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How efficient is the sith training?


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As we know the training for sith usually is trowing them to fight all kinds of dark side beasts sending them in suicide missions and if you survive you graduate but is that actual training or just self training that might not be as efficient as we think.

Look there probably way more jedi then sith in SWTOR but besides a few rare exceptions like Darth Malgus there really superior to a average Jedi meaning a normal sith apprentice and a padawan are not superior to each other.

Could the problem be in the training that actually makes a sith learn by himself instead of being self taught meaning that the technique they learn by themselves has evident weaknesses that a trained jedi can spot. Is that the reason why the sith in spite of their vicious training are not better then their jedi counterparts.

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Sith training does one thing well, every Sith that makes it to the rank of apprentice is a survivor with some manner of self-sufficiency. By the time a Sith has earned their first lightsaber, they've looked death in the eye and spit in its face.


The problem with Sith training is it makes you paranoid, because they really are out to get you. There are laws against acolytes murdering one another, but if there are no witnesses, there are no rules, and the easiest way to become an apprentice is to eliminate the competition. Your master will teach you...but is just waiting for you to become more of a threat than an asset to kill you. And you need to betray them yourself to advance.

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Probably as effective as Spartan training (which I have no doubt served as at least an inspiration for how the Sith operate). Though the Sith at least have "standard" troops in the form of the Imperial Military - the Spartans only had their elite.


Did then not lost against the Sacred Band of Thebes who had less numbers and not that good of a training?

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Did then not lost against the Sacred Band of Thebes who had less numbers and not that good of a training?


Part of that was because by the time Sacred Band defeated the Spartans, everyone had pretty much learned the Spartans' playbook. The Spartan culture didn't allow much in the way of change and creativity, so it was only a matter of time someone figured out how to defeat them.

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Part of that was because by the time Sacred Band defeated the Spartans, everyone had pretty much learned the Spartans' playbook. The Spartan culture didn't allow much in the way of change and creativity, so it was only a matter of time someone figured out how to defeat them.


I do not get the spartans they where trained since babies and yet they died as easy as when fighting a average soldier as normal soldiers do. Which goes to my sith point they do not improve to put it like that they know their skills they master them but leave but has weaknesses that are exploited.

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I do not get the spartans they where trained since babies and yet they died as easy as when fighting a average soldier as normal soldiers do. Which goes to my sith point they do not improve to put it like that they know their skills they master them but leave but has weaknesses that are exploited.


Spartan's lacked Force Powers. Those make a big difference. :p

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I do not get the spartans they where trained since babies and yet they died as easy as when fighting a average soldier as normal soldiers do.


No they didn't. If they did, Sparta would not be famous for the stuff they are famous for.

Edited by Kaedusz
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No they didn't. If they did, Sparta would not be famous for the stuff they are famous for.


And its also famous for being crush by Thebes literally they destroyed Sparta's way of life very very fast they killed their king and killed so many spartans that they could not replenish.

This time there where not 300 spartans doing a last heroic defense they outnumbered Thebes with few thousands more troops. They where crushed really crushed.

How did their training helped?

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Sith training is "efficient" in the sense that it saves time and culls those deemed "weak" from the ranks of the Sith. It's inefficient in the sense that it wastes a great deal of talent and potential, not to mention sentient life, by carelessly throwing away so many acolytes. The Sith can turn a raw recruit into a killing machine faster than the Jedi can, but the Jedi aren't really trying to compete on that front. The Jedi offer a more holistic, rounded approach to training. Sith may be better one-on-one fighters overall (I don't think this is clear one way or another) but Jedi are more useful in war due to their ability to cooperate, heal the wounded and generally act selflessly. The Sith can usually be counted on to defeat themselves faster than anyone else can do it.


There's a pretty important difference between the Spartans and the Sith, even if their training styles are comparable in their brutality. The Spartans trained for phalanx fighting. Each hoplite stood in a close formation and depended on the soldiers beside him at all times. Cohesion and coordination were critical. The Sith train for individual combat. Each Sith fights on his/her own initiative and treats other Sith as enemies waiting to strike as soon as an opporunity arises. Infighting and betrayal are actively encouraged. If the Spartans had trained by Sith methods they would not have been able to function as an army.

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