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Relics requiring certain alignment?


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I am currently level 44 on my marauder and I have not been able to find/acquire/craft a relic that does not need me to be either dark I+ at least or light respectively.


I am NOT role-playing but I am making decisions based on personal preference so I am lingering around dark I (between 800 dark to 1200) thus being "neutral". Consequently my character is being "punished" by not being able to equip any relics so far.


Are there any relics out there NOT requiring specific alignment specifically for end game?


Thanks in advance

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Thank you Seerees, I had already seen some of those on torhead and the DH database but there is no mention on where the vendor is or I am missing the obvious.


Luckily I have artifice as a crafting profession and have been collecting the matrix shards on most planets I have been on.


Edit: The artifice ones will do just fine (at least for end game, I don't really mind leveling without one) :)

Edited by Brimstone_
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The Matrix shards allow you to get a pretty good one. Also you can get the pvp ones at 50 but they are sub-par to the alignment based gear.


Like yourself, I will have to sacrifice some because I didn't want to mindlessly hit darkside or lightside every time.


Bioware did indicate during BETA that they would be adding Neutral gear in the game but it would be post launch.

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