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Metrics Determine What Parts of the Game are Updated/Created


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It isn't a difficult concept, many of us unsubbed and are simply awaiting our time to expire.

So you are here to troll the forums of a game you no longer wish to play. Your absence (should it ever actually manifest itself) will be no loss, then.


Personally, when I don't play a game, I don't post in its forums even if I can. What's the point?

Edited by branmakmuffin
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So you are here to troll the forums of a game you no longer wish to play. Your absence (should it ever actually manifest itself) will be no loss, then.


Personally, when I don't play a game, I don't post in its forums even if I can. What's the point?

Where did he say he no longer wishes to play it, or that he doesn't play? He's still hoping to impact change I assume. Your complaining about him posting is simple harassment imo.

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I don't do ops, but I do believe they should have a little more. And I'm confident in 5.0 we will see some because Jeff Hickman said 4.0 is ALL story nothing but it and then come all the mmo bits. So just be patient. It's all coming!


In the mean time i canceled my sub and can just watch them on YouTube


They should have a survey for when you cancel your sub, love to see those metrics :D


My main reason is lack of bug fixes and NiM loot debacle.

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Where did he say he no longer wishes to play it, or that he doesn't play? He's still hoping to impact change I assume. Your complaining about him posting is simple harassment imo.

Is this the best trolling you can do?


It isn't a difficult concept, many of us unsubbed and are simply awaiting our time to expire.

Now he might be playing the game while his sub is still going, and he might very well continue to play as preferred, but this post makes it clear that he claims he has unsubscribed (he could be making it up, sure). Unsubing and posting about it implies dissatisfaction (there is no other reason to post about it, other than attention mongering). Why play a game one is dissatisfied with? Why do you play the game given that you make so many posts about how awful the game is?

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I don't do ops, but I do believe they should have a little more. And I'm confident in 5.0 we will see some because Jeff Hickman said 4.0 is ALL story nothing but it and then come all the mmo bits. So just be patient. It's all coming!

5.0? So...another year minimum you think Sarfux? You think that's a reasonable expectation? Especially since after Rav/ToS dropped they promised we'd never go a year again between new Ops...you think people should just be patient?


I don't believe anything is coming Sarfux. There's a new Star Wars RPG coming out in 2017, and I just doubt we'll be around long after that...Star Wars MMOs have been tried twice now, and both times they fell far short of their expectations.

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None of this matters. None of us have any of the hard data that's needed to draw any real conclusion. People can bring up investor calls and the like. At the end of the day, all of everything everyone says is based on pure speculation. The only hard line data we can look at is the fact that at last glance subscribers are up 31 percent. The rest is all forward looking projections/ expectations. For all we know the game could still be up 24 percent in terms of subscribers even with the loss of raiders or what not.


Sure there's been a lot of junk along the way. I'm just as annoyed as others when it comes to the end game neglect. But, I'm having probably more fun than i ever have in my history with the game. So we can all argue semantics about x or y (and justifiably this is the place to do such a thing), but at the end of the day one thing is certain. None of us know jack.

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5.0? So...another year minimum you think Sarfux? You think that's a reasonable expectation? Especially since after Rav/ToS dropped they promised we'd never go a year again between new Ops...you think people should just be patient?


I don't believe anything is coming Sarfux. There's a new Star Wars RPG coming out in 2017, and I just doubt we'll be around long after that...Star Wars MMOs have been tried twice now, and both times they fell far short of their expectations.


There is no supporting evidence of a new game SW MMO in 2017. I'm surprised to see you repeating this rumor. At best EA lets this game limp along worst case they decide the margins aren't large enough and close it down. I doubt they would replace it instantly with another MMO in the same IP. If they did anything they would let the market cool off a bit then launch a new one not to mention the amount of time games take to develop we would have heard about something already if they were under 2 years from launch.

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I wonder if they ever crosstab their metrics to measure game performance (FPS etc.) when players are running certain types of content.


I used to be an avid PVPer. When KotFE was announced, I PVPed less to prepare my legion of alts for the expansion. I intended to return to PVP after I did the 4.0 story.


However, warzones are far more difficult and frustrating when they are 5 fps compared to 40 fps pre-4.0. This is even after I killed my graphics settings and turned off certain graphics effects like shadows completely (my graphics were almost maximum pre-4.0 but now they're almost lowest settings). So I play warzones a lot less than I used to because 4.0 killed their performance. Now I find 8m ops to offer a better framerate (16m still a slideshow as I found out during xeno) so I run them more.


So my contribution to Bioware's metrics will say moar ops, less PVP pls, even though I very much want to see PVP development, simply because the xpac dropped game performance in warzones so far that I feel I must avoid them.

Edited by AdrianDmitruk
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5.0? So...another year minimum you think Sarfux? You think that's a reasonable expectation? Especially since after Rav/ToS dropped they promised we'd never go a year again between new Ops...you think people should just be patient?


I don't believe anything is coming Sarfux. There's a new Star Wars RPG coming out in 2017, and I just doubt we'll be around long after that...Star Wars MMOs have been tried twice now, and both times they fell far short of their expectations.

There is no supporting evidence of a new game SW MMO in 2017. I'm surprised to see you repeating this rumor. At best EA lets this game limp along worst case they decide the margins aren't large enough and close it down. I doubt they would replace it instantly with another MMO in the same IP. If they did anything they would let the market cool off a bit then launch a new one not to mention the amount of time games take to develop we would have heard about something already if they were under 2 years from launch.

He didn't say there was a new MMO coming out in 2017, he said there was a new RPG coming - I believe he was implying that since Star Wars MMOs have repeatedly under-performed, EA's focus will shift to the new RPG and they'll close this down, giving up on Star Wars MMOs as a bad investment. I doubt that theory is true either - but TUXs didn't seem to be repeating the (likely-erroneous) MMO rumor.

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He didn't say there was a new MMO coming out in 2017, he said there was a new RPG coming - I believe he was implying that since Star Wars MMOs have repeatedly under-performed, EA's focus will shift to the new RPG and they'll close this down, giving up on Star Wars MMOs as a bad investment. I doubt that theory is true either - but TUXs didn't seem to be repeating the (likely-erroneous) MMO rumor.

Correct. I specifically called it an RPG, which is what it's being called, and they may only be "rumors" right now, but there's solid evidence to back up those "rumors". Whether or not this game closes is debatable, but EA seems to have pulled most of their support for SWTOR.

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He didn't say there was a new MMO coming out in 2017, he said there was a new RPG coming - I believe he was implying that since Star Wars MMOs have repeatedly under-performed, EA's focus will shift to the new RPG and they'll close this down, giving up on Star Wars MMOs as a bad investment. I doubt that theory is true either - but TUXs didn't seem to be repeating the (likely-erroneous) MMO rumor.


Fair enough. I must have misinterpreted the post.

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but EA seems to have pulled most of their support for SWTOR.


and what makes you say? If 4.0 showed anything it showed EA is behind their product with SWTOR. Idk why you're so dismal as of late :(

Edited by Sarfux
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and what makes you say? If 4.0 showed anything it showed EA is behind their product with SWTOR. Idk why you're so dismal as of late :(

In what way do you think EA is behind SWTOR? The trailer? If only we had gotten as much out of the game as we did the trailer, I'd agree...but to me, 4.0 marked the first expansion without any new repeatable content. We've had story with every update Sarfux...what we haven't had was a complete absence of group content.


I liked the 4.0 update, but the lack of true MMO elements worries me. Their inability to meet the first January update also has me skeptical. Then the removal of incentive to do NiM Ops... 4.0 was a great story...but the rest of it has been a disaster imo.

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In what way do you think EA is behind SWTOR? The trailer? If only we had gotten as much out of the game as we did the trailer, I'd agree...but to me, 4.0 marked the first expansion without any new repeatable content. We've had story with every update Sarfux...what we haven't had was a complete absence of group content.


I liked the 4.0 update, but the lack of true MMO elements worries me. Their inability to meet the first January update also has me skeptical. Then the removal of incentive to do NiM Ops... 4.0 was a great story...but the rest of it has been a disaster imo.


TUXs. It's coming later. 4.0 is for story. The mmo stuff will come!

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Correct. I specifically called it an RPG, which is what it's being called, and they may only be "rumors" right now, but there's solid evidence to back up those "rumors". Whether or not this game closes is debatable, but EA seems to have pulled most of their support for SWTOR.


Looks like there was a release about an RPG on the 15th. As for EA giving up on BioWare I agree. I think them going against the industry standard expansion of story, raids and pvp content made bioware no friends. If I could find the correct quarterly document with that statement in it I would cite it but no time to look right now.

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Ops aren't getting played because they are old and stale for long time players. People who do operations are unsubbing or leaving in protest due to the lack of current content and that no new content is on the horizon. People are waking up to the fact that is not metrics but revenue which dictates BW's actions and therefore are hoping that hurting them financially (by unsubbing) will lead to far more action then aimlessly playing ops til a new one comes out. After all people have been doing that for a year already.


If Ops were getting played when they were new they wouldn't have put them on the back-burner. You just can't accept reality and came up with nonsense to justify why reality is wrong.

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I started playing in June. If I would have known that class stories ended with the Vanilla content I wouldn't have dropped a 6-month sub; 1-50 is a great experience. I love the voice acting however I like playing group content that is not rehashed. My sub ends in a few weeks. I logged on last night but didn't do anything. I haven't played since KoTFE dropped.


The way the game is now is just not my cup of tea. I don't like level synced planets. I don't like the way companions are now. Others may find it great and that's OK.

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