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Where is Nadia Grell?, and how do i get to her?


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Nadia is my main companion and i want her back!, i don't want to miss out on the story of how I get back together with her so i don't want to just summon her. so please tell me where she is, so i can just get started on her story line and just get her back!!. I have the most time and money into her and cartel coins ,been playing since the start of 2013 and have the most time and money invested in her so please tell me where to go to start the story to get her back!. this is such a drag, i quit in the end of Oct.2015 over this and now i came back yesterday hoping this was resolved, i spent all night last night and now so far all day today and no one can tell me how to get her back. where do i go to start her new story line and work at getting her back!..... Frustrated! Edited by Raysensi
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None of the old romance companions have come back yet, so we don't know where she is or what she's doing. If you have access to the KOTFE expansion, then at the end of Chapter 9 you can summon her back with the terminal located in your quarters, but she won't be acknowledged by anyone until she shows up at a later, unknown time.
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  • 2 weeks later...

Yes, it seems unfortunately the Devs plan to push some players off the sub list, and/or off the game entirely by doing this. They chose to kind of make something new and appealing vs. something new and all-encompassing.


We all got attached to our older companions yes, and it would have been fine if they could just explain via Lore or storyline Where some of them had gone.


For now, best advise is to save KOTFE for later until these issues can be resolved. Meaning, un-subscribe after Revan storyline.


-Jedi Sage, Jung Ma Server

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Yes, it seems unfortunately the Devs plan to push some players off the sub list, and/or off the game entirely by doing this. They chose to kind of make something new and appealing vs. something new and all-encompassing.


We all got attached to our older companions yes, and it would have been fine if they could just explain via Lore or storyline Where some of them had gone.


For now, best advise is to save KOTFE for later until these issues can be resolved. Meaning, un-subscribe after Revan storyline.


-Jedi Sage, Jung Ma Server

Yes, and then when everyone un-subscribes, they'll stop supporting the game because it's not making any money, and then everyone will be unhappy.


Don't just stop playing KOTFE because you don't have your favorite character. If you're going to stop, then you should stop because you're just dissatisfied with many aspects of the game and playing it really frustrates you. Don't do it just because one aspect of it makes you unhappy (in this case, the disappearance of a companion whom you will get back again anyway).


Unless of course that one aspect is that the game crashes constantly or something.

Edited by Yermog
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Yes, and then when everyone un-subscribes, they'll stop supporting the game because it's not making any money, and then everyone will be unhappy.


Don't just stop playing KOTFE because you don't have your favorite character. If you're going to stop, then you should stop because you're just dissatisfied with many aspects of the game and playing it really frustrates you. Don't do it just because one aspect of it makes you unhappy (in this case, the disappearance of a companion whom you will get back again anyway).


Unless of course that one aspect is that the game crashes constantly or something.


100% wrong.


Any reason is a valid reason to stop supporting the game. If the developers do not understand the desires of their customers, then they deserve to fail. If enough people are upset at the loss of their romance companions, then those players should cancel their subscriptions, and let the developers know why.


IMO, chapter 10 should have been the return of ALL the romance companions. Completely skip the plot development with Valkorian's idiot kids, and let us get our romance companions back. Then, pick up with the rest of the KotFE story in 11+ while slowly trickling in with the side-companions of lesser importance.


I fully intend to drop my subscription the instant I see that chapter 10 does not return Kira to me. Then, I'll just stay unsubscribed until I read on the web that Kira is back. They're not getting me to stay subscribed just for a stupid chapter about HK-55. I didn't care enough about the stupid HK droid to even finish the original quest to get him.

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100% wrong.


Any reason is a valid reason to stop supporting the game. If the developers do not understand the desires of their customers, then they deserve to fail. If enough people are upset at the loss of their romance companions, then those players should cancel their subscriptions, and let the developers know why.


IMO, chapter 10 should have been the return of ALL the romance companions. Completely skip the plot development with Valkorian's idiot kids, and let us get our romance companions back. Then, pick up with the rest of the KotFE story in 11+ while slowly trickling in with the side-companions of lesser importance.


I fully intend to drop my subscription the instant I see that chapter 10 does not return Kira to me. Then, I'll just stay unsubscribed until I read on the web that Kira is back. They're not getting me to stay subscribed just for a stupid chapter about HK-55. I didn't care enough about the stupid HK droid to even finish the original quest to get him.


What I find most hilarious about your post is your signature... Maybe you don't like reading, after all. That Kira is your LI doesn't mean you have to keep her right beside you at all times... She knows you're alive, and the galaxy has moved around 5 years... Give it time to make the reunion, the longer it takes, the more emotional should be...


And we don't know what's going to happen. Kaliyo and the IA who romanced her are going to be our best measure of what to expect for the rest...

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What I find most hilarious about your post is your signature... Maybe you don't like reading, after all. That Kira is your LI doesn't mean you have to keep her right beside you at all times... She knows you're alive, and the galaxy has moved around 5 years... Give it time to make the reunion, the longer it takes, the more emotional should be...


And we don't know what's going to happen. Kaliyo and the IA who romanced her are going to be our best measure of what to expect for the rest...


You just don't understand my signature. It's a reference to people wanting to skip directly to the end of the game. KotFE is completely different in concept. It's akin to book burning. Yes. That's how strongly I feel about how they butchered the game with KotFE. They threw out everything about the story we lived through and grew to love.


They even THREW OUT THE LEVELING PROCESS of the story with the free 60. They went directly against my signature by completely tossing the book out the window. The game is now less of a novel, and more of a Sunday comic strip.


Now, they are cheapening the rest of the game as much as they can. They are penny-pinching, and trying to wring every last possible penny out of us for a long as they can with as little investment as possible.


KotFE should be progressing each month with INDIVIDUAL updates for each class. It's complete crap how they have homogenized the entire storyline. It just shows that they are running this game like it's on a Zynga-Facebook-game style budget, and it disgusts me.

Edited by EJedi
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IMO, chapter 10 should have been the return of ALL the romance companions. Completely skip the plot development with Valkorian's idiot kids, and let us get our romance companions back. Then, pick up with the rest of the KotFE story in 11+ while slowly trickling in with the side-companions of lesser importance.


I fully intend to drop my subscription the instant I see that chapter 10 does not return Kira to me. Then, I'll just stay unsubscribed until I read on the web that Kira is back. They're not getting me to stay subscribed just for a stupid chapter about HK-55. I didn't care enough about the stupid HK droid to even finish the original quest to get him.


All I'm getting from this is, they're not bringing back MY fav comapnion so I don't care about what anyone else likes, what anyone else wants, about any other companion in the entire game, it's all about you and what you want. You know what I hate Kira and don't want anything to do with her just like I don't like some of the companions they've already brought back but if she is brought back before my personal fav companions then whatever I'll wait for mine I'm not going threaten to leave just because my favourite companions comes back later than others :rolleyes:


Also newsflash no Kira in Chapter 10, so goodbye :D

Edited by BlueShiftRecall
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All I'm getting from this is, they're not bringing back MY fav comapnion so I don't care about what anyone else likes, what anyone else wants, about any other companion in the entire game, it's all about you and what you want. You know what I hate Kira and don't want anything to do with her just like I don't like some of the companions they've already brought back but if she is brought back before my personal fav companions then whatever I'll wait for mine I'm not going threaten to leave just because my favourite companions comes back later than others :rolleyes:


Also newsflash no Kira in Chapter 10, so goodbye :D


You must have missed the "ALL romance companions" part of my post. Perhaps reading comprehension is not your strong suit. BTW, there is no "bye" in this game. I can play for free. I'm just not giving them any more money until they bring back Kira in the story. If they want my money, they'll give me what I want. That's how it works at restaurants. I don't go to vegan restaurants because they don't serve what I want. The SWTOR team needs to understand what the majority of their paying customers want if they want us to keep paying.


So, yes. Laugh all you want. Keep throwing your money away. I'll keep reaping the free benefits of playing or not playing as much as I like while keeping access to everything I already have. You can pay them for...whatever table scraps they feel you're worthy of having.

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They even THREW OUT THE LEVELING PROCESS of the story with the free 60. They went directly against my signature by completely tossing the book out the window. The game is now less of a novel, and more of a Sunday comic strip.





so tell me, did you stand in front of the movie theatre shouting out to everyone that if you didn;t see the original trilogy you had no place seeing episode 7?

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So, yes. Laugh all you want. Keep throwing your money away.


My reading comprehension is bad where did I ever imply I was laughing in my post? Also I work so I'll do whatever I want with my money ;)


I'm not even going to bother replying any more, so as a last word have fun with the time you have left :)

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so tell me, did you stand in front of the movie theatre shouting out to everyone that if you didn;t see the original trilogy you had no place seeing episode 7?


That doesn't make any sense. Back in pre-release, there was a whole bunch of players complaining about how leveling took too long, and they wanted to just skip the "boring story" to get right to "end game" content. What we were trying to get them to understand was that the leveling process and story WAS the game. That's why SWTOR failed. Too many people expected it to be WoW where the only thing that mattered was PvP and raiding at max level.


Also, no. I didn't line up for ep 7. I ended up working late, and almost didn't go. As a last-minute decision, I checked to see if any tickets were still available online. There were, so I bought one. I went to see the movie, and I hated it. On Christmas day, my nieces wanted to see it, so I took them. The second time, I didn't hate it so much. I can tolerate it now, but I'm a bit nervous about the next two.


I'd rank the movies in this order (best to worst): TESB, ROTJ, ANH, AOTC, TPM, TFA, ROTS


My reading comprehension is bad where did I ever imply I was laughing in my post? Also I work so I'll do whatever I want with my money ;)


I'm not even going to bother replying any more, so as a last word have fun with the time you have left :)



^ that's what that means

Edited by EJedi
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100% wrong.


Any reason is a valid reason to stop supporting the game. If the developers do not understand the desires of their customers, then they deserve to fail. If enough people are upset at the loss of their romance companions, then those players should cancel their subscriptions, and let the developers know why.


IMO, chapter 10 should have been the return of ALL the romance companions. Completely skip the plot development with Valkorian's idiot kids, and let us get our romance companions back. Then, pick up with the rest of the KotFE story in 11+ while slowly trickling in with the side-companions of lesser importance.


I fully intend to drop my subscription the instant I see that chapter 10 does not return Kira to me. Then, I'll just stay unsubscribed until I read on the web that Kira is back. They're not getting me to stay subscribed just for a stupid chapter about HK-55. I didn't care enough about the stupid HK droid to even finish the original quest to get him.


My main point with my last post was the fact that you immediately suggested that the OP unsubscribe from the game because of this one issue would likely not have the desired effect if all the players did this en masse. If everyone took this advice, then, as I said, the game would cause EA to bleed money to continue to update it and keep it going. If no one is interested (or at least no longer appear interested) in a product, then it is only good business sense to stop producing that product. In this case, SWTOR.


Now, if they had just outright thrown away all the companions a la Mass Effect 3, then I would agree completely that unsubscribing would be a good way to show your dissatisfaction with the direction the game was taking. But they didn't throw out the companions. They are all coming back (with the exceptions of Rusk and Tanno Vik, as far as I know), it's just a matter of when.


To the OP: Nadia is coming back. I can't tell you when or how, as I don't know, but she is coming back. In the meantime, enjoy everything the game offers and let the anticipation build. Absence makes the heart grow fonder and all that.

Edited by Yermog
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Well I have thought about it and once I do finish Revan, I'm going to go ahead and move on to KOTFE. I've made a letter just to help me connect things in terms of RP lol


Chikami's Letter Before KOTFE:


I sense that my path has been guided to this point and In these last moments I've found myself thinking of you. --Not the padawan but the compassionate Jedi. Your people are proud of you and your Father too would be very proud of you.


I write this last letter to you, in hopes that it will somehow reach you.

I'll continue the fight in remembrance of You, dear Nadia. My only regret ever being that I did not propose to you though I should have so many times. You always hesitated to tell me something and insisted on waiting for me to tell you and It pains me to realize that the Force may have willed something for us that I simply ignored or chose to deny.


Your Father entrusted your care and growth to me before he passed, and despite our similar age you were always the voice of innocence and energy. Despite my title you gave me wisdom beyond the council's. Despite Jedi Code--I grew so close to you. Despite my morality--I held you close. Despite my current feelings, you may never know.. see or hear these words.


Never give up, Nadia. If a fate other than death prevents me from ever finding you please do not spend the rest of your precious talent and resources to find me. Instead, continue the fight and ensure the preservation of the Republic. Please tell the others to also pursue their endeavors that too wish to fulfill their promises. If I only had the time to write them as well, alas my time is now much shorter than the start. I will find you, and we will be together, somehow --this is what my feelings reveal after searching them, meditating on them.


Know this, before and more than anything: the day you spoke to me on Defender; you said that you felt alone after your Father passed away but that you had found new life in the Order, new purpose. You credited much of this new love for life to me-- for saving your planet and for stopping you from doing what you may have ultimately lived to regret. You thanked me for these things. However, you were the one who stood up for your people when others would flee. You were the one who chose to confront those who would take your Father. It was your spirit that agreed to do what was right when faced with Choice. It is with a spirit like yours along with the help of others that will ensure peace in this Galaxy.


Farewell, Nadia.


I love You.


May the Force bind us together even when the universe reaches its darkest and coldest points.


Yours in all dimensions and planes of this Galaxy.




Sage, Jung Ma

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