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KotFE story does not make sense to non-Force sensitive classes..


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Well, if something you're not expecting happens, you'd be surprised. That goes for anyone.


...actually I am not too sure this is the case...force users have some...six sense or danger sense if you will (supposedly the more powerful they are the better it is....for example the Emperor afaik can actually see what the danger is versus ''there is a danger!'' for the average darth) which is one of the main reasons they are considered as...well...gods and not someone who can die if he/she anger skilled thug with nice blaster.

...not to mention snipers....

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...actually I am not too sure this is the case...force users have some...six sense or danger sense if you will (supposedly the more powerful they are the better it is....for example the Emperor afaik can actually see what the danger is versus ''there is a danger!'' for the average darth) which is one of the main reasons they are considered as...well...gods and not someone who can die if he/she anger skilled thug with nice blaster.

...not to mention snipers....


While I do't doubt that force-users can detect danger sometimes, they can be caught by surprise, just that it's harder to do. And jedi have been killed via snipers, just ask hk-47

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While I do't doubt that force-users can detect danger sometimes, they can be caught by surprise, just that it's harder to do. And jedi have been killed via snipers, just ask hk-47


Haha to to be honest to me it looks like she either let him shoot her or believed that he will not shoot/shoot over her head or something....but I am aware that it looks like I am grasping at straws just so I am right:)

....so I guess let's agree to disagree?


...as for hk-47 and killing with snipers....do we know the situation in details? Maybe the force user was in the middle of danger and hk being robot could take advantage of the exact moment? As I said (as far as I know) the average force user just get ''there is danger move!'' or something and not ''see that sniper?....no? Yea he is too far...anyway in 1.3 secs he will shoot you in the neck...'':D

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Haha to to be honest to me it looks like she either let him shoot her or believed that he will not shoot/shoot over her head or something....but I am aware that it looks like I am grasping at straws just so I am right:)

....so I guess let's agree to disagree?


...as for hk-47 and killing with snipers....do we know the situation in details? Maybe the force user was in the middle of danger and hk being robot could take advantage of the exact moment? As I said (as far as I know) the average force user just get ''there is danger move!'' or something and not ''see that sniper?....no? Yea he is too far...anyway in 1.3 secs he will shoot you in the neck...'':D


HK doesn't really mention full details, just that it was successful, though he's never been one to NOT mention his advantage, especially when he was attempting to educate the PC on how to effectively kill force users.

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Anyway I completely agree with you on all but have to wonder at your theory about why Senya was able to push our force users (especially JC or SI)....if all it takes for a Sith/Jedi to be taken by surprise is lack of intend to harm...well...isn't that a too big weakness to not be exploited already? As far as I remember we don't hear about Sith/Jedi getting killed by skilled snipers left and right:D



Actually, the Revenge of the Sith novelization explains this a bit, it's why the Jedi were so easily killed by the clones they were leading. The clones didn't have any ill will towards the Jedi , so while the Jedi were hit with their "danger sense", it was only a split second before it happened, not enough time for even the Jedi to react, whereas when the "killing intent" happens ahead of time, the Jedi can sense that and be more prepared to handle the "danger".


Of course, at this point I don't even know if the Revenge of the Sith novel is Canon anymore, and if that particular facet is considered anywhere else (and of course lets just ignore droids and why that doesn't hold true for them for the time being cause "waves hands" these aren't the droids you're looking for, move along)

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Actually, the Revenge of the Sith novelization explains this a bit, it's why the Jedi were so easily killed by the clones they were leading. The clones didn't have any ill will towards the Jedi , so while the Jedi were hit with their "danger sense", it was only a split second before it happened, not enough time for even the Jedi to react, whereas when the "killing intent" happens ahead of time, the Jedi can sense that and be more prepared to handle the "danger".


Of course, at this point I don't even know if the Revenge of the Sith novel is Canon anymore, and if that particular facet is considered anywhere else (and of course lets just ignore droids and why that doesn't hold true for them for the time being cause "waves hands" these aren't the droids you're looking for, move along)


...at least it is some kind of explanation....I will go with it, but as you said - let's forget about the droids:D

Maybe the force users are more wary around droids...only to be shot by some random smuggler or bounty hunter:)



The story is written for light-side JK only. They did not even bother with dark choices much (you have to beg Vitiate to use you and he answers the same way he does in the light options, like you are constantly refusing his power).



...if you want to say that the reason why our force users appear to be so weak is that because they are refusing to use their power...you might be right. It is very likely you are not, but there is the possibility:) Imo it is more because we are still ill from being frozen and the JK and SW depend on their mobility to be able to fight and win vs such powerful opponents - Jedi knight/Sith warrior were never been shown as Force powerhouses. That honor is reserved for JC (and SI is so interesting because he/she didn't start as force beast, but made themselves such).

I don't understand what you mean with ''They did not even bother with dark choices much''....which just seems wrong...KoTFE gave so much DS choices to my JC - they even gave her the option to ''force choke'' even as a jedi....

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  • 1 year later...
Even tho i agree with you i just want to mention that it's been confirmed that all player characters are force sensitive. (even tho they do not use any force abilities the smugglers/troopers/BH/Agent characters are Force sensitive)
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Even tho i agree with you i just want to mention that it's been confirmed that all player characters are force sensitive. (even tho they do not use any force abilities the smugglers/troopers/BH/Agent characters are Force sensitive)


Okay what is the source for your statement. I mean so everybody can end this debate and go to the I told you so?

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I think that's head canon being confused for in-game lore.


Actually three points to support that poster's comment:


#1 in game: during the Jedi Prisoner story line, Oteg has the character commune with The Exile. And he specifically says that ALL beings can use the Force, they simply have to be guided by someone trained.


#2 from the OT specifically ANH: Obi Wan said it best, "The Force is what gives a Jedi his power. It is an energy field created by all living things. It surrounds us, penetrates us. It binds the Galaxy together."


#3 from TWC series. Savage Oppress was not particularly Force Sensitive but with the right training he was able to use the Force.


So, just because someone is not a Jedi or Sith does not mean they are not part of and therefore cannot be impacted by The Force.


Every entity in the Galaxy (far far away) has a Midichlorian count. It is simply that at a certain level, that being is considered "Force Sensitive" and has the potential to be trained in the Jedi/Sith arts.

Edited by psandak
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Actually three points to support that poster's comment:




The poster claimed that it was confirmed that all player characters are force sensitive. That confirmation is what I was disputing. Where and when was that said, and by which dev?


The writers could end up going that route in a future installment, but there is currently no dialogue confirming that theory in the game. If there was a dev statement on social media confirming that to be the case, it somehow went unremarked upon on these forums until now. That seems unlikely, and I think that poster may be mistaken.

Edited by Aeneas_Falco
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The poster claimed that it was confirmed that all player characters are force sensitive. That confirmation is what I was disputing. Where and when was that said, and by which dev?


The writers could end up going that route in a future installment, but there is currently no dialogue confirming that theory in the game. If there was a dev statement on social media confirming that to be the case, it somehow went unremarked upon on these forums until now. That seems unlikely, and I think that poster may be mistaken.


Last I heard, the plan was to say being possessed by Valk made every non force sensitive, now force sensitive, but that plan was scrapped. Probably a good idea, because then I'd be wondering why my Smuggler isn't lifting things with her mind.

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Last I heard, the plan was to say being possessed by Valk made every non force sensitive, now force sensitive, but that plan was scrapped. Probably a good idea, because then I'd be wondering why my Smuggler isn't lifting things with her mind.


I've always assumed our pcs were "touched" by the Force. It explains things like the BH in his class story telling a Jedi Master that he looks foolish trying a Mind Trick on him. The Force makes up the universe, so it makes sense that the movers and shaker (the PCs) are special enough in some way. Maybe not in the wizardly way Jedi and Sith are, but still special.

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I've always assumed our pcs were "touched" by the Force. It explains things like the BH in his class story telling a Jedi Master that he looks foolish trying a Mind Trick on him. The Force makes up the universe, so it makes sense that the movers and shaker (the PCs) are special enough in some way. Maybe not in the wizardly way Jedi and Sith are, but still special.


Agent is specifically said not to be force sensitive.


We have evidence that strong willed individuals can withstand it, both in the movies and how the game mentions it only works on the weak willed.

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i love my non force users they are fun to play


but this story FOR ME just does not work as a non force user


i just spacebar through it on them lol


I support him, and the title of this topic.... Dosent make sense build pistol or blaster with the force when you are trooper commando.


Scenes with the "pistol talk" (agent and trooper use pistol for conversation... but you never use that pistol, or cant be used)...

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it already started to not make sense in the Corellia planet mission, at least on the republic side.

I know those stories are generic for all 4 classes on that side, but to think a smuggler or a trooper can beat 3 dark council members on their own, head on, is wishful thinking.


True, non force user kill force user all the time, but they do it with ambushes, traps or surprise attacks like what order 66 was or they kill the average joe or slightly above average force user, not the very best, Fett killed several jedi, that didn't help him against Mace, Mandalorians killed lots of Jedi but that didn't help them against Revan or didn't help Sabine beat Kanan (history lesson: jedi won the war against Mandalore....loved that line)


BH, Smug, Trooper and Agent beating Arcaan, Vaylin and Valk made as little sense as it made on that Corellia arc

Edited by Erudain
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Some people can damage control all they want.

The moment Valkorions stepped up in chapter 1 of KOTFE and said "You are the only one worthy of my attention in all the millenia of my lifespan" something like that to ANY player character, even the smuggler you knew that Bioware Austin didn't give a **** about story consistency and lore. They just brought in lot of star wars cliches without actually building a good story in order to bring in every star wars fan.

And it backfired.

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I've said over and over that KOTFE is written for the jedi knight class. While you can argue the point all you want, what character do you see in the trailers and the media? A human male jedi knight.


Only one class was going to be able to continue the story from a canon sense.


That means one class would have to be chosen as well as the gender and specialty :p


We knew that was the case for the original 8 classes and the choices made :p

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What could they have truly done? I think its clear that they can not afford to make animations in cut scenes specific for each class and worse create cutscene and outcomes for the non force sensitives to makes sense.

I agree. There's no way they can continue with the 8 class stories like people want or heavy acknowledgement and special dialogue and scenes for each class. I mean I WISH but it's just not feasible. :(

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