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GSF Decorations / GSF 3D Printing


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Hey whats up devs and Bioware's community team.


I didn't find the suggestion part of the forums, so if you want to move this there, go ahead.


More GSF inspired decorations would be nice. In particular, our starfighters the way we painted them, with a slight exhaust fume coming out showing the color of the gas cylinder of the starfighter and sparks coming out of blasters showing its color as well. Make them look alive.


The starfighter decorations that exist right now aren't really all that to be honest, I'm sure you all can agree. No one has them up, because they look bland, lifeless and small. We want our starfighters, the ones we worked hard to Master. And we want to bring them home.


Here's a money making idea. Sell us real life 3D prints of our starfighters and sell them to us. EA execs, please don't go stupid on the price. If its affordable, they will sell like hot cakes. Color them too.


Please include this with the three new GSF maps that we're expecting to come out in 2014, I mean 2016. Make it a thing. SWTOR has proven itself as a stable MMO that is here to stay. Hire a new department, and make that money back with profit. A few maps, some improvements here and there, and we will go bonkers for those 3d prints, BONKERS!




Flashfire hot shot, Fleet Admiral

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You probably won't get a community team reply. You might think your suggestions are reasonable, but you seem to be looking at everything from a player's perspective. You need to be analyzing it from a business perspective.


Here's a money making idea. Sell us real life 3D prints of our starfighters and sell them to us. EA execs, please don't go stupid on the price. If its affordable, they will sell like hot cakes. Color them too.

Why do you think it would be a money making idea? Trying to sell GSF ships is essentially marketing something to well less than 1% of the player base. That’s a bad marketing strategy. It’s also not EA’s call, Mickey Mouse is the boss in terms of licensing the content. EA has an exclusive licensing agreement to produce Star Wars games (minus the clause about social/tablet/mobile gaming that Disney retains rights to develop), they however, do not own the rights to Star Wars, and therefore cannot license SWTOR to a third party. If Disney wanted to make SWTOR products they would start with iconic characters like Malgus, or Revan, not GSF ships. If you Google SWTOR action figures, some exist but their rarity suggests they aren’t being made anymore and it’s unclear the marketing plan the products did have. I’m guessing when Disney bought Lucasfilms and shutdown Lucasarts in 2013, they also put the brakes on any SWTOR merchandise. Even if Disney wanted to push SWTOR products, I don't think they would because it risks The Force Awakens' product sales. Pushing two Star Wars lines is confusing to the average consumer who has no idea what the Old Republic is, nor it is worth spending the money to educate people on the difference when you have a giant cash cow like The Force Awakens. Notice the giant drop in marketing of all other timelines of Star Wars, I don't think that just happened, Mickey Mouse planned it.


Please include this with the three new GSF maps that we're expecting to come out in 2014, I mean 2016. Make it a thing. SWTOR has proven itself as a stable MMO that is here to stay. Hire a new department, and make that money back with profit. A few maps, some improvements here and there, and we will go bonkers for those 3d prints, BONKERS!

If you take all the revenue generated by GSF players on GSF content, I doubt you could financially sustain even a four man dev team. Many serious GSF aren’t even subscribers anymore, and a full subscriber is only about $180 a year of revenue. When you consider salaries, benefits, and overhead a 4 man team can run around $300,000+ per year depending on the exact devs you have (artists vs. programmer, etc) and what they need to do. The main issue is how do you get a return on that investment? GSF had it’s day in the sun, and it didn’t shine, whatever the reasons are, you can’t throw more money on it and justify that. And right now the hardest part of GSF is educating the players about it, which in turn translates to high player acquisition costs. You can make $40 off someone with a bunch of virtual stuff in a hypercrate, why spend money teaching someone about an entirely different aspect of the game that they may end up hating? Especially given the finances of SWTOR, which is in a bit of a pickle because since fiscal year 2014 SWTOR’s revenue has declined each year. That decline hasn’t been constant, but accelerating, which is never a good thing. Now, in the middle six months of 2015 SWTOR has stopped that accelerated decline-- it’s still declining, but at a constant rate. Revenue isn’t profit though, SWTOR is still profitable to my knowledge, but they’ve done that but cutting back in different departments, because less money is coming in the door. Problem is you can only cut so much before it affects game quality, especially with something as big as an MMO. As many have said in this community, everything is riding of Knights of the Fallen Empire and EA’s upcoming quarterly reports will help shed light on how that is going. Hopefully they can start turning around revenue, if they can't, especially with the launch of the new movie, it's not good news. So no, making a new department to do GSF is not a good idea and impossible to justify. If SWTOR had ever increasing revenue each year, I'm sure we would have new GSF stuff, it's not like they hate GSF, as Backus and others have publicly stated. It's more like they can't justify spending money there, and I'm sure they don't want to lose their jobs over GSF.


More GSF inspired decorations would be nice. In particular, our starfighters the way we painted them, with a slight exhaust fume coming out showing the color of the gas cylinder of the starfighter and sparks coming out of blasters showing its color as well. Make them look alive.

The starfighter decorations that exist right now aren't really all that to be honest, I'm sure you all can agree. No one has them up, because they look bland, lifeless and small. We want our starfighters, the ones we worked hard to Master. And we want to bring them home.

Probably not a good idea because you need to take your 3ds max modelers away from making a lot of new content for the expansion. However, you could get the community involved in this by having them submit content and picking winners and giving away prizes. You could have a contest for deco designs and people with skills in 3d modeling could make designs and submit them. The winner gets Cartel items and their deco gets in the game or something. I know there’s a few of us in the community with experience in Blender, 3ds max, Maya, etc that could easily make decos, mounts, etc for the game. If I were you HiddenPlam, I'd recast your suggestion and ask about a community driven contest, which I think will be read with interest by members of the swtor community team ;) .

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