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KoTFE: What would you like to see? *Potential Spoilers*


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Hello fellow Star Warsy folks,


Now that the expansion and new content is under way, I'm curious as to what other people would like to see and/or are looking forward to the most. So post it up here, and tell us what moment your waiting and hoping for.


I have two things;


1) The "Sith Empress" - Yea, I can't wait to go to Korriban and smack her around. You may be wondering why, seeing how we haven't met her yet. The answer is simple: She's in my chair.


2) (Ex) Chancellor Suresh - Please, in the name of all that's holy, let my Sith character get to her. I don't even really want to kill her, I just want to make her wish I did, lol. Suresh plays it tough, but she's a politician not a combatant. If you stuck her and Darth Marr in a room together, she would come out crying like a schoolgirl with a skinned knee...that's what I want to see!



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How our old LIs interact after seeing us again in 5 years, and what they have been doing In the meantime, or if they moved on. Also seeing more of the world around us. I felt were so confined to Zakuul we weren't able to see what's properly going on. What happened to the colicoids? members of the balmorian resistance? is hutta still a stinkball? how are the hutts going? the republic and empires capital worlds and shambled fleets? etc etc.
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