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Anybody gonna try out Black Desert, blade and soul, or another MMO?


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Chronicles of Elyria ^_^


My son is all over that one and keeps telling me about it. I'm just uninterested until something gets close to release. I'd like to see Camelot Unchained or The Repopulation or Star Citizen or something that has been crowd funded a few years to actually be about ready to actually be released before worrying about it. Consider me jaded.

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Hard to say. I was actually into EQN, but since the developement was shut down I can't find any MMO, I'd like to play. SWTOR is now getting massively to Solo RPG with some group content. So this is no longer a MMO for me. Kinda lost the apetite for the game at all. Even if we get force chokes and lightsabers. I want to play an western MMO.


Asia MMO's I can't stand. They are to grindy, and the entire philosophy of the stories delude me complettly. Beside, I am not into Anime anylonger, since 2000. So, yea, no thanks.


The only MMO system I truly like is Wildstar, but the corky colorfull design is not what I am looking for now and I can't cpncentrate as long to play the combat system efficient.


I think my MMO time has unwillingly came to an end. As much as I want to play an MMO, there is right now absolute no game that is really interesting to me. By now I went back to my classics, playing beatmups like Streetfighter, Mortal Combat, Injustice and similar stuff.


EQN could have been the holy grail of MMO to me, and there is sadly no other similar project around.

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I will try Black Desert. I read the pvp in Black Desert is good and female models are good proportions. As for BnS, I have a BnS account on the Japanese servers that I played many months ago. I have no interest in playing a North American version of Blade and Soul. What I don't like in BnS are the female models, except the Lyns. The female models in BnS are too exaggerated and I can't stomach how they look. I prefer the female models in Black Desert or Tera. Lastly, I hated the questing in BnS. It felt a lot like swtor questing, but I didn't care about the story so skipped it all. BnS doesn't have the magical feeling and familiarity I found in swtor. That is why I won't bother with BnS.


I only plan to play BD if the pvp is better than in swtor. However, I read that BD has very little if no PvE. I also been thinking of returning to Tera, but from reading the forums it seems the pvp died in that game. New content in Tera consist of releasing one or two dungeons with reusing old boss and mob models. Lastly, it appears Tera will no longer release any raids or operation size content, which makes the content in my eyes meaningless. I never considered 5 man dungeons to real content, especially in game where the story don't matter. At least in swtor, the dungeons or flash points have story to them and wicked voice over acting. In short, it's unlikely I will play BnS or return to Tera. I'm looking forward to Black Desert, fighting other players in Bikinis XD.


Just FYI, most Japanese MMO's are just vehicles to distribute softcore hentai to children under 18 lol...there are exceptions mind you. But that's a pretty safe blanket statement.

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Westerners should realise that easterners tick a little different. What we see here as extremly abstract, obscure and sexist, is in Asia most likely normal. Asians think we tick the wrong way. It's just the way it is. The playerbase fo a MMO over there is a little different than here. Logically the developers try to reach those people who would want to play their games. Thatfore they use those abstract avatars, those players are into.


As a standard westerner I also have a huge dislike of missproportioned avatars for a game. I like playing mostly female avatars since they move more elegant and can be dressed more various tham male avatars. Having one "missproportioned" would be the major turnoff point for me not wanting to play the game.


The biggest issue I saw for westerners with asian MMOs are the same main problem I have with those: the strage yarn and that extremly melancolic stories, quests and ideology. Tried several times Aion and Terra, when they weren't F2P and my myind was blown away, ...the bad way. I didn't liked this over the top storytelling.


I like to be only "that guy, who has a special set of gifts doing the stuff that needs to be done" and not "THE ONE!" . Funny thing, this I disliked in SWTOR the most. Why do we have to be The One, for a story to work? WOW, EQ series, WSO, etc. worked pretty well for our avatars just to be just a (un-)lucky guy who is in the right place to save the world.


Recently I am giving Black Desert a chance, but it is quite on the border of what I might like. The character editor is great, eerything else is "just the better version of Aion" IMHO. The option settings are a pain in the burnhole. One thing I like, the questdialogues are quite easy and short. Conterpart is, you always have to klick for closing them after the end of the dialogue. Another thing I dislike is, the camera for cutscene is always moving. I get seasick having to watch those. Another thing is, there is no clear explenation how to handle some stuff in the menues. - Haven't realised by now how to delete a toon. No matter how :mad:

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