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Are macro's possible in SWTOR?


I have small hands :( So key's 1-5 are cool. 6 and up becomes troublesome and reaction time is lost moving my hand to press ze buttons.


There are some skills that i would like to try and macro.


An example would be binding charge and intercede to the one key. An advanced macro would work (if friendly then intercede, if unfriendly then charge) or it would work with a double press basic macro (would get an error if wrong target first press but should go through on 2nd press)


Also rotation macro's similar to WoW's macro system. Cast this, then this, then this, and reset back to the first skill if no press in X or if the sequence is completed so the skills you press 1, 2, 3 for anyway are done with 1, 1 ,1 .


If this is not possible in game - Using the 1 key press 1 action guideline - would creating an out of game macro with my keyboard for when i press button 1, it also presses button X - then i would just move skills like charge / intercede to the appropriate action bar place and it would work that way - be legal? (actually just thought of the havoc that would cause when trying to type the things outside of game. bad idea!)


I've tried the Alt+1 and ctrl +1 alternatives but my hands again make this difficult :( I have to rotate my hand at an odd angle to be able to press ctrl / alt with my pinkie / thumb..... For games that require a joystick for similar reasons i use a Microsoft Sidewinder 3D Pro that i built a serial -> USB converter for. The buttons are all close together on that thing. Modern ones are odd and i also have trouble reaching some buttons :( damn small hands!

Edited by HurrDurrCur
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Afaik using macros is against the tos.


If you're having problems, try binding other keys, like Q, E, R, F, G, Y, X, C, V*. They are pretty easy to reach.

Or try out a gaming mouse like the Razor Naga, with 12 thumb buttons. The Naga is rather small(so small that I infact got cramps using it because of my pretty big hands:D) so that my be an alternative.

Also, try using shift instead of ctrl, it's easier to reach with the little finger.


*Y would be Z if you're using the qwerty layout(on a german keyboard it's qwertz, cause we use Z more than Y ;) )

Edited by Torvai
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Macros are against the tos, However.....


You only have to watch the plethora of PvP videos on youtube to realise that they are used frequently.

The only way i see this being possible is with an MMO mouse with reprogrammable thumb buttons. They do have a macro feature.


One of the tell tail signs is seeing the red chat all over the screen saying "this skill can not be used at this time".

I know from other games that this is from people having one or more skill macro'd to the same button, it will only execute one skill at a time but the others will try to execute... hence the error message.

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One of the tell tail signs is seeing the red chat all over the screen saying "this skill can not be used at this time".

I know from other games that this is from people having one or more skill macro'd to the same button, it will only execute one skill at a time but the others will try to execute... hence the error message.

Yeah and this totally doesn't happen if you're spamming an abillitys keybind while in the gcd/out of range/stunned/etc:rolleyes:

Edited by Torvai
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Yeah and this totally doesn't happen if you're spamming an abillitys keybind while in the gcd/out of range/stunned/etc:rolleyes:


There is a second tell tail sign, i just didn't think that i had to do all your thinking for you.

Look at their ability keys, you can see them being pressed in the same pattern within milliseconds of each other.


If they are using 1-2-3 on the same macro button for example you will see the 1-2-3 buttons being pressed within 0.1 seconds of each other.


But i suppose its like hacking, it just doesn't happen in this game....... ah mi right?


EDIT: I just tried this out myself on my Guardian.

I set 4 skills with cooldowns of 12-6 seconds to the same mouse button with a 0.2 second space between them and hit the dummy...... guess what? Yeah they executed, i pressed the same button 4 times and used 4 different skills in the priority order i put them in.


I wouldn't use this method myself because i prefer my own muscle memory and keybinds, but it CAN be done and IS being done.

Edited by uzoozu
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I'm not saying that they aren't used, just that some "You can't use this skill now" messages on screen in a video isn't proof enough ;)


I'm pretty sure you could find them in a few of my videos too. And I never used macros. Some people are just damn fast with pressing keys.

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I'm not saying that they aren't used, just that some "You can't use this skill now" messages on screen in a video isn't proof enough ;)


I'm pretty sure you could find them in a few of my videos too. And I never used macros. Some people are just damn fast with pressing keys.


In exactly the same order? 1-2-3-4-5 all within a second.....

Im not saying that they are used on a regular basis either. I said that there are alot of PvP videos out there where you can see them being used plain as day. These vids all emanate from the same few guys though.

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This game has some of the worst ability bloat I have ever seen sadly. Needing 20 key binds to play at a efficient level is utter stupidity on Bioware's part. On some classes I just don't bother and accept mouse clicking abilities because I'm tired of playing my keyboard like a damn piano. On my Jugg I regularly use 1-9, E, Q, F, Z, X, C, V, and 3 mouse keys. Ridiculous.


Not surprised some people look for third part programs. My biggest wish for SWTOR combat is that they learn that "omgz MOAR ABILITIES!" doesn't make combat more enjoyable. It isn't complex it is just obnoxious.

Edited by Colivar
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One solution you may like is to use one of Logitechs multi button mice. I use the G700 which has 8 buttons.

You can map 3 of those to Shift, Control and Alt and then your 1 - 5 keys become 15 keys easily.

Alternatively you could, as I do, map the 8 mouse buttons to 1-8. I then use Sht, ctl & alt to give me 24 keys on my mouse!

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One solution you may like is to use one of Logitechs multi button mice. I use the G700 which has 8 buttons.

You can map 3 of those to Shift, Control and Alt and then your 1 - 5 keys become 15 keys easily.

Alternatively you could, as I do, map the 8 mouse buttons to 1-8. I then use Sht, ctl & alt to give me 24 keys on my mouse!


I have the G600 Logitech multi key mouse about 20 buttons in all and with 3 different configurations, that can be switch between with my right thumb. its the best gaming mouse, imo. I have 11 toons in this game and this mouse has made playing the toons so much better. Before i got this mouse i had a typical mouse and keyboard. As soon as i got gaming mouse and keyboard my fingers where able to reach the basic key binds and as well the new ones i made, that my fingers can reach now. With that and my new 20 button mouse all 11 toons became so much easier to play and my reaction time tripled i believe. Although both have macro capabilities, i do not use them. Now i have had these 2 items for so long my fingers has developed muscle memory. It is so weird no matter what toon i am on and each one has a some kind of key bind difference from the others, and with out looking my fingers just knows what keys are different from the others and i do not even have to think about it any more, just kinda cool, i think....


I recommend the G600 Logitech gaming mouse or one that is equal or better, it is a few years old now.....

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In exactly the same order? 1-2-3-4-5 all within a second.....

Im not saying that they are used on a regular basis either. I said that there are alot of PvP videos out there where you can see them being used plain as day. These vids all emanate from the same few guys though.

I would hate that, personally. As you may be aware, sometimes in pvp you have to break from a set rotation, otherwise you may be wasting an auto-crit while your target is immune, as an example. Just seeing one or two lines of the red error text doesn't mean that the person is using a macro. I get that all the time when I am spamming a button before the GCD cycle has finished. When you see 4-5 lines of red text, however, the person is either insanely fast at pressing buttons, or they are probably using some sort of macro. Back when shoulder cannon was off the GCD, I think this sort of thing was more prevalent - use a macro to unload all of the charges with one button press. Anything that is off the GCD would benefit from a macro, but there aren't a whole lot of abilities that are. But for pvp, if you are using a macro such that you can just press one button and have it execute the next ability in a pre-defined sequence, you are only gimping yourself. You are forcing yourself to use a defined sequence that will sometimes not be ideal.


I use a 12 button Naga and have never needed or even wanted to use any sort of macro. Use the Shift and Ctrl modifiers and that gives you 36 binds. People with bigger hands/fingers may struggle with the Naga's smallish buttons, but it's fine for most people. Work up the muscle memory and at a certain point it feels like a neural interface with your brain - think it and it happens. Sort of like typing.


People absolutely do use macros, in spite of them being forbidden. I've never felt the need to do so, but I have a sweet mouse that makes my reaction times about as fast as humanly possible. I'm really not sure that they provide much of an advantage over somebody like me, so I don't really care.

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I would hate that, personally. As you may be aware, sometimes in pvp you have to break from a set rotation, otherwise you may be wasting an auto-crit while your target is immune, as an example. Just seeing one or two lines of the red error text doesn't mean that the person is using a macro. I get that all the time when I am spamming a button before the GCD cycle has finished. When you see 4-5 lines of red text, however, the person is either insanely fast at pressing buttons, or they are probably using some sort of macro. Back when shoulder cannon was off the GCD, I think this sort of thing was more prevalent - use a macro to unload all of the charges with one button press. Anything that is off the GCD would benefit from a macro, but there aren't a whole lot of abilities that are. But for pvp, if you are using a macro such that you can just press one button and have it execute the next ability in a pre-defined sequence, you are only gimping yourself. You are forcing yourself to use a defined sequence that will sometimes not be ideal.


I use a 12 button Naga and have never needed or even wanted to use any sort of macro. Use the Shift and Ctrl modifiers and that gives you 36 binds. People with bigger hands/fingers may struggle with the Naga's smallish buttons, but it's fine for most people. Work up the muscle memory and at a certain point it feels like a neural interface with your brain - think it and it happens. Sort of like typing.


People absolutely do use macros, in spite of them being forbidden. I've never felt the need to do so, but I have a sweet mouse that makes my reaction times about as fast as humanly possible. I'm really not sure that they provide much of an advantage over somebody like me, so I don't really care.



I use a Logitech 12 button mouse, so i have never needed to use macros either.


However a friend of mine uses macros all the time with the same mouse as mine (different game) because he has arthritis in his left hand due to a work injury. It doesn't give him any advantage but it does allow him to play at a very high level instead of being a keyboard turner / clicker so i understand the need for them for some people.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I think hes referring to a ingame macro where most mmos has them..


example - keybinding options


skill 1 trigger - trigger next skill..


You can't have macros in SWtoR. I could think of some 3rd party tools who could work, but that could be a violation of the EULA.
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I've been using a logitech G13 game pad and G700 mouse. The G13 has 24 buttons to bind with a thumb stick to move your character. The G700 has 11 buttons to bind.


As mention in a previous post, SWTOR is bloated with abilities and I may have to click 1-3 abilities on my quickbars depending on the class I'm playing.

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  • 6 years later...
This game has some of the worst ability bloat I have ever seen sadly. Needing 20 key binds to play at a efficient level is utter stupidity on Bioware's part. On some classes I just don't bother and accept mouse clicking abilities because I'm tired of playing my keyboard like a damn piano. On my Jugg I regularly use 1-9, E, Q, F, Z, X, C, V, and 3 mouse keys. Ridiculous.


Not surprised some people look for third part programs. My biggest wish for SWTOR combat is that they learn that "omgz MOAR ABILITIES!" doesn't make combat more enjoyable. It isn't complex it is just obnoxious.


OMG. I couldn't agree more. Everytime I've left this game has been because I find it impossible to play an alt friendly game relying on some sort of Einstein muscle memory. If I get fairly good with one character then switch to another, it's back to the drawing board. Switch back? screwed again, because I am playing like the other character. Game is fun, low lvl, where I don't have to stare at my hotbar like I am playing whack a mole, cooldowns etc. How the hell people pvp in this game is beyond me. Targets move around, and stare at your hotbar. Yal are some force users I'll tell you that. I have a razer naga mouse with 12 side buttons too.

Edited by Vigilark
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OMG. I couldn't agree more. Everytime I've left this game has been because I find it impossible to play an alt friendly game relying on some sort of Einstein muscle memory. If I get fairly good with one character then switch to another, it's back to the drawing board. Switch back? screwed again, because I am playing like the other character. Game is fun, low lvl, where I don't have to stare at my hotbar like I am playing whack a mole, cooldowns etc. How the hell people pvp in this game is beyond me. Targets move around, and stare at your hotbar. Yal are some force users I'll tell you that. I have a razer naga mouse with 12 side buttons too.


Perfectly put, man.


Making people pick and choose between 4 abilities with long cooldowns rather than 2 with short is plain silly.


Some classes are very, very easy to play (Madness Sorcerer) and others feel like you're being punished for playing it.

Immortal Juggernaut is a perfect example - 6-7 Defensive cooldowns alone.

That's over a quarter of your hotkeys, not including the 13-14 attacks, force push, choke, warcries, room for stims, guard, heroic moment, and out-of-combat heal; forget fast-travel mad dash and a mount!

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