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How can they even think that it's because....


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Cretinus, you should make a sorc healer! You might enjoy it m8. You know the old saying, "if you can't beat them..."


Dude. I have a sorc healer. I know how it plays. And I know that with guard I'm nearly immortal.


I agree that it shouldn't be too easy to beat a tank + heal combo. But the standard has to be that if outnumbered by players of their own skill, they will go down after a while.

Currently, a tank + sorc healer combo will only go down against highly coordinated opposition that has players much better than they are. Against players of their own skill they are immortal. This is game breaking and enfuriating.

Edited by Cretinus
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Dude. I have a sorc healer. I know how it plays. And I know that with guard I'm nearly immortal.


I agree that it shouldn't be too easy to beat a tank + heal combo. But the standard has to be that if outnumbered by players of their own skill, they will go down after a while.

Currently, a tank + sorc healer combo will only go down against highly coordinated opposition that has players much better than they are. Against players of their own skill they are immortal. This is game breaking and enfuriating.


Its not sorcs any healing class can be good depending on the lvl of skills of the tank . Half the time.i dont run wih a tank so i self peel bcuz most ppl as dps dont know how to peel for the team so yeah .

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No you dont.... Stop lying to these people there is no way you burst down a sorc with a gaurd like that no way lies you tell bro. And what people are not reading is OP Mentioned gaurded healers not healers on theyre own gaurded....


Your tracer missle does 1.5k damage your biggest hit HSM does a meager 5k than rail shot proced 5 stacks 6k at max.


So how are you bursting this walking wall down again do you have some kind of super merc or something?


Lies you tell, lies!!!


What are you playing, mids? Without gear?

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i dont even go by this to compare they were in premades and prob had 2 tanks and 2 healers granted bcuz of who they are were talking bout ppl who play that are not that well known as they are .


These are numbers taken from a large pool of players in all different matches, I don't understand how you can argue the data. If you want more controlled just pure number data you can look at the arenas which basically argue the same thing. Merc Sucks, Operative is only good against strictly cleave and Sorcs are good at everything and have little weakness. This is a good indication of how unbalanced the HPS/Healing is currently.


Since we are talking just numbers right now lets talk about number farm. All I do is number farm, tiny bit on my sorc (stopped because the class bores me), on a merc and operative (more operative). Farming numbers you need good tanks, solid heals and good DPS on both sides.


I'll tell you right now as a Operative to number farm its extremely hard because you need a very specific comp on your team and a good back up healer who is a sorc or an extremely strong merc to be successful. Since our single target heals are complete garbage even with a good tank people drop like flies. While I have seen sorcs solo heal full groups in regs with one tank successfully multiple teams. They are great at single target burst, great at aoe burst heals and even when pressured it really doesn't effect their HPS.


For ****sakes a guy on Harbinger went into an arena wearing full ranked operative gear on his fresh green sorc, not even healing correctly did 7.3k HPS. Sorcs are broken there is no questioning that.


In a healing reg without a tank? Sorc heals no problem. Operative or Merc? Hell *********** no. People are going to be dropping like flies. If you kite, that's lost HPS. Interupts/stunned or forced to adjust position all loses a lot of HPS. Seeing how Sorcs HAVE great survivablity even half decent sorcs can pull over 6-7k. Pulling 6-7K as a Merc or Operative is extremely difficult. I have yet to see a Merc pull over 6k. I have tried pulling 5.8k in an arena on my merc but there was no way I could sustain that more then a minute. I'm not the great merc healer but I know Evo who has been playing Merc since launch and is extremely talented. If he cant pull off Merc heals in this meta it's broken. Merc in its current state as a healer doesn't belong in PvP. It has poor heat management, no survivablity and pretty weak sustain. Operative's are decent but seem extremely weak compared to Sorc who have no real weakness and can do just as much HPS.


In all areas of PvP Healing in Regs in 4.0 and Arenas/ranked it goes as followed:


Sorc > Operative ......................... > Merc.



I don't understand anyone who can argue anything differently after playing all classes in regs and ranked.

Edited by kissingaiur
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Thanks Hottie. You really know how to wall your opinion out.

In a positive way:D


Mercs just suck.

Ops are okay but not great.



Are you still healing 4s on your op (I don't watch you stream too often because it's about 3 am where I live when you stream)?


I've quit on it some time ago because of how bad good teams could shut me down (keep me whitebarred and rotate interrupts) down to 5k hps, even less against double burst comps.


Against not so good teams I can easiliy pull 6k hps but the better our enemies are, the lower my hps.


My team told me to reroll sorc and I did. Against the teams I've mentioned before I pulled 6-6.5k average.


But I hate sorcs. (deep in my heart and in huttball ofc I am still an op)

Have you ever experienced something similar to this?

Edited by aristrokratie
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Lol hottie i play on my merc n op heals wihout a tank for the longest time and i do perectly fine :) i dunno what your problem is . Yes number farming i can see that but you cant do number farming without your premade . I can do number farming without a premade in regs thats the diffrence .
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Lol hottie i play on my merc n op heals wihout a tank for the longest time and i do perectly fine :) i dunno what your problem is . Yes number farming i can see that but you cant do number farming without your premade . I can do number farming without a premade in regs thats the diffrence .


I can sit here and list every fact why you are dead wrong but seeing by your reply, it's clear you are only here to see yourself talk. I have played every healing class in pvp in this game and have enough experience to understand which are strong and which are lacking. I have played games with newbies, with great players, with tanks, without tanks, with premades, with no premades and with every party comp you could probably think of. I have had thousands of PvP matches under my belt; group ranked matches, solo ranked matches and many, many reg matches. On top of all this, I have the opportunity to have open conversation with some of the most talented players on harbinger on a daily bases about class balance.


Seeing how you can't even argue my post, you are throwing necessary insults to deaf ears.


PS- Come do 4s vs. STI with a Merc or Operative healer with any comp you could think of. You will learn fast.

Edited by kissingaiur
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Thanks Hottie. You really know how to wall your opinion out.

In a positive way:D


Mercs just suck.

Ops are okay but not great.



Are you still healing 4s on your op (I don't watch you stream too often because it's about 3 am where I live when you stream)?


I've quit on it some time ago because of how bad good teams could shut me down (keep me whitebarred and rotate interrupts) down to 5k hps, even less against double burst comps.


Against not so good teams I can easiliy pull 6k hps but the better our enemies are, the lower my hps.


My team told me to reroll sorc and I did. Against the teams I've mentioned before I pulled 6-6.5k average.


But I hate sorcs. (deep in my heart and in huttball ofc I am still an op)

Have you ever experienced something similar to this?


No, I am not currently doing team ranked anymore. Operative is no viable in fours anymore unless you KNOW you are up against pure cleave (AP,Madness, Sin tank in DPS gear or something like that). Other then that, you would always bring a Sorc.


Operatives were great at the beginning of the season when majority of the teams were running pressure but when Mez healer comps started up, Operatives were extremely hard to heal with. Double Mez on CD into 2-4 interrupts let you get half of your healing out between white bars, rip. Operatives are too easy to shut down once teams learned how and it's easier/safer to run a Sorc. Sorcs are just better with deal with spike damage in between mezes/ccs, have extremely good effective HPS as well as strong mobility/defensives. Lukewarm Tauntauns I have seen (from watching streams), run Operatives sometimes but they are extremely more experience then me but they still lose to acid barrier.

Edited by kissingaiur
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hottie i didnt even bother to read your post bcuz idc you saw me last wz with no tank on my merc i proved my point besides this isnt a pissing contest idfag what you think nor anyone . Mercs are fine i enjoy mine and i do great on mine sorry theres people like you that need tanks to farm numbers . After all the games been out for awhile idk why ppl are complaing for its regs just play the damn game and **** . Unless this game turns out to be some LoL or dota 2 then you can talk unil then ill continue to not give a flying **** Gg
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hottie i didnt even bother to read your post bcuz idc you saw me last wz with no tank on my merc i proved my point besides this isnt a pissing contest idfag what you think nor anyone . Mercs are fine i enjoy mine and i do great on mine sorry theres people like you that need tanks to farm numbers . After all the games been out for awhile idk why ppl are complaing for its regs just play the damn game and **** . Unless this game turns out to be some LoL or dota 2 then you can talk unil then ill continue to not give a flying **** Gg


Being fun and being competitive are two extremely different things. Mercs are fun. I love my Merc and I love my Operative. I can pull pretty numbers with both classes. Are Mercs/Ops in this meta viable against Sorcs in PvP when it comes to survivability, mobility, CDs or HPS? Currently, No.


Who said this was a "pissing contest"? You think Ops and Mercs are fine comparied to Sorcs come put your money where your mouth is, do teams and see for yourself. Please come prove me wrong. :)

Edited by kissingaiur
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Cretinus, i think i have you figured out. I could be wrong, but....I don't think you really are interested in this whole sorc debate as much as you are just into stirring the pot.


The sheer number of posts you make, I'm really just wondering if this is just to keep people riled up lol.


Like I said, I could be wrong, but, your frequency of postings on this topic make me wonder. :D

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Cretinus, i think i have you figured out. I could be wrong, but....I don't think you really are interested in this whole sorc debate as much as you are just into stirring the pot.


The sheer number of posts you make, I'm really just wondering if this is just to keep people riled up lol.


Like I said, I could be wrong, but, your frequency of postings on this topic make me wonder. :D


Over the years I think this is part of his motives. I don't think his sorc hate threads are nearly as bad as the op healer hate threads back in the day though.

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Over the years I think this is part of his motives. I don't think his sorc hate threads are nearly as bad as the op healer hate threads back in the day though.


Perhaps he's just mad at BW for always having some completely OP healer specc? Could this be it? Hmmmmmmmm.... We'll never know for sure.

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Perhaps he's just mad at BW for always having some completely OP healer specc? Could this be it? Hmmmmmmmm.... We'll never know for sure.


BW wants the easy to pick up classes to be op so the new players actually think they're good.

OFC this completely breaks pvp but they don't care about this minigame. Story is way more important.

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Over the years I think this is part of his motives. I don't think his sorc hate threads are nearly as bad as the op healer hate threads back in the day though.


I got curious about Op heals hate, and started working my way back in time, and sort of ran into this thread. And had a good chuckle. It's not Cret's quality post, but it goes over the same Healers are Op thinggie, and oh, boy, that Kolto Probe sounds like the Wandering Mend of the day.



Edited by DomiSotto
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