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Can people stop being so negative, please?


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I have called for this before and I agree it doesn't help anything when people are so negative. But there will be people that tell you you are bad for writing something like that and "they can say what they want" and twist your words into have you thinking that they can be negative even though it makes no sense (usually the negative people will :p ) There is such thing as constructive criticism and then just flat out negative criticism about everything that doesn't help anything or the mood of it. Some people just like calling things out or being negative. I agree people should stop being so negative.
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I have called for this before and I agree it doesn't help anything when people are so negative. But there will be people that tell you you are bad for writing something like that and "they can say what they want" and twist your words into have you thinking that they can be negative even though it makes no sense (usually the negative people will :p ) There is such thing as constructive criticism and then just flat out negative criticism about everything that doesn't help anything or the mood of it. Some people just like calling things out or being negative. I agree people should stop being so negative.


Calling things out IS good. And most of the criticism i see IS constructive criticism. And if the overall picture seems negative ,grim and breaking the mood it is because Bioware made lots of mistakes recently so there is lots of criticism.


However ,please,prove me wrong and provide your example how objective criticism of those things that happened in short span can make the mood brighter and people positive


Beta exploit that went on for almost 2 months.

GTN being broken for weeks.

2 events in a row being announced and then announced to be broken.

numerous other,smaller bugs


Oh. I forgot. Your version of constructive criticism is simply not mentioning these things and attacking people that do because it makes the blind Happy Happy Joy Joy buy cartel coins approach impossible.

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I want the game to get better. But the prognosis doesn't look good but I remain optimistic. And guess what we want new content! More people would still be here if we had it. More PvP, More Starfghter, More Solo Daillies, Seeker droid, Ops, Fps, and Story that is long meaningful and has consequences, and Comps that are customizable.


You know what's really toxic, BW actions.


I get that. I understand and would like to see those things myself. However, the lack of such things does not support or warrant any individual or group's actions where vile, petty, hateful, trolling behavior disguised as 'constructive criticism' or 'personal opinions' towards this OP or those that echo his/her sentiments, developers, owners, or anyone else involved playing or working.


I will remind you that a few months ago some asinine fan boi threatened the lives of a developer and said family over some action that happened in this game? No one has the right to do that to anyone, period. The only rights we, the paying customers have in this game is to play it with all the benefits that subscription affords us. Nothing more, nothing less.


If a player is to the point that they are resorting to using the kind of trollish hate filled diatribes I've witnessed over the past few months, said individual(s) need to stop playing this game. If they are finding themselves so emotionally involved with something like this they need to step back and reassess why they are still participating if they are so pissed off to do such things. It's time to walk away for a good period to clear one's system. Said individual(s) need to stop playing and walk away to find something else that will not upset their balance and lose their minds over pixels.


However, many players won't do that. They'll stay for the sake of stroking their egos and make as much noise as possible to ruin other player's fun and gaming experience because said individual(s) believe they are entitled to do so simply because they give $15.00 dollars a month for the privilege of playing this game under the ToS.


When the nerfed the companions under the deck, I voted with my wallet. I unsubscribed. My sub had 10 days on it expiring on 11/28. BW reversed their "toxic" actions and did the right thing, I renewed my sub with 2 days left after personally testing it out. Based on BW's response to this issue, leads me to believe they were hemorrhaging subscription nearing the level what they had at 1.2 (How many were unsubbing a day after the update). This is the only thing a company like BW and EA understand. They will ignore the ranting of those who do the things they are in this thread in particular. What they won't ignore is a mass exodus of paying customers.


Anyway, the truth of the matter is simple. The OP pointed out his concern as a returning veteran player. He is right. The vile toxic environment here is far worse than anything I saw on rec.game.mecha during the great flame war. And that is saying something. Here it is sustained, there it was a momentary loss of sanity by many posters.

Edited by Ghost_Spectre
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I have called for this before and I agree it doesn't help anything when people are so negative. But there will be people that tell you you are bad for writing something like that and "they can say what they want" and twist your words into have you thinking that they can be negative even though it makes no sense (usually the negative people will :p ) There is such thing as constructive criticism and then just flat out negative criticism about everything that doesn't help anything or the mood of it. Some people just like calling things out or being negative. I agree people should stop being so negative.


''constructive'' criticism, hell even run of the mill qq is fine.

Talking about the game being ''dead'' or wishing it to die or just hating on the game in general is something else.


When one qqs, there has to be a subtext that the person still loves the game and isn't going anywhere. Otherwise the person should just leave and not waste his and our time.

Edited by Kaedusz
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I have a tough time wrapping my head around posts like these. That people like myself, who have been subbed nonstop since early access and have been supporting this game from the beginning, are asked to keep quiet about serious fundamental issues we have with the direction of the game so new or returning players won't be turned off? Is this to be considered a serious line of thought?


The game wouldn't have made it this far without the dedication of the people who stuck with it through thick and thin. And now we are not supposed to tell the devs how we feel so what, you can feel better about a game you just decided to support? That line of thinking is absurd.


The only reason I log in anymore is because of the friendships I've made in my guild. We log in twice a week just to raid and finish the last couple NIM 4.0 bosses we have left. Once they are down that will be it. Most of us have unsubbed and have 1 to 2 months left before we go to preferred.


Last week we decided to download WOW and move over there. I know for a fact we are far from alone. None of us want to but bioware has left us little choice. I and my guildies have loved this game from the beginning. We don't want it to fail but can't support the direction the devs are taking it ( and that's not even including the disaster that has been this past month).


So forgive us if we ignore your request for nothing but positive feedback about a game we've supported from the beginning and in our opinion has gone off the fu@&!$" rails.


This cannot be quoted enough.

Edited by ekwalizer
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I have a tough time wrapping my head around posts like these. That people like myself, who have been subbed nonstop since early access and have been supporting this game from the beginning, are asked to keep quiet about serious fundamental issues we have with the direction of the game so new or returning players won't be turned off? Is this to be considered a serious line of thought?


The game wouldn't have made it this far without the dedication of the people who stuck with it through thick and thin. And now we are not supposed to tell the devs how we feel so what, you can feel better about a game you just decided to support? That line of thinking is absurd.


The only reason I log in anymore is because of the friendships I've made in my guild. We log in twice a week just to raid and finish the last couple NIM 4.0 bosses we have left. Once they are down that will be it. Most of us have unsubbed and have 1 to 2 months left before we go to preferred.


Last week we decided to download WOW and move over there. I know for a fact we are far from alone. None of us want to but bioware has left us little choice. I and my guildies have loved this game from the beginning. We don't want it to fail but can't support the direction the devs are taking it ( and that's not even including the disaster that has been this past month).


So forgive us if we ignore your request for nothing but positive feedback about a game we've supported from the beginning and in our opinion has gone off the fu@&!$" rails.


I agree with you that long-time players DEFINITELY shouldn't be asked to stay quiet, nor to suppress feedback.


However, the *tone* of a lot of that feedback which I read is destructively negative.


I wish people would provide feedback-- even ardent, passionate feedback!-- in a constructive fashion. I think constructive criticism and friendly requests are met with warmer reception by devs, and I think positive tones even when addressing serious issues would help the game in terms of new/returning players, rather than hurt it. Ultimately, that would be better for everyone.


So, be quiet? NO! Speak up? Heck yes. But do so nicely and constructively. What is the point of or benefit in being salty about things?

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I have a tough time wrapping my head around posts like these. That people like myself, who have been subbed nonstop since early access and have been supporting this game from the beginning, are asked to keep quiet about serious fundamental issues we have with the direction of the game so new or returning players won't be turned off? Is this to be considered a serious line of thought?


The game wouldn't have made it this far without the dedication of the people who stuck with it through thick and thin. And now we are not supposed to tell the devs how we feel so what, you can feel better about a game you just decided to support? That line of thinking is absurd.


The only reason I log in anymore is because of the friendships I've made in my guild. We log in twice a week just to raid and finish the last couple NIM 4.0 bosses we have left. Once they are down that will be it. Most of us have unsubbed and have 1 to 2 months left before we go to preferred.


Last week we decided to download WOW and move over there. I know for a fact we are far from alone. None of us want to but bioware has left us little choice. I and my guildies have loved this game from the beginning. We don't want it to fail but can't support the direction the devs are taking it ( and that's not even including the disaster that has been this past month).


So forgive us if we ignore your request for nothing but positive feedback about a game we've supported from the beginning and in our opinion has gone off the fu@&!$" rails.


I agree, this cannot be quoted enough. So I'm quoting it again. :)


The epic sh*tfest that is this game has gone FAR beyond the point of "constructive criticism". The bugs in this game are absolutely unacceptable, but moreso than that, BioWare completely ignoring their player base by refusing to acknowledge their screw up is infuriating. I'm a professional software tester with over 16 years of experience in my field, and I know that these bugs are not the result of poor testing. These bugs are the result of a management team that DOES NOT CARE. Just rush the content out the door, and to hell with proper testing. Bugs are one thing, but trying to pretend like nothing is wrong is grounds for a complete revamp of your company's idiotic management team, and probably 80% of the development team who apparently can't even query a database and display results (I'm talking about the problems with items being unsearchable on the GTN - this is sheer incompetence, end of story.)


I did not invest thousands of dollars into this game to be ignored by the very people whose salary I have helped pay. You want "constructive" criticism? I have dozens of suggestions, but why should I post "constructive" ideas when BioWare won't even fix what is horribly and unacceptably BROKEN?

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However, the *tone* of a lot of that feedback which I read is destructively negative.


I've said it before, I'll say it again - attempting to discredit a message because of the tone of the message is an attempt at controlling the message itself. We have responded in a manner that directly reflects our treatment, not to mention, our personal monetary contribution to the company in question. We have also TRIED to be constructive, only to be ignored even more. This community is at a breaking point, and the worst part is, all BioWare has to do is admit that they screwed up, apologize, and fix the damn game, and I bet things will go back to being "constructive". But demanding "constructive" from a community that is frankly being sh*t on is unrealistic and is a feeble attempt at controlling the message. Too bad. I will not be silent and I will not change my tone. If BW doesn't respond to this SOON, it may even go beyond the point of forgiveness from their PAYING player base.

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I've said it before, I'll say it again - attempting to discredit a message because of the tone of the message is an attempt at controlling the message itself. We have responded in a manner that directly reflects our treatment, not to mention, our personal monetary contribution to the company in question. We have also TRIED to be constructive, only to be ignored even more. This community is at a breaking point, and the worst part is, all BioWare has to do is admit that they screwed up, apologize, and fix the damn game, and I bet things will go back to being "constructive". But demanding "constructive" from a community that is frankly being sh*t on is unrealistic and is a feeble attempt at controlling the message. Too bad. I will not be silent and I will not change my tone. If BW doesn't respond to this SOON, it may even go beyond the point of forgiveness from their PAYING player base.


I agree with this completely. There are posts like the one PennyAnn made that are very constructive. The reason there is so much salt running through much of the feedback is because, as thelordofhate said, we have reached the breaking point.

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Can people stop being so negative, please?




Generally speaking, I have been very positive about this game and Bioware over the years, however with recent events and the lack of good customer service, my opinion of things here is slowly but surely turning negative.


For example : When Jedi Covenant got rolled back recently I lost 1,440 cartel coins and the armor set that I had bought and had sitting in my vault waiting for the timer to count down. I called customer service and spent nearly 30 minutes going back and forth with them, with no solution. They refused to credit me the cartel coins spent *or* grant me the armor set because, and I quote " I see that you spent 1,440 cartel coins but we do not show what you spent them on so there is nothing that I can do for you". I PM'd Musco and others and also put in a Ticket, none of which I have had any response to now and it's been about 2 weeks time.


The above is only one, of many, reasons why I am starting to have a negative opinion about this game, and company in general.

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Ishagu, welcome back. You are correct in your observation regarding this community here on the forums. Never in my life have I seen such toxic hate filled things disguised as critique, opinions, or any other diatribe people try to pass off. Evidence of this is in your thread alone.


You made a simple request and it is met with vitriol and disdain by people who feel they can do and say what they want because they are 'unhappy' with the devs and the game. While it is true I've made my own complaints known. However, what I've witnessed over the last 6 months here shows that those who 'pay' feel their are entitled to voice their opinion regardless of how vile and hateful it is.


Though they won't admit it, they act in this manner because they want to see the game fail so they can say, 'See we were right!' They want to see the subs drop, people leave and no new ones come in until TPTB give in and give them what these entitlement warriors want. Reportedly, declining profits for this game in the last 2.5 years will aid in their actions. EA will not put up with this because it will soon lead to losing money. And everyone knows EA is all about making money.


I predict that these very same people who commented in this thread will come back at me with the same vitriol and vileness because it is their very nature. This is actions of immature and child like behavior. So, I just consider the source. You do the same. Don't worry about these people because they cannot do anything to influence you, me, or anyone else if it is not allowed.


So please, continue on with your own actions and show these new players what can be done here and in-game regardless of the ranting of hate filled people whose only goal in life is to make others as miserable as they are because they cannot get their way all because they 'pay' a subscription.


Toxic was what we saw during the Companion fiasco with people actually insulting each other and the like. Simply because an opinion is negative, and apparently contrary to yours, does not by definition make it toxic.


There is a world out there where people can agree to disagree. Where, in this case, someone can say that they feel like BW has, to an extent, strung them along with promises of new PvE development when KotFE dropped (direct from the SDCC Cantina) and yet that this month Eric has said is not occurring in the foreseeable future and where someone else can say "the story is more important to me and so the fact they are focusing on that is perfect."


Does this mean you should be swayed if you are content with the state of the game? No, of course not. BUT that does not mean that people unhappy with this are somehow toxic when they voice their opinions, so long as they are informed. Example I would not be complaining at all if the Producer on KotFE's announcement had just said the focus on story was "for now" and how they knew what HE referred to as the "MMO fans" were also important.


Even after that I may not have said anything (as it was vague) if they had not said development of new PvE content would start when KotFE dropped. Heck I might have kept silent or told people to be patient if Eric had not recently come out and all but contradicted the above by saying no current plans for PvE content. Add on top of that frustration, which was created by their communication; the issues we have had with bugs, known exploits allowed to run on for almost 2 months, innocent people having to prove themselves to not be stripped of everything, crashing servers hat resulted in loss of RL money from CM purchases due to connected roll backs and two broken events. All of this seems to me to justify my being upset, just as you are justified in not being upset as some or much of this may not be important for you.


That is NOT toxic, that is two people coming to opposing informed opinions and both have an equal right to be expressed. To simply ask people to remain silent when they are displeased with certain things, in essence the OP is actually Toxic. One of the primary purposes of Toxic communication is to simply shut down or drown out your "opponent." The fact he says


Ranting to other players here will no fix anything. If you have absolutely nothing positive to say, venting to people who are enjoying the game isn't going to change anything for you.


It is emblematic of this because one of the purposes of the forums, according to BW, is to make them informed of issues. I doubt the OP would have called people protesting the nerf of companions as negative or toxic. He would likely have seen that as necessary communication for the devs to know the displeasure of a sector of the community. The same rule should apply to other issues should it not?

Edited by Ghisallo
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