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Which body type?


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That is the giant one it does not look good when using 2 lightsabers. I do not know why but its not pleasing but as a juggernaut is perfect.


I'd have to agree on this - as marauder it's just not pleasing to look at but as a juggernaut it fits like a fist to the face.

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It seems to me like everyone's favorite body type for both male and female is 2. Muscled and tall.


That being said, I think types 2 and 3 work best for a guy, and for girls, 3 is the least attractive one. This is, of course, my opinion. What helps me decide is what the face looks like once I've picked the body. If there's no attractive faces for a certain body type and species, then I go with something else.

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It seems to me like everyone's favorite body type for both male and female is 2. Muscled and tall.


That being said, I think types 2 and 3 work best for a guy, and for girls, 3 is the least attractive one. This is, of course, my opinion. What helps me decide is what the face looks like once I've picked the body. If there's no attractive faces for a certain body type and species, then I go with something else.


^Pretty much. I've never rolled a single BT 1 or 4 male. When it comes to females, the only one that's out completely is BT3. *shudders*

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^Pretty much. I've never rolled a single BT 1 or 4 male. When it comes to females, the only one that's out completely is BT3. *shudders*


I have one of each of these three types, but I would agree they're all a bit situational and require the right character concept.


- Male BT 1: One of my sith inquisitors, a pureblood, has this body type; he's a nasty little guy who overcompensates with large armor, and he hates how fitting it is when Khem Val calls him "little sith."

- Male BT 4: One of my troopers is a grizzled old veteran who has been drawn back into the fight. Gray-haired, bearded and overweight, he'd rather go get a beer than save the galaxy. He likes Tanno Vik, though.

- Female BT 3: One of my sith warriors is a cyborg female whose body has been artificially boosted to the height of physical strength; despite her imposing stature and multiple implants, she's actually a decent person.

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Both of my F Jedis are BT 3 as is one of my F Sith Warriors and a F BH. I have a lot of toons, but tend to play all around the body spectrum except for BT 1. Guess I should try a tiny person soon, huh?


I figure that a Jedi Knight or Sith Warrior or even Female BH might be athletic and keep strong to be better at her job, though I am way more body type 4 RL. :o

Edited by DjinniGenie
corrected spelling
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I picked Male 1 for my trooper, it seemed to be the most 'realisitc' shape. There is no shortage of over the top 'Big McLargehuge' stereotype male shapes in sci fi.


I picked Female 4 for my JC's shape. I thought that one was the most attractive. I kind prefer the curvy 1940s 'meatier' female shapes to today's anorexic starving looks, however there is nothing wrong with petite or athelic women shapes either.


Female #1 shape is fine, #2 seemed too top heavy, #3 while quite muscular was also too top heavy. I've seen muscular women and they often have well defined lower ends too. If BW wants a good female athletic/muscular shape as a guide, Linda Hamilton's figure she had for Terminator was great.




Edited by AndorianTJ
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Male BT 3 is oversized at the shoulder level, for me, anyway, and looks uncomfortably cramped when riding small speeders.


Female BT3 is a weird one - I have a F!BH who is still BT3, because it seems to work there. A Mirialan BT3 F!JC (sage) made it as far as arriving on Coruscant before I cranked her back to BT2. The problem? Her shoulders were so broad she looked like a man with breasts. The Darth Sion armour probably didn't help, but I previewed a bunch of more Sage-ish sets, and they all did the same thing. I don't know why the (human) BH doesn't suffer from this, though.


I think maybe it's time to load up a Cathar Assault Commando in F!BT3, and put Jorgan in his place good and proper.

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Double D's are just fine. (For 25 years, I shared my life with a woman who had DDs, so I don't think of it as unnatural, just normal.)


Double Ds are fine, double Ds on that frame looks weird if you ask me. Imo body type 2 should be more toned and athletic, which it is for the most part, except for the breasts which are plumpy. Probably for pandering reasons.

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Double Ds are fine, double Ds on that frame looks weird if you ask me. Imo body type 2 should be more toned and athletic, which it is for the most part, except for the breasts which are plumpy. Probably for pandering reasons.

Average breast size in MMORPGs tends to be larger than you'd expect in a typical real-world population. For ... reasons. But no, it isn't excessive. It would be if they were that size on BT1. (And the word you're looking for is "fan service", not "pandering".)

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Male BT 3 is oversized at the shoulder level, for me, anyway, and looks uncomfortably cramped when riding small speeders.


Female BT3 is a weird one - I have a F!BH who is still BT3, because it seems to work there. A Mirialan BT3 F!JC (sage) made it as far as arriving on Coruscant before I cranked her back to BT2. The problem? Her shoulders were so broad she looked like a man with breasts. The Darth Sion armour probably didn't help, but I previewed a bunch of more Sage-ish sets, and they all did the same thing. I don't know why the (human) BH doesn't suffer from this, though.


I think maybe it's time to load up a Cathar Assault Commando in F!BT3, and put Jorgan in his place good and proper.

Confirmed. It's the armour. My new BT3 Cathar F!Commando looks fine once she's in proper trooper armour (Tactical Infantry) because it increases the size of her hips more than it broadens her shoulders, so the shoulder-hip ratio is less masculine.


What does look silly, though is when she stands next to Bonecrusher/Paul on Ord Mantell. Man, he's *small*.

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I definitely like the Beefy McBeeferton male body type 3 but I only use it for certain characters since it's so extreme. Usually I go for type 2, then type 3, I have only 2 type 1's and no type 4's. For female characters it's 2-4-1-3.
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