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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Sages/Inquisitors are WAY TOO OP!!!


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All I gotta say....They are able to freeze themselves, you cant target them while they're doing it and they regenerate pretty much 100% of their health after they're done. That is so broken man.


Yes this is a QQ thread.


Tell you the answer. Ask Foxmob how to handle them and their bubbles. Or any well versed Merc/Trooper player. There's a not so secret ability that will take care of that OMG Bubble right fast. I know this because he did it too my own Sorc.

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All I gotta say....They are able to freeze themselves, you cant target them while they're doing it and they regenerate pretty much 100% of their health after they're done. That is so broken man.


Yes this is a QQ thread.


Have you ever met a juggernaut? SO many defensive cooldowns it's stupid. Don't complain about sorcs they're not that hard to kill once the bubble is down. Unless it's a healer sorc healers are really strong atm. But juggernauts are the real pest.

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Have you ever met a juggernaut? SO many defensive cooldowns it's stupid. Don't complain about sorcs they're not that hard to kill once the bubble is down. Unless it's a healer sorc healers are really strong atm. But juggernauts are the real pest.


How many defensive cooldowns? :) 5s reflect which has crappy damage cap. 30% hp that drop back in 10 seconds with a tiny damage reduction. Saber ward which maras have as well. ED is the only thing why jugg is viable.

Combine it with low sustained damage/predictable burst and 4 meter range of most abilities.


BTW as I already said, I will accept juggs nerf. At least this will make fotm babies jump off their Kylo Ren inspired toons.

Edited by DerSchneider
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Tell you the answer. Ask Foxmob how to handle them and their bubbles. Or any well versed Merc/Trooper player. There's a not so secret ability that will take care of that OMG Bubble right fast. I know this because he did it too my own Sorc.

Because everyone play a merc/trooper.

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I say sorc are dummy right now. Giving them sin's phase walk aint enough. They should also give'em operative's rollig. Oh, and mara's undying rage. Well, enraged defence would be cool too, but I guess it would be too mach :) Edited by Rouakh
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An invincible bubble that has a 3 minute cooldown.... such an op skill yall!


I wouldn't say it's the godbubble, but the fact that it heals2full, along with their phasewalk and ridiculous mobility while healing that makes them a pain.

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I mean, it's their only significant cooldown...


Sorc healers ARE really strong right now, but a couple good burst DPS can burn them down if the tank's out of guard range. Barrier is actually a rather finicky cooldown - ask anyone who mains a sorc.

Edited by Hoppinswtor
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I mean, it's their only significant cooldown...


Sorc healers ARE really strong right now, but a couple good burst DPS can burn them down if the tank's out of guard range. Barrier is actually a rather finicky cooldown - ask anyone who mains a sorc.


3 burst dps can burn one down, twice. Since they reset the fight after barrier.

Problem is that in any given match there are 2 - 3 *****************, making them nigh immortal.

They can also heal themselves and everyone around them while being burned down, then they phasewalk and heal 2 full again.

Edited by Ruhun
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Yes this is a QQ thread.


^The only accurate statement in this whole thread so far.



1. Matchmaking is the biggest problem.


You got nubs facing vets. Nubs play bad... It's true and to be expected imo while they learn their abilities, abilities of other classes, and the strategies and gameplay for each warzone. Some people just are not as good as others.


Skill disparity between the teams create non-competitive matches.


Having one team equipped with zero heals, and another with 2-4 can create problems... So class matchmaking also can further exacerbate the problem of one team being superior to another.


Solution? Pair up teams with people of similar skill levels, as well as match up teams with some control over what classes are on each team, at least sort the teams better than the random match-making we got now in regs.



*To elaborate on bad gameplay in general:

I honestly believe some of the most powerful DPS require some serious skill to play. Concealment ops, marauders, juggs, AP/PTs, arsenal mercs, snipers, all can shut a sorceror healer down to a point where they must heal themselves to stay alive and over time can even be killed.


The caveat is that the player on the DPS really has to be a very skilled player at that class, whereas the skill level of the sorc healer can be much lower to squeeze out the full potential of the sorc.


Point is, yes, sorcs are over-performing compared to other healers. They also enjoy the highest efficiency in HPS and require the least amount of effort of the healers to get that HPS.


The thing is, the other two healers are gimped in PVP right now, especially the merc healer. As a player who enjoys healing, there's absolutely no reason why anyone would pick one of the other two healers to play in PVP unless they simply love the playstyle of that class. For the merc healer, it's hard to imagine anyone enjoying their playstyle in PVP right now.


There are many DPS specs which are very capable of shutting down ALL healers solo, the problem is there are very few players who can do it.


When you have a team slapped together with DPS that can't even put out 800 DPS over the course of a match in 65s, this only makes a sorc healer look that much OP'd especially when he gets a guard and team support, or is running in a premade.



Matchmaking is the biggest problem.


I am just tired of being in warzones, and being on teams where half the team gives up after the first two minutes of the match, then they start whining about how "imps losing again, as usual". After the match I look at their stats, and they literally contributed **** to the warzone.


I think these same awful players come to the forums and whine the same way TBH. Not all, but in many cases I believe it to be the case.


Mostly bads complaining about bad matchmaking, but not realizing that is the true problem. These bads are playing against not-bads, and are getting schooled, but instead of understanding that, they think it's only because the other team has a sorc healer or is hacking, etc.

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All I can say is, there's a certain sound that comes with getting pwn'd by a Sage/Sorcerer and when you hear the "BOOM BOOM BOOM" and know you've been hit by one of them, you know you're probably gonna die. To me that seems pretty OP that everytime i'm getting hit by a thundering blast (also the sage equivelant) i know i'm gonna have a bad time.
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All I can say is, there's a certain sound that comes with getting pwn'd by a Sage/Sorcerer and when you hear the "BOOM BOOM BOOM" and know you've been hit by one of them, you know you're probably gonna die. To me that seems pretty OP that everytime i'm getting hit by a thundering blast (also the sage equivelant) i know i'm gonna have a bad time.


You really do not strenghten your argument that sorcs are OP'd, when you fear lightning specced sorcs. The weakest "burst" spec in the game right now, and the very sound of it's thunder strikes fear into you. Just lol. :)

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All I can say is, there's a certain sound that comes with getting pwn'd by a Sage/Sorcerer and when you hear the "BOOM BOOM BOOM" and know you've been hit by one of them, you know you're probably gonna die. To me that seems pretty OP that everytime i'm getting hit by a thundering blast (also the sage equivelant) i know i'm gonna have a bad time.



Heal sorcs are one the biggest cancers of PvP. But blaming lightning sorcs??? They have approximately zero dmg. If you got burst down by a lightning sorc, you should focus on RP instead...

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All I can say is, there's a certain sound that comes with getting pwn'd by a Sage/Sorcerer and when you hear the "BOOM BOOM BOOM" and know you've been hit by one of them, you know you're probably gonna die. To me that seems pretty OP that everytime i'm getting hit by a thundering blast (also the sage equivelant) i know i'm gonna have a bad time.


Like others before me said, Lightning Sorcs are a laughing stock.

You should feel bad.

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A good player who knows their way around a sage/sorc know how to stay alive 1v1, its not hard to focus one to take them down, however, if there is more then two sorcs in an 8v8 match, it might get a little harder, but each class can be taken down if you know what your doing. I get a kick out of it when people get my sage down and I bubble, they keep attacking me, thinking I'll somehow die, but to say a specific class is OP is telling everyone you're not a good player and want the playing field on your level.
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All I gotta say....They are able to freeze themselves, you cant target them while they're doing it and they regenerate pretty much 100% of their health after they're done. That is so broken man.


Yes this is a QQ thread.


Sorcs and Operatives are in the same boat in my opinion. Overpowered healer class. Did Sorc's really need phasewalk? Operative roll is pretty outstandingly annoying. I think most of us agree with you that these classes need a tune for pvp. However, if you want heals in PVP you have to give people a reason to play the role.


I have no problem with DPS Jug. I do wish the animation was more distinguished. ED and Reflection should be something easy to say time to kite/stun/slow.


Buff merc defenses please.

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