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Everything posted by Brimstone_

  1. Then now that you know he has a cleanse, maybe memorize the slot and shortcut and hit the corresponding keybind?
  2. And you are who exactly? And what is it that the distinguishes you from the "general masses"? Regardless of the bug the guy is perfectly doable. Completed it just yesterday being level 44 using Quinn. Smart use of your cds and a health pack works wonders.
  3. Thank you Seerees, I had already seen some of those on torhead and the DH database but there is no mention on where the vendor is or I am missing the obvious. Luckily I have artifice as a crafting profession and have been collecting the matrix shards on most planets I have been on. Edit: The artifice ones will do just fine (at least for end game, I don't really mind leveling without one)
  4. I am currently level 44 on my marauder and I have not been able to find/acquire/craft a relic that does not need me to be either dark I+ at least or light respectively. I am NOT role-playing but I am making decisions based on personal preference so I am lingering around dark I (between 800 dark to 1200) thus being "neutral". Consequently my character is being "punished" by not being able to equip any relics so far. Are there any relics out there NOT requiring specific alignment specifically for end game? Thanks in advance
  5. yeh I know about that, but the damn thing changed and now it's even worse having the character turn instead of the camera.
  6. Most know the semi-annoying camera behavior where it pivots to frontal view when you release the mouse button, if you use your mouse to look around while running. That I was trying to get used to, but an hour or so ago instead of just the camera pivoting... I run, I click my left mouse button to look around and when I release it my characters turns around looking in the direction the camera was when I released the button... mighty annoying. Any ideas would be appreciated, thanks. Edit: I don't know if I accidentally hit a shortcut and caused that behavior or it is a bug.
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