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Pls more Jadus in KotFE(Spoilers)


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I chose to use my agent to play the story first because I wanted to see is Jadus involved in the story, too bad we only got illusion. I mean Jadus was the only one who paid attention to the Emperor's doing. He even said that "The Emperor was distracted" and I suspect his seclusion was to avoid the Eternal Empire's clash. I really think he would add a lot to the story.
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If Jadus is included in here than Bioware will forever have my money lol


No seriously though Jadus is probably my favorite sith npc next to Darth Marr and Darth Malgus. It would be amazing if you could recruit hm for the Alliance though that might be a bad idea for the allaince lol

Edited by ConVallian
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Seconded, Jadus is way too interesting a character not to do something with. I seriously cannot listen to him go on about "democratizing terror" without my mind just being blown over what a fascinating brand of crazy he is.


While we're at it, what about at least an epilogue about what eventually happened to "Lord Grathan"?

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I think its impossible to leave out a Dark Lord of the Sith from the story, when "his power is second only to the Emperor himself". And no matter if you were LS or DS IA, he never died. Personally I'm awaiting his return ever since. Maybe he's currently finally teaches Zhorrid right now? He's the one who had a grasp of Vitiate's thinking.
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I think its impossible to leave out a Dark Lord of the Sith from the story, when "his power is second only to the Emperor himself". And no matter if you were LS or DS IA, he never died. Personally I'm awaiting his return ever since. Maybe he's currently finally teaches Zhorrid right now? He's the one who had a grasp of Vitiate's thinking.

That quote from Watcher Two is irrelevant, though. It contradicts other quotes like Darth Decimius "From slavery rises the most powerful sith in generations; Thanaton is right to fear you!" -To the SI.

Watcher Two really doesn't comprehend the force, Imperial Intelligence have no way at all to know which Sith is the most powerful, and Watcher Two is simply a Watcher, it's no way she'd have any way to know this (And no way for anyone higher in Intelligence to know either). Also, Zhorrid is dead. She's killable, and guess what. If you allow her to live, then the other DC-members kill her quickly. Keep in mind that she's almost dead when you get the chance to kill her already. I bet that she dies of infection from the salt in her wounds or something comical if you don't side with Jadus...

But indeed, he should be included in the story.

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That quote from Watcher Two is irrelevant, though. It contradicts other quotes like Darth Decimius "From slavery rises the most powerful sith in generations; Thanaton is right to fear you!" -To the SI.

Watcher Two really doesn't comprehend the force, Imperial Intelligence have no way at all to know which Sith is the most powerful, and Watcher Two is simply a Watcher, it's no way she'd have any way to know this (And no way for anyone higher in Intelligence to know either).


Valkorion also called Jadus the best Sith to come out of the Sith Empire.

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Valkorion also called Jadus the best Sith to come out of the Sith Empire.


While I think Jadus is powerful, being the best sith doesn't necessarily mean he's the most powerful. Especially given the fact that an agent (Which at that stage was WAAAAAAAY less experienced then the current one) was able to hold him off, if it was the agent at the end of the story, I could buy it, but unless Jadus was seriously holding back, the Agent would not have been able to hold him off.


Though, with Jadus missing, he could have become much more powerful. He was trying to make sure he survived the Emperor's plans, so he might have been subjecting himself to some...experimentation while in hiding.

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That quote from Watcher Two is irrelevant, though. It contradicts other quotes like Darth Decimius "From slavery rises the most powerful sith in generations; Thanaton is right to fear you!" -To the SI.

Watcher Two really doesn't comprehend the force, Imperial Intelligence have no way at all to know which Sith is the most powerful, and Watcher Two is simply a Watcher, it's no way she'd have any way to know this (And no way for anyone higher in Intelligence to know either). Also, Zhorrid is dead. She's killable, and guess what. If you allow her to live, then the other DC-members kill her quickly. Keep in mind that she's almost dead when you get the chance to kill her already. I bet that she dies of infection from the salt in her wounds or something comical if you don't side with Jadus...

But indeed, he should be included in the story.


Watcher Two's job is all about information, she probably pulled that quote from Sith Lords and Imperials. Though I'm pretty sure 'second to the emperor' is said about all the council members. Still, doesn't mean it's true.

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Also, Zhorrid is dead. She's killable, and guess what. If you allow her to live, then the other DC-members kill her quickly. Keep in mind that she's almost dead when you get the chance to kill her already. I bet that she dies of infection from the salt in her wounds or something comical if you don't side with Jadus...


"Cipher Nine managed to eradicate those who were a part of the Eagle terrorist network, which gave Zhorrid a chance to achieve more personal power. In 3641 BBY the Star Cabal nearly brought Imperial Intelligence, one of the organizations operating inside her sphere of influence, to its knees. She disbanded the agency and, along with the Dark Council, established Sith Intelligence, which she headed directly though she was later replaced with Lana Beniko by Darth Marr."

So in more canon version Zhorrid was still the Sphere of Iintelligence, and Lana only replaced her as the head of Sith Intelligence, therefore we should assume she was still on the Council when Zakuul invaded. (Ofc there' the alternate version where you kill her, but I usually go with the wookiepedia version)

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"Cipher Nine managed to eradicate those who were a part of the Eagle terrorist network, which gave Zhorrid a chance to achieve more personal power. In 3641 BBY the Star Cabal nearly brought Imperial Intelligence, one of the organizations operating inside her sphere of influence, to its knees. She disbanded the agency and, along with the Dark Council, established Sith Intelligence, which she headed directly though she was later replaced with Lana Beniko by Darth Marr."

So in more canon version Zhorrid was still the Sphere of Iintelligence, and Lana only replaced her as the head of Sith Intelligence, therefore we should assume she was still on the Council when Zakuul invaded. (Ofc there' the alternate version where you kill her, but I usually go with the wookiepedia version)


As said by Bioware themselves, there is no cannon version.

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That quote from Watcher Two is irrelevant, though. It contradicts other quotes like Darth Decimius "From slavery rises the most powerful sith in generations; Thanaton is right to fear you!" -To the SI.

Watcher Two really doesn't comprehend the force, Imperial Intelligence have no way at all to know which Sith is the most powerful, and Watcher Two is simply a Watcher, it's no way she'd have any way to know this (And no way for anyone higher in Intelligence to know either). Also, Zhorrid is dead. She's killable, and guess what. If you allow her to live, then the other DC-members kill her quickly. Keep in mind that she's almost dead when you get the chance to kill her already. I bet that she dies of infection from the salt in her wounds or something comical if you don't side with Jadus...

But indeed, he should be included in the story.


Dude there was no Darth Nox when Darth Jadus was active in the empire. Watcher Two was right at that point he was the second strongest sith in the empire. Did you forgot how Darth Nox became so powerful and his struggles to become so?

Edited by adormitul
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You got a Link that say he is ALIVE? Cose for me in the game , He said he was gonna get killed by the Other Lord .


You help him - He's back on the council, goes into hiding after finding out the Emperor's plans.

You convince him to run - He goes into hiding

You capture him - He is captured and you are later informed via mail that he eventually escaped.

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Actually, I think I'll sign this petition. I never really understood the fascination with him (I saw him as clever, but not much more so than Malgus). I was playing Fallen Empire with my Agent, and was delighted when I fought his vision (better than the Keeper I expected). But it was when Valkorion called him "The greatest Sith" his Empire ever created did I realize that he was actually a great man.
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Actually, I think I'll sign this petition. I never really understood the fascination with him (I saw him as clever, but not much more so than Malgus). I was playing Fallen Empire with my Agent, and was delighted when I fought his vision (better than the Keeper I expected). But it was when Valkorion called him "The greatest Sith" his Empire ever created did I realize that he was actually a great man.


I just think he knew the Emperor's doing, so it would be awesome to let him get involved because we are dealing with the Emperor and his secret now.

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I don't know . I mean , the guy who voiced him sure had a nice voice . And his dialogue didnt come off as 'Muahaha I'm evil' ...


But in the end , once you meet him and all....I was kinda dissapointed . I was like 'Yawn...world domination...with Giant Plants......wake me up when it's unique' :p

He did make the 1st chapter a Blast . But.....would have been nice if he was also the final boss . Instead after chapter 1...he feel like a mini-boss . Anyone you fight at chapter 1....you forget about most of the time .


So if it is true , you capture him and he does escape...its a shame you dont face him again Later . while he didnt impress me , I take him over that Twit whats his name we fight in the end .

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Watcher Two's job is all about information, she probably pulled that quote from Sith Lords and Imperials. Though I'm pretty sure 'second to the emperor' is said about all the council members. Still, doesn't mean it's true.

Haha, well, why would Sith Lords tell her what they think? Sith are secretive. But indeed, it's doesn't mean that it's true, it's just a quote and a personal opinion.



Wookiepedia's version here is irrelevant. She's killable, which means that she's killed. If not by Cipher Nine, then she was killed by some Dark Council member for being annoying. She couldn't just be "replaced by Darth Marr", you do realize that Marr has NO SAY about other Council members, right? NONE. He can't just "replace" other Council members when they're alive.... He's not the Emperor. She's dead. She was dead BEFORE SOR, hence why SIth Intelligence was made with Lana Beniko as it's leader. Zorrid= Long dead.


Valkorion also called Jadus the best Sith to come out of the Sith Empire.

The best Sith, not the most powerful. Valky tells the SI (And probably the SW) that they're above being Sith, as the Sith is a failed organization and therefore being the best Sith is not really desireable. Being the best and being the most powerful doesn't have to be the same; if you're the most powerful Jedi but you're not even following the Jedi code, then you're not the best Jedi after all. It's the same with Sith.


Dude there was no Darth Nox when Darth Jadus was active in the empire. Watcher Two was right at that point he was the second strongest sith in the empire. Did you forgot how Darth Nox became so powerful and his struggles to become so?

True, but I just pointed out that it's just a quote by a NPC which means little. And of course; Decimus knows much more about the powers of Sith than Watcher 2, so his opinion matters more. Even though I don't consider any of their opinions as "valid", it's simply personal opinions. And no, I have played the SI storyline 6 times, I recall almost every line, haha.

Edited by Leaveshill
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I still think Watcher 2 was right at that time Darth Jadus was the strongest sith after the emperor in the empire but at that Nox was just a sith apprentice to Darth not yet with the powerf of 5 sith ghosts and body that could resist the powers of those ghosts. The Wrath also just a apprentice of a Darth a capable one but a apprentice none the less and it was like 3 or 4 years until he became the Wrath so a lot of time until he became as strong as he became.
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