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1v1 Battlescout Dogfighting Challenge


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Tsukihomo I am not interested in any of your lame screenshots. in fact, i think u are such a joke that I propose to increase the stakes. lets make this 1v1 a pink card battle. when u lose, you have to leave the server forever. In the unlikely event that u get lucky and I lose then I will move my harb characters to jedi covenant. think carefully remember I defeated the top stats scout ace on the game and made him quit the game


ramalena can u record this pls

Edited by Krixarcs
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Again this post is at the request of Tsuki/Ina.


1. Do a proper reply to my previous post. When you say stuff, you should be able to back it up. So that's your opportunity to back all of that garbage you spew. After that you can move on to #2


2. What's in it for me? I don't care whether you stay or leave. I don't think anyone really cares what you do. You can't even be true to your words, so why should I even bother trusting anything you propose? Your duel with Siraka comes to mind, where you didn't care what he was flying. After you got your thrusters handed back to you, you cried us an ocean how unfair it was.


3. I'll repeat myself: log on, make your presence known, arrange for location, que up, once we're against each other we'll fight.

Edited by Maulkat
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Eh, I can record if it's after 9:30 Eastern, not Sunday night (guild ops), and I have a day or two of advanced notice for server and time. A week of notice would be better of course, because then there's a chance to reschedule if there are conflicts.


Were you two going to have a T2 gunship showdown too, or am I mixing up smack talk from multiple threads?


At any rate, if I get sufficient notice and don't have schedule conflicts I can stream it.


As a Jung Ma-ian I may have to root for the, "home team," a bit, just for old times' sake.


Even willing to film more than one match provided duelists can manage to avoid rage-quitting after the first match.

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I would like to take this opportunities to rehash this thread in hope of someone true trying to actually win 1v1 fair with scout v scout. So far The King is undefeated in these regards.


also if anyone dare WE will be offering 2v2 challenge scout or gunship aloud.

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If Krixarcs ever sets up a date with Tsukiomi, I'd be glad to assist with recording it. I also understand that he has in fact received offers regarding duels, but keeps turning them down.


Perhaps competition isn't to his liking?

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If Krixarcs ever sets up a date with Tsukiomi, I'd be glad to assist with recording it. I also understand that he has in fact received offers regarding duels, but keeps turning them down.


Perhaps competition isn't to his liking?


i miss killing that sleezy harby tsu. I always laughed as he hurried to run back to the cap ship to preseve his precious KDR. TBH he wills never fight the KING hes in perma hiding.

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The King is in semi retirement mode do to lack of challengers TBH. but maybe you can coax him out


As one of Krixarcs kronies (which as you might guess, makes me a very frequent target of EVERYONE in flying lol), i demand that our leader accept these challenges and prove his skill. I will not sit in the shadow of someone who is afraid to accept challenges that he himself asked for from people he claims to pwn....



I demand that Krixarcs prove whether i belong as his kronie, or if he belongs as mine.

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As one of Krixarcs kronies (which as you might guess, makes me a very frequent target of EVERYONE in flying lol), i demand that our leader accept these challenges and prove his skill. I will not sit in the shadow of someone who is afraid to accept challenges that he himself asked for from people he claims to pwn....



I demand that Krixarcs prove whether i belong as his kronie, or if he belongs as mine.




HA HA HA HA what is this lunacy that bursts forth from your fingers?? I have halve a mind to set up a webcam to prove to u how easy it will be to beat you with 1 arm tied behind my back. this should become a great tutorial on how to scold a rotten child, you are ON mate! wednesday 8pm eastern i am on harbinger imp and u will be harb pub. prepare to be humiliated

Edited by Krixarcs
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HA HA HA HA what is this lunacy that bursts forth from your fingers?? I have halve a mind to set up a webcam to prove to u how easy it will be to beat you with 1 arm tied behind my back. this should become a great tutorial on how to scold a rotten child, you are ON mate! wednesday 8pm eastern i am on harbinger imp and u will be harb pub. prepare to be humiliated




A duel it is :/ though i find myself a bad replacement for siraka :p his challenge still remains unanswered!!


Shall we play ror Dixarcs? :D winner gets to keep him him for..... 5 years :D

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