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Europe Maintenance Time: Make a stand!!


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Agreed. This maintenance period is rediculous for EU players, it basically takes in the entire day.


And even in the mornings server loads tend to be heavy, so I'm sure there's a lot of people still who would like to get in during the day rather than the evening.


People who are insulting others by saying they should get a job might want to get an education first. You see, not everyone works as a cashier at the supermarket, champ. Weekday afternoons may not be prime time, they're definitely not off-times either. That would be around 4 in the night :)


In general, the gaming world's target group still consists of mainly males between 15-25. In that group there's still a significant segment of people who DON'T work 9-5 every day. There's a ton of reasons like still on school, holidays, part-time jobs, no occupation at all - it doesn't matter. What matters is that there are still plenty of people who'd like to play during the day...so if you're going round telling people to get a job you'd probably be better off just shutting your trap.

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If you can have separate offices, servers, etc for different regions then you already recognise the importance of localisation - do it properly and have separate maint too. Prime time isn't a fair time for maint when we are paying for access. Sort it out.

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You can't separate maintenance because everyone is running the same client so to speak. North-Americans can play on European servers just as Europeans can play on North-American servers. You can't have characters jump between 1.01 and 1.00 servers unless you want to have problems.


I remember people moaning about wanting to be able to play on world wide located servers, it seems Bioware can never win.


Also, maintenance times are usually chosen based on population counts, at the end of the day Bioware had to choose between American peak times and European peak times, the sad truth is one has more people playing than the other.

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Where it’s made is immaterial. EU players are paying customers just the same as the US ones.


What's the alternative? Do it in the middle of the day to piss off everyone else?


You people are knuckleheads. Someone has to have downtime during the day. Suck it up and get a job.

Edited by JustTed
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how would you like it if it was down from 8pm?


You guys are playing on a U.S. server from australian timezones. We are playing from European timezones on EUROPEAN servers. Wait until the game releases in your zone, before you start comparing that.


Also, that this is even more invonvenient for you doesn't make it any better for us...

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seriously ****, us aussies have always had to put up with server downtime during our PEAK hours, not just during the day for you jobless rats, the downtime for us is when i get home, to when i go to bed, ****


Jobless rats!!!..


I work nightshift you aussie! And no i cant just sleep from 11AM to 5PM


Make your own thread if you wan't to cry, this is a European cry thread :)




+1 tho.

Edited by nitan
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