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Dmg dealers breaking 2.5k dps, but hardly killing anybody or achieving WZ objectives


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It's not excuses, it's the things that I do poorly. I have been able to click a node for a long time.


I want to go to the point where I can have a pure DPS score that indicates that I am passing the requirements for a DPS first.


But I note, that in an overwhelming majority of cases, the typical DPS rates I see are below 2K. One of 16 players on the board having over 2K is something that happens. I have seen 3+K DPS one or twice, and a 4.5K + DPS once.

ok so we both agreed that you are bad then? because that is the only logical explanation i have. even **** harb pub players regular hit and break above 2.5k damage. if you are simply DMing and can't above 2.5k dmg at the end, then respec, regear and reorganized your attack abilities priority list. Failing that then, well maybe pve is more suited for you then.

Edited by astrobearx
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If you wish I can record the # of matches I enter, max DPS in each match, and the number of people who put out over 2.5K DPS per match to confirm that I see what I see, and why 2.5K DPS has a wow factor of a pinnacle of my DPS ambitions.
ok show me a match where the team is purely DMing (no objective play)



2.5k is not the pinnacle for for straight DM, it is simply not.

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ok so we both agreed that you are bad then? because that is the only logical explanation i have. even **** harb pub players regular hit and break above 2.5k damage. if you are simply DMing and can't above 2.5k dmg at the end, then respec, regear and reorganized your attack abilities priority list. Failing that then, well maybe pve is more suited for you then.


Thank you, but I prefer PvP. If I wanted to PvE, I'd play a different game.


I took care of the spec/gear and I work on my abilities keybinds set-ups as I experiment with the DPS for each of my characters. I prefer to identify and address what makes me a bad to get to the point when I am passable. I clawed my way from below the bottom of the barrel to an acceptable healer, I want to do that for a DD as well while I have this opportunity as a lot of players run as healers in 4.X.


ok show me a match where the team is purely DMing (no objective play)


I don't really know what's a "pure damage" game, since the objectives are there, so I assume you mean arenas. That's a good point. I will record the type of the matches, to demonstrate that in my experience 2.5K DPS is rare.

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Thank you, but I prefer PvP. If I wanted to PvE, I'd play a different game.


I took care of the spec/gear and I work on my abilities keybinds set-ups as I experiment with the DPS for each of my characters. I prefer to identify and address what makes me a bad to get to the point when I am passable. I clawed my way from below the bottom of the barrel to an acceptable healer, I want to do that for a DD as well while I have this opportunity as a lot of players run as healers in 4.X.




I don't really know what game can be a pure damage game, but I assume you mean arenas. That's a good point. I will record the type of the matches, to demonstrate that in my experience 2.5K DPS is rare.

ok i see now, so you are inexperience dps. i can see how a 2.5 might seem amazing, but once your gear and rotation is refined, the "LOL I HAVE 2.5K FROM DMing THE WHOLE MATCH" is comical. if you choose to straight DM, i expect you to hit 2.5k, or at least 2k on the low side, otherwise you just wasted everyone time with crap dps.


and also for your arena photos, make sure they are from ranked pvp. i say ranked over low, mid and 65 regs as everyone gear SHOULD be at or near it peak and all class advantages is available to everyone.



p.so, when i said a "pure DM with no objectives played" obviously i meant one of those matches where both teams are more interested in their medals than objective (IE harb pubs)

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and also for your arena photos, make sure they are from ranked pvp. i say ranked over low, mid and 65 regs as everyone gear SHOULD be at or near it peak and all class advantages is available to everyone.


I will not be able to provide ranked snap-shots. I will never be able to play ranked arenas, no doubt about that. My aspiration is to play regs decently enough, that's all. It's the highest I can go. I admire and respect the ranked PvPers, and I love watching the leaderboards, but that's about that. To enter a competition one needs talent, as well as love of the genre. I do not have the talent, just love and patience, which are hopefully enough to achieve passable.


However, if the DPS of 2.5K is achievable by rolling your face on the keyboard, my experience level should be sufficient. By asking the screenshots to come from the ranked PvP, you are significantly raising the bar of where this rate commonly occurs. Ranked PvP is crème de la crème.

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ok i see now, so you are inexperience dps. i can see how a 2.5 might seem amazing, but once your gear and rotation is refined, the "LOL I HAVE 2.5K FROM DMing THE WHOLE MATCH" is comical. if you choose to straight DM, i expect you to hit 2.5k, or at least 2k on the low side, otherwise you just wasted everyone time with crap dps.


and also for your arena photos, make sure they are from ranked pvp. i say ranked over low, mid and 65 regs as everyone gear SHOULD be at or near it peak and all class advantages is available to everyone.



p.so, when i said a "pure DM with no objectives played" obviously i meant one of those matches where both teams are more interested in their medals than objective (IE harb pubs)


I have less faith that you actually know how to PvP with every post you make.

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You sound like someone who wants someone else out of PvP, because you would never do PvE because it would be under your level to do so.


actually i DO operations and FP HMs with my guild damn near every night (because i'm one of few tanks in my guild), so...


also i don't want anyone to quit, but if want to just want to "kill ppl" and nothing else pvp, then you better be at the top for dmg other wise you are just a waste of space/


I will not be able to provide ranked snap-shots. I will never be able to play ranked arenas, no doubt about that. My aspiration is to play regs decently enough, that's all. It's the highest I can go. I admire and respect the ranked PvPers, and I love watching the leaderboards, but that's about that. To enter a competition one needs talent, as well as love of the genre. I do not have the talent, just love and patience, which are hopefully enough to achieve passable.


However, if the DPS of 2.5K is achievable by rolling your face on the keyboard, my experience level should be sufficient.


1. that is fine that you don't ranked and blah blah blah, but i do and 2.5k is easily doable (especailly in 8v8s regs)

2.solo ranked does not require talent at all, team ranked does as it require complete synergy with your teammates to win, but solo? pffffffffft. nope not even. you just need proper gear and follow kill order and CC order (or just have 3 sorcs and auto win :rak_03: )

3. "f the DPS of 2.5K is achievable by rolling your face on the keyboard, my experience level should be sufficient" well clearly not since you can't even break 2.3k (by your own admission) (also think about your condescending insults before you say it,as that line actually makes you look worse than you probably are since a faceroller idiot is superior to you)

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Solo ranked is harder than team ranked atm imo. All you do in team ranked nowdays is do lots of damage and cc healer. So hardzzz




how is solo harder than team? in solo, you just kill the lowest hp/classes with the weakest dcd available/known players who can't handle pressure? team ranked is crazy harder as everyone knows their team strengths and weaknesses,and have game plan, VoiP, running 1 tank, 1 healer and 2 dps comps and you are pitted with other teams with the same comps and ideas and is also probably have better team unison and game plans.


i don't even ...you know what, i'm out this thread.

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It's the weirdness of solo table that makes it hard. Grp gets boring easily with just pressure comps. Let's say we got 2 grps of same skill lvl. Then it all comes down who is best with cc and ints. Might just be me but I find that easy where in solo ranked it's more how hard you can carry,what kinda people you got who your against and class setups. It's just more interesting and challenging. Edited by Coloneli
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I will not be able to provide ranked snap-shots. I will never be able to play ranked arenas, no doubt about that. My aspiration is to play regs decently enough, that's all. It's the highest I can go. I admire and respect the ranked PvPers, and I love watching the leaderboards, but that's about that. To enter a competition one needs talent, as well as love of the genre. I do not have the talent, just love and patience, which are hopefully enough to achieve passable.


However, if the DPS of 2.5K is achievable by rolling your face on the keyboard, my experience level should be sufficient. By asking the screenshots to come from the ranked PvP, you are significantly raising the bar of where this rate commonly occurs. Ranked PvP is crème de la crème.


2.5K is not achievable by "rolling your face on the keyboard" (at least not with most melee specs), but it is quite possible with full gear and decent play. Pushing up DPS is really all about maintaining time on target, using an ideal ability priority, and getting good actions per minute (APM). Most mediocre players lose DPS by allowing others to kite them, by using abilities in the wrong sequence, and by not facing or losing track of their target. I know because after layoffs and when I do not sleep enough I find my play level dropping due to these factors. My average 2-3K DPS suddenly drops into the 1-1.8K range.

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actually i DO operations and FP HMs with my guild damn near every night (because i'm one of few tanks in my guild), so...


also i don't want anyone to quit, but if want to just want to "kill ppl" and nothing else pvp, then you better be at the top for dmg other wise you are just a waste of space/




1. that is fine that you don't ranked and blah blah blah, but i do and 2.5k is easily doable (especailly in 8v8s regs)

2.solo ranked does not require talent at all, team ranked does as it require complete synergy with your teammates to win, but solo? pffffffffft. nope not even. you just need proper gear and follow kill order and CC order (or just have 3 sorcs and auto win :rak_03: )

3. "f the DPS of 2.5K is achievable by rolling your face on the keyboard, my experience level should be sufficient" well clearly not since you can't even break 2.3k (by your own admission) (also think about your condescending insults before you say it,as that line actually makes you look worse than you probably are since a faceroller idiot is superior to you)


Anyone who can do something better than I do is better than me at it. Insults? What insults?


I believe gaming requires talent. I am not natural at the game, least of all as a DPS, which in my opinion is the hardest role in the game, but I like it, and to be honest, I enjoy the challenges it presents to my perception rate, memory, reflexes, observation ability, problem solving, speed of decision making, even intuition.


I admire it that you (or any other player) can easily achieve 2.5K DPS, and I would like to get there. I believe that a primary role of a DPS is to deliver a sufficient rate of DPS on a correct target in a zone. My DPS rate is currently inadequate.


If 2.5K was an easy rate to achieve in regs, it would be a common occurrence in regs. It is not so in my experience. And I have been specifically looking for the past couple of months.

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you say "im secretly envious of you DEEPZ"? lol no, i can and have solo players by myself . if i want to, i can easily hit your "high" damage points (which is hilariously not hard as you just need to avoid playing objectives)


when i played regs, i do objectives since it is clearly the strongest path to win. you DM attitude is poison to pvp and is probably why harb pvp is such **** these days since this attitude comprised the majority of the pub playerbase (which is starting to seep into the imps again)


You take a lot of things personally. That indicates I probably struck a nerve because it is true and applies to you.


I never said "YOU ARE ENVIOUS". I said I found MOST people who complain about high dps or high heals tend to be incapable of doing so themselves and often times are envious of the numbers.


If the shoe fits, go ahead and wear it though. I won't stop you.


Keep on playing "objectively" and doing awful in your damage and heals though, I am sure that's all it takes to win in the matches. :p


Also, people can put up great numbers and still play objectively... I know it's hard to believe.

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Also, people can put up great numbers and still play objectively... I know it's hard to believe.


Agreed - it is not difficult to play objectively and put up big numbers. I do think the exceptions are either of the huttball zones. My objective in the venues is to score. I could care less about numbers here.

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Let's recap... pardon the pun.


Two high-end DPS, neither of whom ever died - check

1 Tank with 2 mln protection - check

Three sorc/sage healers in a match all of whom died at least once - check

The Republic won too - triple check


The side with a healer+ tank + high DPS combo won over 2 sorc healers side. (Sigh) Would have been a perfect "Cretinus You Are Wrong" screenshot, if not for the tank. He'd just fall back on the Healer+Tank Rant.


But certainly a great screenshot to put as a background for a while on my rig :)


Become my apprentice and ill teach you how to double that :>


The day they have a cross-server, Commander. Which is any day now, I know.... :cool: But, awesome. Watchman?

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The problem with the OP's initial complaint is that some classes simply aren't designed to do objectives.


For example, look at the merc / mando classes.


In huttball, they have no special ball handling ability. So there is no leap, no pull, no burst run. There is no stealth so you aren't going to be hiding on the opposing team goal line to get a quick point. All you can do is kill. Be it in the middle or running interference. Giving this class the ball is actually a liability because even their defenses suck when focused with no focus break.


Then there are the node style matches. Again, how do you play objectives when playing a class that is not designed to hold objectives. With no stealth, the opposing team sees you a mile away. And with extremely weak stealth detection, odds are good that the merc / mando is going to get a stun and attacked with a melee player right on top of them. This is a class that requires distance, and once that distance is lost it is rarely regained. And at that point, the player has a choice. Send out a warning to the team (and die) or fight like hell and hope you win. Either way this is not the class you want solo defending a node or solo trying to take one.


This class has but one objective. To slap down as much DPS as they can. And they can do it quite well. They make excellent support classes and can generally take down opponents within one rotation (if left unhindered).


As to the final complaint about hardly killing anybody ...


I have experienced that first hand myself. The problem is if you have three sorc healers on the opposing team, you aren't going to kill anybody. On my merc, there have been times I have thrown everything I had at a player and literally watched them go from 1/4 health to almost full health in two - three seconds. And if I can't take you down with my heavy crit build, then nobody on my team is taking anybody down. Because it is rare if more than one player out DPS me in a single node style match. So if I focus on another player's target and between the two of us we can't take that player down within 1 - 1 1/2 of my rotation, you just have to give it up. The opposing team simply has too much healing / guard and they are near impossible to kill.


But that strength is also a weakness. They have to stay together to maintain that level of invincibility. And if their focus is to stay alive and not finish off opposing players, then it takes less coordination by the opposing team to bottle them up while the rest stay on objectives. But that is rare that this happens. What is more likely to happen is the team with the heavy healing faces a team with practically none and the DPS is taken out in short order.

Edited by ForceWelder
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