovey in your face non stop, it's him. Is there a trigger for this, is it only married companions? I can't remember if I ever married Corso or not. My JC didn't get anything from her people but she never bothered with them either, romantically. Anyhows.. guess my SI is gonna have a problem if she ever sees Adronikus again while holed up with Theron on Oddessen.

Yeah, my F!trooper got the two love letters, one from Aric and one from Theron. Then she shacked up with Lana in KotFE. (The reasons for that are all linked to complicated stuff going on in my head at the moment she reached the pool in the swamp when looking for supplies with Lana. It wasn't the plan.)


Oh, and the F!Inq's main main is Andronikos, who probably wouldn't appreciate being called "Andy"...

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Whelp. I didn't think there was any companion contact once you're in KotFE so I kinda dove on Theron during SoR with my hubby Adronikus not really being bothered and such.. and low and behold.. I wander into the Gravestone finally reaching a mailbox and there's TWO love letters. Theron who's thinking of me and planning a rescue but also my pirate hubby Adronikus who's trying to find out what happened to me and will steal a shuttle if he has to to come find me.. oops? Now obviously I won't actually see Addy again until some of the new chapters if at all but I didn't think there was anything from your companions at all. My smuggler never got a dripping love letter from a pining Corso while she was carbonated and if there's any companion in game who's all lovey dovey in your face non stop, it's him. Is there a trigger for this, is it only married companions? I can't remember if I ever married Corso or not. My JC didn't get anything from her people but she never bothered with them either, romantically. Anyhows.. guess my SI is gonna have a problem if she ever sees Adronikus again while holed up with Theron on Oddessen.


There's a known bug where romances for some characters aren't being acknowledged. If you went through a romance but didn't get a letter it means that character is affected.


Here's the post about it.

Edited by leviathanmirror
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Oh, and the F!Inq's main main is Andronikos, who probably wouldn't appreciate being called "Andy"...


I can never get his name right, it's a brain defect of some kind so I ended up trying to short cut it, but admittedly that felt odd too. :p


And thanks for the clarification regarding the 'bug'! My Smuggler's not weeping over not hearing from Corso, she's grateful actually but I was just wondering/concerned it had to do with the relationship status so good to know!

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