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Swtor pvp vs GW2 pvp?


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Yo bois,


Haven't played swtor since 2014, how's the pvp nowadays? I decided to quit gw2 and resub to swtor because the pvp in gw2, well it's pure cancer, and i miss huttball <3 :D


I'm going to play a veng jugg, is it still a balanced specc/class?


Thanks and happy new year geeks :p

Edited by Terimac
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I've been bouncing around between ESO, GW2, and SWTOR. I always find myself investing more in SWTOR, and I don't know why. I think GW2 and ESO have better PVP or at least potential to be better (ESO) than SWTOR...but...it's just...star wars.


I'm the same way but more and more just into the Star Wars and less the PVP here. Love RvR but kind of bored of ESOs current meta

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I sum up the SWTOR vs GW2 pvp debate like this: GW2 has a far better combat system. Skill shot aoe and cleave with dodge roll > point and click with global cooldown. SWTOR has far better game modes. Celestial ammulet and conquest only are straight cancer. GW2 has Stronghold now though but I haven't tried it.
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If you think GW2 is cancer, youre going to hate TOR in its current state.

I left TOR for GW2, best decision i made in a while, having fun again.

The biggest things to me are the utterly excessive CC in TOR as well as a balance issues and class mechanics that are totally broken such as heals and guard, and facing premades in solo queue.

GW2 isnt perfect, it like any games has some balance concerns as well, but they dont go unaddressed for a year like TOR did.

Plus... the community is FAR more toxic in TOR.

I hope they fix TOR, i truly do, but in its current state its little more than an RPG with a little pvp attached that has been neglected for far too long.

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I sum up the SWTOR vs GW2 pvp debate like this: GW2 has a far better combat system. Skill shot aoe and cleave with dodge roll > point and click with global cooldown. SWTOR has far better game modes. Celestial ammulet and conquest only are straight cancer. GW2 has Stronghold now though but I haven't tried it.


GW2 also has the larger scale WvW, which TOR cannot even support due to engine issues. The only thing unique about TOR is huttball, which is garbage due to certain class mechanics that allow you to bypass the traps and such so iI assume you play one of those classes otherwise that map is trash

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If you think GW2 is cancer, youre going to hate TOR in its current state.

I left TOR for GW2, best decision i made in a while, having fun again.

The biggest things to me are the utterly excessive CC in TOR as well as a balance issues and class mechanics that are totally broken such as heals and guard, and facing premades in solo queue.

GW2 isnt perfect, it like any games has some balance concerns as well, but they dont go unaddressed for a year like TOR did.


Really? How long have you been playing GW2? How long was D/D Ele dominate pre-HoT?


The thing you got right is both games have issues that are very similar.


Anet dropped an xpac with balance in a terrible state and went on holiday vaca, sound familiar?


Currently if you dont have the elite specs that you only get with HoT you cannot compete at the highest levels. And that is if you arent a thief or Warrior. It is a game where the meta is currently f'd up much like SWTOR except ANet pushes it's sPvP a an esport that's the games differentiating factor, as such they better make sPvP playable and more balanced.


You mention CC continuely the games are built completely differently one is built on the trinity the other is not and it's built to have no healers until Druid that is. The objectives in sPvP are completely different you dont need CC to shutdown healers or cap nodes, you play decap builds and rotate ect completely different mechanics that are not comparable.


You mention WvWvW which by all accounts is not populated like it was pre-HoT due to the changes. One look at the GW2 forums tells you how unhappy the PvP player base is there with some of the top teams leaving. I'm not trying to slam you or say SWTOR is the pinnacle of awesomeness because I like both games, just like I like things about WS*, WoW and Rift they all offer different options. I just dont think you are looking at both games objectively you have rose colored glasses on.

Edited by Avicii
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Really? How long have you been playing GW2? How long was D/D Ele dominate pre-HoT?


The thing you got right is both games have issues that are very similar.


Anet dropped an xpac with balance in a terrible state and went on holiday vaca, sound familiar?


Currently if you dont have the elite specs that you only get with HoT you cannot compete at the highest levels. And that is if you arent a thief or Warrior. It is a game where the meta is currently f'd up much like SWTOR except ANet pushes it's sPvP a an esport that's the games differentiating factor, as such they better make sPvP playable and more balanced.


You mention CC continuely the games are built completely differently one is built on the trinity the other is not and it's built to have no healers until Druid that is. The objectives in sPvP are completely different you dont need CC to shutdown healers or cap nodes, you play decap builds and rotate ect completely different mechanics.


You mention WvWvW which by all accounts is not populated like it was pre-HoT due to the changes. One look at the GW2 forums tells you how unhappy the PvP player base is there with some of the top teams leaving. I'm not trying to slam you or say SWTOR is the pinnacle of awesomeness. I just dont think you are looking at both games objectively you have rose colored glasses on.


I have been playing GW2 for about the last 6 months... and yes D/D ele had its time but the meta then was still better than TOR now and it still had its counters. Anet has already made adjustments to the balance issues at HoT launch... many of them, has TOR done anything since 3.0? anything at all that affected even one change aside from making the best classes better?


You are not correct about needing elite specs, at all... ive done just fine on classes without them as have others. Either way assuming you are right, it still has been adjusted, At HoT launch Druids and Dragon Hunters were meta, they are not now. TOR has not made any effective changes in over a year.


Many people do not like the new WvW maps, thats true, but they are still playing them. My guild is... and they have already came out and said they are making changes... again, communication, something we dont get from TOR.


Even if you ignore all of that... there is no denying that difference in the community. TOR can be flat out toxic moreso than any game ive ever played.


Bottom line for me is simple, if they give me nothing to play ill spend my time elsewhere... which is what i have chosen to do, and im having fun there which i was not in the end here.


Will i be back, yes, when they give me a reason to... till then, enjoy.

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I have been playing GW2 for about the last 6 months... and yes D/D ele had its time but the meta then was still better than TOR now and it still had its counters. Anet has already made adjustments to the balance issues at HoT launch... many of them, has TOR done anything since 3.0? anything at all that affected even one change aside from making the best classes better?


You are not correct about needing elite specs, at all... ive done just fine on classes without them as have others. Either way assuming you are right, it still has been adjusted, At HoT launch Druids and Dragon Hunters were meta, they are not now. TOR has not made any effective changes in over a year.


Many people do not like the new WvW maps, thats true, but they are still playing them. My guild is... and they have already came out and said they are making changes... again, communication, something we dont get from TOR.


Even if you ignore all of that... there is no denying that difference in the community. TOR can be flat out toxic moreso than any game ive ever played.


Bottom line for me is simple, if they give me nothing to play ill spend my time elsewhere... which is what i have chosen to do, and im having fun there which i was not in the end here.


Will i be back, yes, when they give me a reason to... till then, enjoy.


I really have to say that you're wrong on a lot of points. Playing 6 months is nothing. GW2 is at an absolute terrible state PvP wise, leagues are pointless and the meta revolves around bunkers and support. Thieves and warriors have no part in the current balance. Arenanet is TERRIBLE at introducing balance changes, moreover they are slow. You'll notice that the top classes are those that use HoT elites, so yes HoT elites are stronger and put you at a disadvantage playing without them. Of course you can do it, but it takes more effort and knowledge than normal. Not only that, but if you play ranked you're seriously gimping 4 other players by not playing one of the very few meta specs because that's how it is and how it will be until the next balance patch in a month.


Of course the game probably feels good because it's new and you're jaded by SWTOR because you've played for so long which is natural. GW2 is not better than tor by any means, it has a nice combat system but the pvp has been severely neglected and is being neglected. I mean, they've had the same maps and the same game mode in from the beginning, meanwhile tor has several new maps and modes. Arenanet's stance on 4 balance patches a year (more commonly called as "meta shakeup patches") is a terrible choice for the pvp health of the game. If a meta is utter garbage like it is now, which is not only my personal opinion but one shared by the vast majority of the GW2 pvp community, then you are stuck with it for a whole quarter until the next bad meta comes in. It's a cycle that has proven itself true with arenanet.


If you played 6 months you won't have known how metas were in the past like D/D eles. So far both communities are equally toxic, if you don't believe so I'd say you haven't spent enough time on the GW2 forums.


This is sort of a rant, but I hope you will see that GW2 has a good combat system but suffers from equally crushing points that tor has, but on a worse level. Pick your (lesser) poison.

Edited by dominoqt
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I really have to say that you're wrong on a lot of points. Playing 6 months is nothing. GW2 is at an absolute terrible state PvP wise, leagues are pointless and the meta revolves around bunkers and support. Thieves and warriors have no part in the current balance. Arenanet is TERRIBLE at introducing balance changes, moreover they are slow. You'll notice that the top classes are those that use HoT elites, so yes HoT elites are stronger and put you at a disadvantage playing without them. Of course you can do it, but it takes more effort and knowledge than normal. Not only that, but if you play ranked you're seriously gimping 4 other players by not playing one of the very few meta specs because that's how it is and how it will be until the next balance patch in a month.


Of course the game probably feels good because it's new and you're jaded by SWTOR because you've played for so long which is natural. GW2 is not better than tor by any means, it has a nice combat system but the pvp has been severely neglected and is being neglected. I mean, they've had the same maps and the same game mode in from the beginning, meanwhile tor has several new maps and modes. Arenanet's stance on 4 balance patches a year (more commonly called as "meta shakeup patches") is a terrible choice for the pvp health of the game. If a meta is utter garbage like it is now, which is not only my personal opinion but one shared by the vast majority of the GW2 pvp community, then you are stuck with it for a whole quarter until the next bad meta comes in. It's a cycle that has proven itself true with arenanet.


If you played 6 months you won't have known how metas were in the past like D/D eles. So far both communities are equally toxic, if you don't believe so I'd say you haven't spent enough time on the GW2 forums.


This is sort of a rant, but I hope you will see that GW2 has a good combat system but suffers from equally crushing points that tor has, but on a worse level. Pick your (lesser) poison.


Where it was or wasn't isn't relevant... in the last 6 months one has done nothing, the other has moved forward, one has made balance adjustments, the other has not, which is the better choice? My opinion isnt any less valid since i hadnt played since beta in that game as i did here, were talking about here and now, not there and then.


Oh and you're statement about TOR having new maps i assume was a misprint, cause thats simply not true.


That is the point to me... one is at least making an effort, the other is not. One is CC based, the other is not. we can argue meta and such all day long if you want but it really doesnt matter. pvp has been completely ignored by bio for over a year... that is fact, the rest is just opinion.

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Where it was or wasn't isn't relevant... in the last 6 months one has done nothing, the other has moved forward, one has made balance adjustments, the other has not, which is the better choice? My opinion isnt any less valid since i hadnt played since beta in that game as i did here, were talking about here and now, not there and then.


Oh and you're statement about TOR having new maps i assume was a misprint, cause thats simply not true.


That is the point to me... one is at least making an effort, the other is not. One is CC based, the other is not. we can argue meta and such all day long if you want but it really doesnt matter. pvp has been completely ignored by bio for over a year... that is fact, the rest is just opinion.


i have news for you: pvp has been completely ignored by arenanet since launch

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