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WARNING SPOILERS From Star Wars: The Force Awakens Explanation and Speculation


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Hopefully you read the title and if you plan to avoid any spoilers, I suggest you stop reading here....



For those who have seen the movie and have their own speculations or opinions and don't mind explaining spoilers, you can continue reading.



I personally enjoyed the movie. Easily topples the prequel trilogy (especially with no Jar Jar Binks). Below I'm going to explain a few things that many are complaining about, while giving my own opinion on why it's alright.



1. Things that repeated themselves that a handful believe is just a remake of A New Hope. All I could really admit of this is four things: 1. Movie starts on a desert planet. 2 Character that lives on the planet is force sensitive. 3. Empire/ New Order has a weapon of mass destruction. 4. The Rebel Alliance (The Resistance) blows up said super weapon. That's it, really. I know some mentioned BB-8 carrying secret information, but seeing as it was part of a map and NOT the plans to destroy the New Order's super weapon, it's thrown out as a resurgence of A New Hope.



2. Kylo Ren's ability as a Force user. Granted he's no Darth Vader, but we can easily see he has tremendous raw power. Example being when he stopped that blaster bolt from a Heavy Blaster Rifle Poe Dameron used. That's a first. Only thing that I could compare that to is Yoda being able to stop/absorb Count Dooku's Force Lightning in The Attack of the Clones. His setbacks however range from not being in control of his emotions and isn't disciplined. He literally lashes out when angry and his fighting style is wild and unrefined. He makes up for it with raw power instead of finesse like we see in the older lightsaber fights. Pretty sure we're supposed to see that though he is strong in the Force, he isn't fully trained. Whether he is a Sith or not is what I'll get into in in the next point.



3. My opinion, Kylo Ren is NOT Sith-at least not entirely. Didn't have the glowing orange/yellow eyes like Anakin/Darth Vader had in Revenge of the Sith and as we saw in the movie, there are more than two. If many have done your research, you'd know that Jedi and Sith are based on teachings in the ways of the Force, and not an absolute between the Force. The Eternal Empire, Dathomir Witch Sisters, the Voss, and Manaan being examples of different ways of understanding the Force.


Knights of Ren can easily be compared to the Knights of Zakuul, but darker in a sense that they don't hold themselves to the same principles as the Eternal Empire's Force sensitives. Thus debunking the whole Rule of Two. Granted you have your Sith Inquisitors in the Star Wars Rebels, but seeing as the word "Knight" is in Knights of Ren we can assume that these aren't inquisitors, but Knights. So we can think of them as Dark Jedi until we learn more of what the Knights of Ren are.



4. Finn being able to fight with a lightsaber. Let's be clear, despite his position in sanitation, he's a soldier and was trained in both firearms and hand-to-hand combat. A lightsaber is no different than a vibroblade, so the way he wielded it was based off his combat training. He didn't know how to use one properly, obviously and it showed in the movie. He had no knowledge of the art forms used to wield a lightsaber nor did he have much time to practice. Ergo his performance was sloppy. I'll get to the part about the final duel in the movie, further in.



5. Rey's Force powers awakening. This part is speculation, so take it with a grain of salt. Rey is obviously well connected to the Force. She's survived several years on a desert planet as a scavenger, has toned physique due her time trying to survive. Her skill with the staff she has is remarkable, and she understands machines. Now, I'm just going to put it out there that I think Rey is Luke's daughter. She grows up on a desert planet like Anakin and Luke, she has an understanding with machines like Anakin and Luke both showed, and she's a capable pilot just like Luke and Anakin. Not even going to mention her strong connection to the Force, because that's a given.


My thought is either Luke had an affair and didn't know he had a child or left her there on Jakku to protect her from the First Order. I think the former is more probably, because you'd think he'd not abandon her. Granted he was trying to isolate himself, but if he was still right in the head, he'd would have taken her with him.


Real quick, I know a handful have suggested that Rey is Han Solo and Leia's daughter, but we never got confirmation in the movie on whether or not Han and Leia had more than one child. We only know that Kylo Ren is Ben, their son. Seeing as Rey and Han spent a lot of time together, we never got the idea that Han ever had a daughter based on the fact that you'd think that Han and Leia would mention they had a daughter. The reason I don't see her as the next Jaina Solo from the expanded universe is based on what I mentioned in the two paragraphs above.


The only reason Han offered her a position on his ship was because he could tell she was gifted in piloting and fixing the Falcon. It also was to lead to the end where Rey kinda inherits the Millennium Falcon and has Chewbacca join as her co-pilot. Also, I think R2-D2 will now belong to Rey. I say that because BB-8 is Poe Dameron's droid. Though technically R2 still is Luke's, I have a feeling Luke is going to give R2 to Rey for said reason of her being Luke's daughter. All speculation mind you.


Also, I want to add that I think/hope that Rey will be the first Jedi to wield a lightsaber staff/lance instead of a regular lightsaber. That or a double-lightsaber. Reason I say that is because of her skill with her staff she had. it was clear she was more used to wielding a staff than a sword--so to speak. We'll see what happens.



6. Han Solo's death. I know a handful have argued that Han Solo's death was pathetic and that he should have gone out in a blaze of glory. My answer to that is you are thinking of the younger Han Solo the smuggler/outlaw. The Han Solo we see in The Force Awakens is an older and almost wiser Han. That and he's a husband and a father. Thus his persona has changed. So, his death was acceptable. Between him and Leia that Kylo would have to kill to complete his training, Han Solo obviously would have a greater impact. Also, I want to point out that Harrison Ford had mentioned months ago to J.J. That he wanted Han Solo to leave the stage. That he himself was tired of the role or something to that effect. Can't source it, because or the length of time that's passed, but I had already figured Han Solo was going to die and it wasn't because of spoilers, but because of what Harrison Ford said in an article I read way back when. Hence why I wasn't entirely surprised he was killed off.


I actually like how this played out in how it ties to Ren. Luke completed his training when he face Darth Vader and redeemed him. Kylo completed or came to the point where he was ready to complete his training when he killed his father. We'll see how this plays out.



7. Kylo Ren's duel with Finn and Rey. First off he was injured by Chewbacca with his heavy bowcaster rifle. We saw the destruction that boltcaster could do in the movie, so Ren was seriously hurt when Chewbacca took a chunk out of him. Top that off with some of the points of Ren being not fully trained and emotionally unstable and you get a reckless Force user. Still has a lot of power, but very injured and very reckless nonetheless. Hence why Finn at first was able to hold his own. I also want to put it out there that I was one of those that was completely against the whole "Crossguard" lightsaber, at the first time it was shown in the teaser. However, my opinion has now changed after seeing it used as a more offensive feature than as one meant for protecting one's hands. In case you didn't see it, Ren actually used the saber cross guard to wound Finn in their duel. A scary deal when in a dead lock and Ren can just pierce your shoulder with that miniature lightsaber. Hence I can live with it.


I also want to point out that since Ren's lightsaber was based off of a two-handed longsword, the way Ren wielded it seemed heavier than what we are used to seeing. That on top of being injured from a the heavy boltcaster could explain the sluggish yet powerful swings.


Naturally, Finn loses and Rey is left to fight. Of course she does better because she has a very strong connection to the Force. If I had to compare the duel. It would be compared to two adolescent Force wielder. I say that on the fact that Rey was new to the Force and Ren being very unstable and injured at this point in time of the movie.


So, that explains why the duel looked unrefined in a sense. Hopefully as time progresses, the duels will become more refined and have finesse.



8. Luke Skywalker coming in at the end of the movie. This was good, because if all the old actors from the first trilogy were introduced earlier, they would overshadow the new cast of actors/heroes. Remember the old generation is supposed to hand the future to the new generation thus all the old generation will more or less provide is their wisdom and experience. So, I was happy on the fact that now EPISODE VIII will have a lot more screen time with Luke in it.



9. Poe Dameron. He is the next Wedge Antilles. Reason I despised Disney at first was because they completely shelved and labeled my favorite book series, Star Wars: Rogue Squadron as no longer canon. Boy was I pissed. If none of you have read the series, you missed out on a great series. It could have easily been a TV series or another Star Wars Movie series. I strongly recommend reading the series even if it's no longer canon.



10. Finn and the Force. I'm throwing this out there, because out of the list of new star characters, Finn's was short in the depth department. I kinda want to see if Finn will awaken as a Force sensitive down the road, because just being the "Soldier without a cause" seems shallow compared to Rey being strong in the Force and possibly Luke's daughter and Poe being an ace pilot that really mowed down those TIEs like paper and flies a black X-Wing (If you watched a lot of Sci-Fi ace pilots always fly a unique colored fighter or go by a very unique code name).



Thus my long explanation and speculation ends here. Say what you will, but this is where I'm placing my credits on and only time will tell if I was spot on or not.

Edited by Koichi
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Over all, I would agree with this. However, I wanted to point out an alternate theory about #5.


Yes, she being Luke's daughter is a possibility, and that was my first guess. However, you can explain that she's Kylo Ren's sister by what we see in the movie. What if the reason why the saber came to her instead of him is because she's the older of the two. Also, they appear to be similar in age. I know it's a silly comparison, but Rey did remind me of Leia and Padme. Also, she seemed to know how to fly the Falcon by intuition, like it's in her blood. As far as how Han didn't recognize her, what if she was hidden without his knowledge? After all, Leia was hidden from Vader, and it wasn't until he faced Luke on the 2nd Death Star that he found out. Over all, I agree that there is a family connection somewhere between them.

Edited by mynxvablid
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regarding Rey looking like Leia and Padme (assuming you're talking her looks reminding you, in which case I agree) that doesn't hurt the Luke's daughter theory at all. my sister is a dead ringer for my aunt when she was her age. and my aunt looks a LOT like my grandmother
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Over all, I would agree with this. However, I wanted to point out an alternate theory about #5.


Yes, she being Luke's daughter is a possibility, and that was my first guess. However, you can explain that she's Kylo Ren's sister by what we see in the movie. What if the reason why the saber came to her instead of him is because she's the older of the two. Also, they appear to be similar in age. I know it's a silly comparison, but Rey did remind me of Leia and Padme. Also, she seemed to know how to fly the Falcon by intuition, like it's in her blood. As far as how Han didn't recognize her, what if she was hidden without his knowledge? After all, Leia was hidden from Vader, and it wasn't until he faced Luke on the 2nd Death Star that he found out. Over all, I agree that there is a family connection somewhere between them.


Kylo is born in 4 or 5 ABY, while Rey is born in 15 ABY. So no, she's not the older.


Rey is Luke's daughter. She's a good pilot, that's why she could fly the Millenium Falcon. She's a good scavenger that knows everything about technical issues, that's why she could fix the things in the Falcon.

She's Luke's daughter, because the lightsaber CALLED TO HER!!

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Kylo is born in 4 or 5 ABY, while Rey is born in 15 ABY. So no, she's not the older.


Rey is Luke's daughter. She's a good pilot, that's why she could fly the Millenium Falcon. She's a good scavenger that knows everything about technical issues, that's why she could fix the things in the Falcon.

She's Luke's daughter, because the lightsaber CALLED TO HER!!


okay, I wasn't aware of the age difference. However, I'm not sold on the idea that she's Luke's daughter. Besides, the lightsaber didn't technically belong to Luke. He inherited it and used it, yes, but it belonged to Anakin. The lightsaber called to her not because she's Luke's daughter or vice versa, but because she's Anakin's granddaughter. How that connection is made, I'm not sure.

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okay, I wasn't aware of the age difference. However, I'm not sold on the idea that she's Luke's daughter. Besides, the lightsaber didn't technically belong to Luke. He inherited it and used it, yes, but it belonged to Anakin. The lightsaber called to her not because she's Luke's daughter or vice versa, but because she's Anakin's granddaughter. How that connection is made, I'm not sure.


Yeah, I had to look it up because I didn't know it either. :p

By the way, I'm sorry if my post gave the impression of fury against you, that was not what I meant.


You make a good point. The lightsaber thing is tricky. But I still think she's Luke daughter.

First, look at the last scene of the movie. Rey follows this path on the island with Luke at the end of the path. Luke turns around and looks at her like: You? How?

And why would Leia and Han dump their daughter (if she's their daughter) on a remote desert world, while they want Kylo back so bad?

Also I think if Rey was the daughter of Leia and Han they would've said SOMETHING to her on the base, like "omg so nice to see you again". Especially Leia. Why she hugs Rey so full of love at the end is not clear to me, however.

Edited by PSVEindhoven
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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry for late response but just saw the movie last night FINALLY!


On point 2. Vader manipulates laser blasts as well, in episode 5 ESB when Han Solo shoots Vader and he just absorbs the blast into his hand, similar to how Yoda absorbs Dookus force lighting attack.


On the light sabre topic, Jedi would craft/forge their own light sabres and they don't have feelings and "belong" to people, that sabre was crafted by Anikan and was just symbolically passed down to future generations. Rey was able to call the sabre to her was because she was more focused and Ren was just pissed off and wanted the sabre.


What if Rey is another "there was no father" scenario. Ren killed all the apprentice Jedi luke was training so there is only 1 Jedi left Luke, the force will find a way to survive and keep balance, since there is Snoke the leader and Ren the apprentice 2 dark side users, the force created another??

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What if Rey is another "there was no father" scenario. Ren killed all the apprentice Jedi luke was training so there is only 1 Jedi left Luke, the force will find a way to survive and keep balance, since there is Snoke the leader and Ren the apprentice 2 dark side users, the force created another??


Cool theory, but who left her on Jakku then? And why?

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In regards to who is Rey, I also think she's Luke's daughter.

I would guess Luke was devastated over his failure with Ben (Kylo) and was afraid to mess up with Rey as well. So he didn't want to be close to her, because he felt he would be a danger to her, causing her to fall to the dark side as well. So better leave her with someone else, with no knowledge of her force sensitivity,on a remote planet, and go into exile himself.

In the scene where Rey remembers being abandoned, she looks like 7 - 10 years old. So if she's 10 years younger than Kylo, that could work.


I think Han Solo's death was a good one. Going out in a blaze of glory is so cliché. He went out, showing compassion for his son, his family. That's what a father does when his family is in danger. He sacrifices himself for it. Sure it's not the Han Solo of Episode IV, or maybe V. But in Episode VI we definitely already saw a first glimpse of that Han Solo.

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Rey is Kylo's sister. Heres why.


-First JJ Abrams wants everyone to think she is Luke's daughter. Just like he wanted everyone to think Finn was a jedi.


-Second, Luke is a jedi, thus forbidden to marry. This code has been broken before, but you also have to consider if Luke was trying to rebuild the jedi order would he really break the code of the jedi?


-Third, in the expanded universe (which is not canon) Jaysen Solo aka Ben Solo had a sister who eventually killed him.


All of this builds up to my theory on how Rey ended up on Jaku.


Kylo Ren had an interest in his ancestory particularly Darth Vader, his grandfather. Which probably led him to somehow obtaining Vaders mask, either on his own or through Snoke. But as we all know Sith relics have a corrupting power on the mind and Ben solo was seduced by the dark side. At the same time, Rey was a youngling training at the jedi temple Luke built Kylo attacked it and killed all of the jedi but he could not force himself to kill his sister. Instead he takes her to Jaku and leaves her there hoping she stays out of the way as he continues his quest to finish what Vader started. Which is probably why he struggles so much with the light side in episode 7, and why killing Han was his only hope at redemption for his act of compassion


This is also probably why he was so interested in the girl from Jaku, and why instead of killing her on Maz Kanata's cantina he takes her with him. And because Rey was already trained as a youngling, why she already knows how to fight and use the force. Kylo probably mind wiped her when he dropped Rey off on Jaku. In her awakening she probably starts to remember these things.


As for Han and Leiya not recognizing Rey as their daughter, they probably thought she had died in the attack on the Jedi temple. Also Rey was probably very young when they last saw her. But you can sense a fatherly bond with Rey and Han toward the end of the film, and Kylo even senses Rey has a fatherly attachment to Han.


At this point I'm fairly confident Rey is Kylos sister. I can't wait to find out for sure in the next movie.

Edited by chosonman
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Rey is the chosen one reincarnated.


Anakin was the product of Plagueis and Sidious. Since he was born of the dark side he was always destined to fall to the dark side.



Rey is the product of...Obi Wan. Obi Wan spent 20 years in the desert honing the craft and sacrificed himself after learning what Anakin actually was with his communion with Yoda and Qui Gon on Tatooine. He gave himself to the force which ultimately created Rey. "



Strike me down and I'll become more powerful than you ever imagine" now means a lot more.

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