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Dmg dealers breaking 2.5k dps, but hardly killing anybody or achieving WZ objectives


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Huttball can annoy me a little just because it doesn't award objective points for quite a lot of helpful dps-related stuff, and you end up looking like a damage farmer with low objectives despite playing a great game.


Killing a healer on the enemy ball carrier? 0 objective points.

Killing a dps attacking our ball carrier? 0 objective points.

Knocking half their team into the pit? 0 objective points.

Clearing mid ready for the next pickup as a goal is scored? 0 objective points.


Etc etc.


Objective points really tell only a fraction of the picture - and are particularly weighted towards melee classes on node based WZs.

Edited by Jherad
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Huttball can annoy me a little just because it doesn't award objective points for quite a lot of helpful dps-related stuff, and you end up looking like a damage farmer with low objectives despite playing a great game.


Killing a healer on the enemy ball carrier? 0 objective points.

Killing a dps attacking our ball carrier? 0 objective points.

Knocking half their team into the pit? 0 objective points.

Clearing mid ready for the next pickup as a goal is scored? 0 objective points.


Etc etc.


Objective points really tell only a fraction of the picture - and are particularly weighted towards melee classes on node based WZs.


Exactly. The score board can be very deceptive in what a player contributes. Judging by objective points doesn't always show the whole picture just as total HPS or total DPS does not either.


I just find when people criticize others for putting out the most damage or most heals as petty and envious in most cases.


Usually it's some player that could never put out that much even if they tried, so instead of complimenting someone on great damage or heals they rather make themselves feel better about it by slamming that person.


There are times when some players only focus on damage and heals to the detriment of the matches objectives though, I won't deny that.

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Huttball can annoy me a little just because it doesn't award objective points for quite a lot of helpful dps-related stuff, and you end up looking like a damage farmer with low objectives despite playing a great game.


Killing a healer on the enemy ball carrier? 0 objective points.

Killing a dps attacking our ball carrier? 0 objective points.

Knocking half their team into the pit? 0 objective points.

Clearing mid ready for the next pickup as a goal is scored? 0 objective points.


Etc etc.


Objective points really tell only a fraction of the picture - and are particularly weighted towards melee classes on node based WZs.


AOE mezzing the enemy team at the goalline. 0 points

Pulling the ball carrier. 0 points.


I love huttball a lot. I just wish they would make the ball give the hindered debuff to add some more strategy back in.

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Exactly. The score board can be very deceptive in what a player contributes. Judging by objective points doesn't always show the whole picture just as total HPS or total DPS does not either.


I just find when people criticize others for putting out the most damage or most heals as petty and envious in most cases.


Usually it's some player that could never put out that much even if they tried, so instead of complimenting someone on great damage or heals they rather make themselves feel better about it by slamming that person.


There are times when some players only focus on damage and heals to the detriment of the matches objectives though, I won't deny that.


Primary objective player here and i would like to say that this statement is hilariously misguided


do objective points show the entire picture? no. does it shows how the team was preforming and why did they win/lose?yes. when a team just tries to funnel objective (like an entire teamtries a door to cap a bomb on it in voidstar and get AoE to death) then purely going objective is trash gameplay;however, going purely deatchmatch and ignoring your surrounding and calls and THEN RAGING HOW XYZ WAS LOST (like last night on alderaan, where i was guarding a node and solo 2 sins and a merc with my lethality operative, twice mind you, all while shouting EAST 3 EAST EAST 3 I NEED HELP.when the node got capped and i finally died, i got called a noob and a pve hero and to unsub (ironically my "uber team" didnt capped mid and we got 3 capped by the end)



you say "im secretly envious of you DEEPZ"? lol no, i can and have solo players by myself . if i want to, i can easily hit your "high" damage points (which is hilariously not hard as you just need to avoid playing objectives)


when i played regs, i do objectives since it is clearly the strongest path to win. you DM attitude is poison to pvp and is probably why harb pvp is such **** these days since this attitude comprised the majority of the pub playerbase (which is starting to seep into the imps again)

Edited by astrobearx
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you say "im secretly envious of you DEEPZ"? lol no, i can and have solo players by myself . if i want to, i can easily hit your "high" damage points (which is hilariously not hard as you just need to avoid playing objectives)


I've tried that. I did not cap, did not guard, and just DPS'd the entire match where fighting was the heaviest (mid or off node) trying not to die. I could not reach anywhere near 2.5K, let alone 3K. The highest I have managed so far was 2.1K in an arena. And I don't think I did anything particulary differently in that one than in tons of the zones where I ended with half that.


I want that hilariously not hard to get 2.5K DPS in a warzone. I want to break out of the sub-1.5K range.

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I've tried that. I did not cap, did not guard, and just DPS'd the entire match where fighting was the heaviest (mid or off node) trying not to die. I could not reach anywhere near 2.5K, let alone 3K. The highest I have managed so far was 2.1K in an arena. And I don't think I did anything particulary differently in that one than in tons of the zones where I ended with half that.


I want that hilariously not hard to get 2.5K DPS in a warzone. I want to break out of the sub-1.5K range.


What spec did you do it on?


I regularly hit 2.5 and above on my Carnage Mara and Assassin.

Madness Sorcs seem to have an even easier time due to their DOT spread.

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I play Vg (best I got was 2K in an arena on L65); Commando (best I got was around 1.8 in the DOT spec, and in the non-dot, I think I got to about the same at level 62); the best I did on Serenity was about 2K as well (also in lowbies). The 2.1 was on my Madness sorc, she was about level 33 at that point. In other words, on anything I've played so far as a DPS, I've got to about 2K tops.
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I've tried that. I did not cap, did not guard, and just DPS'd the entire match where fighting was the heaviest (mid or off node) trying not to die. I could not reach anywhere near 2.5K, let alone 3K. The highest I have managed so far was 2.1K in an arena. And I don't think I did anything particulary differently in that one than in tons of the zones where I ended with half that.


I want that hilariously not hard to get 2.5K DPS in a warzone. I want to break out of the sub-1.5K range.




how do you not hit 2.5k by simply DMing? i mean wow, were you inexperienced that that class or something?

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My top DPS on level 65 was still 2K. I sometimes see other players going over 2K in both lowbies and midbies. I have my doubts that going from level 64 to level 65 will magically add 1K DPS to my output.


I know what people can do, what I argue is that it is 'easy' or achieved by 'rolling your face on the keyboard' if you are some specific AC.


What I do know is that, firstly, I rarely see it, and, secondly, that I am working like old Geppetto to get there and the road is nothing but rocks and thorns.


how do you not hit 2.5k by simply DMing? i mean wow, were you inexperienced that that class or something?


Facing problems, staying on the target problems, staying alive problems, standing there waiting to out-of-combat heal problems, not DPSing while kiting away problems, people not positioning themselves for my optimal DoT spread problems (those uncooperative brats!), and I am sure many, many, many other problems... that in the end lead to pretty much every scoreboard I see not having the entire team top 1.5K DPS.

Edited by DomiSotto
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Primary objective player here and i would like to say that this statement is hilariously misguided


do objective points show the entire picture? no. does it shows how the team was preforming and why did they win/lose?yes. when a team just tries to funnel objective (like an entire teamtries a door to cap a bomb on it in voidstar and get AoE to death) then purely going objective is trash gameplay;however, going purely deatchmatch and ignoring your surrounding and calls and THEN RAGING HOW XYZ WAS LOST (like last night on alderaan, where i was guarding a node and solo 2 sins and a merc with my lethality operative, twice mind you, all while shouting EAST 3 EAST EAST 3 I NEED HELP.when the node got capped and i finally died, i got called a noob and a pve hero and to unsub (ironically my "uber team" didnt capped mid and we got 3 capped by the end)



you say "im secretly envious of you DEEPZ"? lol no, i can and have solo players by myself . if i want to, i can easily hit your "high" damage points (which is hilariously not hard as you just need to avoid playing objectives)


when i played regs, i do objectives since it is clearly the strongest path to win. you DM attitude is poison to pvp and is probably why harb pvp is such **** these days since this attitude comprised the majority of the pub playerbase (which is starting to seep into the imps again)


TBH, unless the other team is braindead, you will never win without killing some enemies. 100% of the time the other team is dead, objectives are easier to complete. So rather than hoping the other team is afk watching youtube while I stealth cap, it's much easier to just kill everyone there and take the turret/door/huttball/pylon, etc.


Unfortnuately, teams are rarely able to output enough damage to kill people, so they hide behind the illusion that they are good because they focus on objectives. It's really awesome that you got that one great pull in Huttball or AoE CC'd a group to plant in VS. But if you were just better at killing people, that one action would have been insignificant as the other team would have just been dead.


So, perhaps you are capable of putting out damage and choose not to, but the majority of "objectives" players are really just trash tier and trying to seem relevant.

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My top DPS on level 65 was still 2K. I sometimes see other players going over 2K in both lowbies and midbies. I have my doubts that going from level 64 to level 65 will magically add 1K DPS to my output.


I know what people can do, what I argue is that it is 'easy' or achieved by 'rolling your face on the keyboard' if you are some specific AC.


What I do know is that, firstly, I rarely see it, and, secondly, that I am working like old Geppetto to get there and the road is nothing but rocks and thorns.


by rolling a specific spec? really? every class can easily 2.5k by deatchmatching unless you are really bad (i honestly was avoiding saying "bad" but reallty there is not way around it) the only spec that probably can't 2.5k dmg is dps tank specs. push out dps is not hard.

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Facing problems, staying on the target problems, staying alive problems, not DPSing while kiting away problems, people not positioning themselves for my optimal DoT spread problems, and I am sure many, many, many other problems...



that is a part of DMing. all those things still should net you 2.5k if you are solely killing other players. i just don't even understand your excuses here.

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Well for one, PVP isn't all about K/D ratio. Some folks use a lot of AOE abilities, to make every enemy weaker so that it's easier for their teammates to kill them. Myself I like to do whatever I can. I'm usually somewhere around high-mid on the board in terms of damage dealt with a decent K/D ratio, but ultimately if I feel like I've helped my team, job done.
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Well for one, PVP isn't all about K/D ratio. Some folks use a lot of AOE abilities, to make every enemy weaker so that it's easier for their teammates to kill them. Myself I like to do whatever I can. I'm usually somewhere around high-mid on the board in terms of damage dealt with a decent K/D ratio, but ultimately if I feel like I've helped my team, job done.


For Maras K/D is everything, especially for burst specs like Carnage or Rage.

As long as you don't ignore Objectives that is.

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that is a part of DMing. all those things still should net you 2.5k if you are solely killing other players. i just don't even understand your excuses here.


It's not excuses, it's the things that I do poorly. I have been able to click a node for a long time.


I want to go to the point where I can have a pure DPS score that indicates that I am passing the requirements for a DPS first.


But I note, that in an overwhelming majority of cases, the typical DPS rates I see are below 2K. One of 16 players on the board having over 2K is something that happens. I have seen 3+K DPS one or twice, and a 4.5K + DPS once.

Edited by DomiSotto
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Exactly. And I want to go to the point where I can have a pure DPS score that indicates that I am passing the requirements for a DPS first. But I note, that in an overwhelming majority of cases, the typical DPS rates I see are below 2K. One of 16 players on the board having over 2K is something that happens. I have seen 3+K DPS one or twice, and a 4.5K + DPS once.


1.5 - 2.5 is pretty average.

In damage heavy matches I see people break 2.5 all the time.

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TBH, unless the other team is braindead, you will never win without killing some enemies. 100% of the time the other team is dead, objectives are easier to complete. So rather than hoping the other team is afk watching youtube while I stealth cap, it's much easier to just kill everyone there and take the turret/door/huttball/pylon, etc.


Unfortnuately, teams are rarely able to output enough damage to kill people, so they hide behind the illusion that they are good because they focus on objectives. It's really awesome that you got that one great pull in Huttball or AoE CC'd a group to plant in VS. But if you were just better at killing people, that one action would have been insignificant as the other team would have just been dead.


So, perhaps you are capable of putting out damage and choose not to, but the majority of "objectives" players are really just trash tier and trying to seem relevant.


or they see the best way to win is by playing objectives. are there trash objective players? hell yes, you can tell quite easily as they break CC, stun whitebar opponents (or worse whitebar ball carriers or CC marked targets ie Healers.) and call incs after they died, but i say they are more valuable than trash DM players that only care about their "DEEPS" (for example, look at harb pub pvp, the apex of this attitude).


one is trying to succeed to win for the team and the other is trying to win for itself, which is more determent to the team?

Edited by astrobearx
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If you wish I can record the # of matches I enter, max DPS in each match, and the number of people who put out over 2.5K DPS per match to confirm that I see what I see, and why 2.5K DPS has a wow factor of a pinnacle of my DPS ambitions. Edited by DomiSotto
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Sorcer healer unguarded......dead...Sorcer guarded in zone game changer.....They make tanking viable I hope it stays the same....Cheers


Are you saying that a tank and his sorc buddy should be able to hold off six players?


Are you high?

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