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Blood Hunt is impossible


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Seriously guys, this fight needs a HUGE nerf NOW. Like it's not bad enough that you took literally every single annoying feature of a boss fight (multiple targets, adds, knockbacks, slowdowns, hazards, you name it), but I've been in groups with people in Ops gear and it's an absolute wipefest. This is absolutely ludicrous. You can't even get a group together for it anymore! People see that they get thrown into Blood Hunt, and they drop group right away.



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Learn the fights? Premade group with competent players? Don't PuG it. You'll never know what you're going to get.


Thank you for giving the orioginal poster the very reason hy this fight has to be nerfed : It can only be beaten by Premades and Guilds.


Or, in other words : It has become "guild-only content" now.


Fine for you.

Bad for everyone else.

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Thank you for giving the orioginal poster the very reason hy this fight has to be nerfed : It can only be beaten by Premades and Guilds.


Or, in other words : It has become "guild-only content" now.


Fine for you.

Bad for everyone else.


I don't do HM ops. I think some in my guild do, but I don't. But if there is content that only those serious players can complete, so what? 99.999999% of this game can be done by everyone else. I am OK with the fact I will never be able to complete it.


This is why they put in super healer companion. People just kept asking for a "I WIN" button, so they finally relented.

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Thank you for giving the orioginal poster the very reason hy this fight has to be nerfed : It can only be beaten by Premades and Guilds.


Or, in other words : It has become "guild-only content" now.


Fine for you.

Bad for everyone else.


Thank you - pretty much exactly what I was going to say.

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I ran a couple of PuGs through Blood Hunt tactical yesterday and today.

The wipe was brutal because nobody responded when I asked if people needed the tactics explaining, but after that they listened and we got through it. Sure, my healing was a bit more stressed than with my guild runs, and there were a few "oh crap" moments that meant it was very close, but all it needed was for someone to take the time to explain it to the others.

I am not going to resort to "pfft, l2p" because it doesn't help or add value to the discussion. But if you get Blood Hunt or any of the other "tough" TFPs in a PuG, then make sure before any given fight that people know what to do. Train them, teach them, help them become better. If you don't want to do that, then quit and stop being a whiny ***** on the forums, because if you are not going to help them then you are a bigger part of the problem than they are.

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  • 5 years later...
I ran a couple of PuGs through Blood Hunt tactical yesterday and today.

The wipe was brutal because nobody responded when I asked if people needed the tactics explaining, but after that they listened and we got through it. Sure, my healing was a bit more stressed than with my guild runs, and there were a few "oh crap" moments that meant it was very close, but all it needed was for someone to take the time to explain it to the others.

I am not going to resort to "pfft, l2p" because it doesn't help or add value to the discussion. But if you get Blood Hunt or any of the other "tough" TFPs in a PuG, then make sure before any given fight that people know what to do. Train them, teach them, help them become better. If you don't want to do that, then quit and stop being a whiny ***** on the forums, because if you are not going to help them then you are a bigger part of the problem than they are.


This is one heck of a necro, but it sure as hell ain't no ones responsibility to teach others how to play or fights. Super fine and good if people do it, but don't walk around saying they are responsible or should ****, that's just absolute idiocy.

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