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2015 Highlights and low points - your views


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Hi folks, I'd love to see a top 3 of each - high point and low for 2015. It would be nice to think Bioware would take note going into the future.


My own are:



1) Costume designer - even if you only want to keep one look it saves ripping out mods etc

2) Cinematic style & story content - Great to look at and fun characterization of NPCs

3) Long clothing not clipping through speeders fix



1) Game play made way too easy - its dull, dull, dull levelling with overpowered companions and no requirement to maintain decent gear as you move through the game. Too much has been done to simplify the game for newcomers.

2) GTN broken - items of all types not listing/searchable correctly

3) Crafting - an absolute balls made in 4.0 - crafters either have useless or unaffordable options open to them

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Hi folks, I'd love to see a top 3 of each - high point and low for 2015. It would be nice to think Bioware would take note going into the future.


My own are:



1) Costume designer - even if you only want to keep one look it saves ripping out mods etc

2) Cinematic style & story content - Great to look at and fun characterization of NPCs

3) Long clothing not clipping through speeders fix



1) Game play made way too easy - its dull, dull, dull levelling with overpowered companions and no requirement to maintain decent gear as you move through the game. Too much has been done to simplify the game for newcomers.

2) GTN broken - items of all types not listing/searchable correctly

3) Crafting - an absolute balls made in 4.0 - crafters either have useless or unaffordable options open to them


Agree with all of these. Breaking the social-difficulty curve (which has also broken group-finder) definitely goes under lows.

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  • Shadow of Revan Expansion, the last one that was good. Ziost was already.. :mad:.
  • New camera movements
  • Improved graphics quality
  • Improved performance
  • New armor sets in cartel market
  • Some mature bug fixes (Like cloth through speeder)



  • Getting away from the original idea
  • 4.0
  • Everything concerning 4.0
  • Game made for lazy people
  • Vendors removed
  • Same green **** at every mission
  • Lockboxes instead of special rewards
  • Centralising in general
  • No challenge anymore
  • Less RP than 1 year ago
  • Star Wars fan quit the game, casual players came
  • Automatically disabled side missions
  • No added easter eggs
  • Less active community moderators.
  • ... I could go on.. :(

Edited by LordSodos
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Dev team


The developers are motivated, but EA holds BioWare back, so BioWare needs to hold their developers back. If I win in lottery or have a good idea that brings me some money, I buy the game and develop it with my old game studio. ^^

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Hi folks, I'd love to see a top 3 of each - high point and low for 2015.


• Costume Designer (by FAR the #1 thing of 2015!!!!)

• 4.0's story - I feel it blows away every other story they've had

• Removal of XP penalty when grouping



• Lack of development

• PvP balance

• Lack of quality

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The developers are motivated, but EA holds BioWare back, so BioWare needs to hold their developers back. If I win in lottery or have a good idea that brings me some money, I buy the game and develop it with my old game studio. ^^


Not true. Bioware Austin's management holds them back, not EA. Bioware Austin is doing EXACTLY what they want...they just don't understand their own product. EA doesn't care about this game...it's been terribly mismanaged - I'll be shocked if something doesn't happen, like development being "moved"... Austin is a VERY easy office for EA to close.

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Not true. Bioware Austin's management holds them back, not EA. Bioware Austin is doing EXACTLY what they want...they just don't understand their own product. EA doesn't care about this game...it's been terribly mismanaged - I'll be shocked if something doesn't happen, like development being "moved"... Austin is a VERY easy office for EA to close.


^ This.


They tried to augment their relevance with that shadow realms bomb.



As limited as 4.0 is, it shows that they still have talent and can produce value if they want to. IMO their direction, discipline, and level of caring are sorely lacking. No I don't need to work there to make that judgement. It's that obvious.

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