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Please keep the taint that is episode 7 away from the the old republic *spoiler*


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Yeah but think about it, firstly why would Luke abandon Rey on Jakku? Because of why Satele abandoned Theron? Probably not because Luke was never against emotional attachment or a traditional Jedi. Also since Kylo and Ren seem to be around the same age Luke wasn't betrayed by anyone yet as far as we know so what would be the reason? Luke and Leia wanted him to train Kylo so you think Luke (the guy who is also ditched as a baby on a dustball) would leave his daughter to train other kids? Rey also mentions that she is waiting for her "Family" not her "Father" and from the flashback she definitely looks old enough to at least remember the faces of her family or who they are. I still remember my fathers face and the last time I saw him I was 4 years old. All the signs in the movie point to Luke but I just don't think how it would make sense. Rey also has a British accent ( I know daisy is British IRL but so is Boyega and only Rey gets to keep the accent in the movie, even the little girl in the flashback sounds British. My conclusion is that Rey may remember her family it's just us the viewers that don't know who they are, Rey might not know them and their significance though if there is any. Finally at the last seen I really think she would recognize Luke if he was her father or would at least sense it in the force or something. Maz also says to her that her family is never coming back but there is Luke. Did anyone notice obi wan's voice at the end of the flashback by the way ? My theory is that at some point obi wan might have had a child maybe on tattooine and Rey is his grand daughter.... I know it's crazy


Why would Luke abandon Rey? I thought about that too, but perhaps to keep her safe from Kylo Ren and Snoke?


Rey is 19 in TFA, Ren around 30. Don't know what you mean with that question about betrayal, though. Luke covered his tracks very well, no one could find him, not even Leia.


Yes, after Ren destroyed the Jedi Temple he was such a threat Luke left Rey on Jakku perhaps?


Yeah, that mention about family is right. But perhaps it wasn't only Luke that left Rey on Jakku, her mother could be there too? And apparently Rey doesn't remember their faces anymore. This will definitely explained in the next film. Maybe they start where they ended this movie, and let Rey say something like "hey, I know you!".


About the accent. Accents are not in your genes, right? She could've learned this accent on Jakku. But indeed, they could've done something with this, because Boyega has an American accent in this film.


They might have let this recognizing thing out to do it in VIII... In my opinion, Luke looks at her in a way that tells me that he knows her. Don't know what others think about this, but I found the look of Luke quite clear.


In the vision there were also voices of Palpatine and Yoda, pretty cool. Your Obi-wan theory could be true. We'll have to see!


Just because he has one non-Skywalker parent doesn't mean Kylo Ren isn't a Skywalker. It's not like a father's blood overrides the mother's (heck, there's a decent chance he doesn't even have Han's last name - Leia is still General Organa in the film).


Even if she is Luke's daughter, unless Rey sprung fully-formed from his head then she is only going to be 50% Skywalker, too.


Yeah, that's true. But when I read "all about the Skywalkers" I think about the film, the utmost important characters (so Rey and Kylo) as Skywalkers. As I said before, we'll see, but I really hope she's Luke's daughter

(By the way, isn't Kylo's name already confirmed as Ben Solo?)

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(By the way, isn't Kylo's name already confirmed as Ben Solo?)

That's certainly what most fans / internet news sites have taken to referring to him as, but I believe that's just a conclusion they've jumped to due to prevailing social norms, not any actual evidence in the movie or any supplemental material.


I don't think any official sources have clarified what his full name was before he changed it to Kylo Ren. (While it is possible they missed such a source, the Wookieepedia entry just leaves his birth name as "Ben" for now.)

Edited by DarthDymond
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That's certainly what most fans / internet news sites have taken to referring to him as, but I believe that's just a conclusion they've jumped to due to prevailing social norms, not any actual evidence in the movie or any supplemental material.


I don't think any official sources have clarified what his full name was before he changed it to Kylo Ren. (While it is possible they missed such a source, the Wookieepedia entry just leaves his birth name as "Ben" for now.)


Allright, thanks for this! I thought this was already confirmed :eek:

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That's certainly what most fans / internet news sites have taken to referring to him as, but I believe that's just a conclusion they've jumped to due to prevailing social norms, not any actual evidence in the movie or any supplemental material.


It´s what Han calls him when he´s about to follow him into the bridge. And considering all sons / daughters in Star Wars keep the father´s surname (even Luke, as dangerous as it was), except Anakin who lacks a father, there´s no reason to believe he could be called Ben Organa or something else than Ben Solo.

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It´s what Han calls him when he´s about to follow him into the bridge. And considering all sons / daughters in Star Wars keep the father´s surname (even Luke, as dangerous as it was), except Anakin who lacks a father, there´s no reason to believe he could be called Ben Organa or something else than Ben Solo.

Han definitely doesn't call him "Ben Solo" on the bridge - he calls him "Ben", which I'm not disputing.


I think that's the name that will most likely end up being confirmed, but if Han and Leia were never married there'd be nothing at all odd about it turning out to be Ben Organa. We just don't have official confirmation either way at this point.

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I was wondering whether Kylo Ren and Rey were supposed to be roughly the same age, since that would have put a big ol' plot hole in the 'she was left on Jakku after the new Jedi were betrayed' theory - but it turns out Kylo Ren is supposed to be about 29-30, while Rey is significantly younger (18-19 according to the Visual Dictionary book). If Rey was supposed to be around 5 when she was left on Jakku, then it could have been after a 16-year old Ben betrayed the Jedi (Ben being that young when he betrayed the Jedi would even help explain why he was still pretty under-trained).


Personally, I really hope that they go a different route than "Rey is Luke's daughter!", but the relative ages of the characters don't really rule out any of the legs under that theory.


Oh I see, my bad they looked about the same age haha so I thought the characters were too. I really hope they go from Luke being her father too, it seems way too obvious at this point with all the clues in the movie. I want something more of a plot twist or shock/surprise. Not the clear obvious path. That's why I hope it turns out shes Obi Wan's grand daughter...since from the good guys in the old movies only Obi Wan had the classy British accent hahahah. Well anyway it's fun to discuss these things.

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Oh I see, my bad they looked about the same age haha so I thought the characters were too. I really hope they go from Luke being her father too, it seems way too obvious at this point with all the clues in the movie. I want something more of a plot twist or shock/surprise. Not the clear obvious path. That's why I hope it turns out shes Obi Wan's grand daughter...since from the good guys in the old movies only Obi Wan had the classy British accent hahahah. Well anyway it's fun to discuss these things.


And yet here I hope she IS a Skywalker lol. I will be furious when it turns out she's just some ordinary girl :p

Obi Wan's granddaughter would be partially okay for me. I like Obi-Wan.


And as you say, it's indeed really fun to discuss this :D! I'm already hyped for Episode VIII and it hits me everytime I think about the time. Still 500+ days :(

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Personally, I really hope that they go a different route than "Rey is Luke's daughter!", but the relative ages of the characters don't really rule out any of the legs under that theory.


I know . . . but, don't hate me for this now;), that would probably make the least sense of all alternatives:o



and consider who is speaking, the timing of who gets the saber and what's being said at the same time . . .


. . . :eek:

Edited by t-darko
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I know . . . but, don't hate me for this now;), that would probably make the least sense of all alternatives:o



and consider who is speaking, the timing of who gets the saber and what's being said at the same time . . .


. . . :eek:


From what I read, that was Mav giving the saber to Leia, but that scene was cut/changed.

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From what I read, that was Mav giving the saber to Leia, but that scene was cut/changed.

Yeah, Abrams said that originally Mav gives it to Leia who gives it to Finn, but 'playing hot potato' with it like that ended up getting distracting or feeling superfluous, so they just had Mav give it directly to Finn instead.

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Some interesting back and forth. Some less interesting back and forth.


I tend to side with the folks who point out that Kylo Ren was not a fully trained anything. He had a lot of raw power, but not a broad set of skills in applying it. Rey also had a lot of raw power, but no formal training (that we are aware of), and she was able to tap into that when she needed it most. She wasn't a 'Master' of anything. Hardly a new concept for Star Wars.


The parallels between Rey, Luke, and Anakin also should have been fairly obvious to anyone paying attention. Natural aptitude with piloting and mechanics is a recurring theme with the main characters of the Star Wars films. She's hardly unique or any more of a 'Sue' than basically every other important character in the franchise.


Lastly, and this is just a peeve, Finn was not a janitor. He was a Stormtrooper whose assigned post was in Sanitation. Calling him a janitor is like saying the Stormtrooper guarding the door of the command post is a General. Sanitation just happened to be the section of the planet sized super-base where he walked his patrols and performed his Stormtrooper duties.


Oddly, the character I was most disappointed with in TFA was Han Solo. Just my personal opinion, but I really felt he was the comedy relief of the film. Rather than the charming rogue who survived with skill, luck, and a know-it-all grin I think I remember, he really came across to me in TFA as a bumbling, possibly senile, pratfall (most of the time). The places it really stood out to me were the entire freighter scene with the two gangs, and every time he picked up the Bowcaster. I remember thinking "Really? Han and Chewie have been partners for decades and he never fired the bowcaster before? Seriously?" There also this quick moment on Starkiller base that's like two seconds long, where they've 'rescued' Rey and are heading back up to the surface. Chewie picks up Han's parka and hands it to him, and Han stares at it like he has no idea where he is or what he's doing. Maybe senile and bumbling is what they were going for, and if so they were remarkably successful, but it was a disappointment to me, personally.

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Some interesting back and forth. Some less interesting back and forth.


I tend to side with the folks who point out that Kylo Ren was not a fully trained anything. He had a lot of raw power, but not a broad set of skills in applying it. Rey also had a lot of raw power, but no formal training (that we are aware of), and she was able to tap into that when she needed it most. She wasn't a 'Master' of anything. Hardly a new concept for Star Wars.


The parallels between Rey, Luke, and Anakin also should have been fairly obvious to anyone paying attention. Natural aptitude with piloting and mechanics is a recurring theme with the main characters of the Star Wars films. She's hardly unique or any more of a 'Sue' than basically every other important character in the franchise.


Lastly, and this is just a peeve, Finn was not a janitor. He was a Stormtrooper whose assigned post was in Sanitation. Calling him a janitor is like saying the Stormtrooper guarding the door of the command post is a General. Sanitation just happened to be the section of the planet sized super-base where he walked his patrols and performed his Stormtrooper duties.


Oddly, the character I was most disappointed with in TFA was Han Solo. Just my personal opinion, but I really felt he was the comedy relief of the film. Rather than the charming rogue who survived with skill, luck, and a know-it-all grin I think I remember, he really came across to me in TFA as a bumbling, possibly senile, pratfall (most of the time). The places it really stood out to me were the entire freighter scene with the two gangs, and every time he picked up the Bowcaster. I remember thinking "Really? Han and Chewie have been partners for decades and he never fired the bowcaster before? Seriously?" There also this quick moment on Starkiller base that's like two seconds long, where they've 'rescued' Rey and are heading back up to the surface. Chewie picks up Han's parka and hands it to him, and Han stares at it like he has no idea where he is or what he's doing. Maybe senile and bumbling is what they were going for, and if so they were remarkably successful, but it was a disappointment to me, personally.


While I think most people wonder how Han could never have fired that bow caster before, I think most realize the point of that was to set up the end of the movie.


We see it just tossing people around, so people should see (though obviously as reading these forums show, many couldn't comprehend it) that Ren is hurt/weakened going into that fight in the woods.


Not sure on that Parka.


Agreed on the rest.

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While I think most people wonder how Han could never have fired that bow caster before, I think most realize the point of that was to set up the end of the movie.


We see it just tossing people around, so people should see (though obviously as reading these forums show, many couldn't comprehend it) that Ren is hurt/weakened going into that fight in the woods.



Seems we're agreement, then!

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Oh I see, my bad they looked about the same age haha so I thought the characters were too. I really hope they go from Luke being her father too, it seems way too obvious at this point with all the clues in the movie. I want something more of a plot twist or shock/surprise. Not the clear obvious path. That's why I hope it turns out shes Obi Wan's grand daughter...since from the good guys in the old movies only Obi Wan had the classy British accent hahahah. Well anyway it's fun to discuss these things.



it's worth noting that Rey being Luke's daughter, and Obi-wan's granddaughter, aren't nesscarily contridictory. ideas. she could be both.

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Actually it has been confirmed, wookieepedia has never been officially recognized by Lucasfilm. While IGN has been officially recognized as the wiki for Star Wars as far as new canon is concerned.


IGN's Kylo Ren page


offically reckongized by whom?



that said it is a more profesionally done Wiki. Wookiepedia while good in many ways, suffers VERY strongly from the "Nerd's opinion presented as fact" issue. I've seen the occasional example of fannon with no actual basis in offical lore, being put up on Wookiepedia.

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