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Question for BioWare: Does your alliance matter?


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I would recommend getting a couple of companions to level 20+ influence for soloing purposes. That's the point where you could, if decently geared and skilled, have a reasonable chance at soloing heroic Star Fortresses with alliance buffs and clickies at least.


After that, try to build up all the companions more or less evenly. In this way if you lose any of them via story you aren't out a massive investment.


For example:

Out of 30 companions I spend X amount of money leveling 1 of them to influence 50 and that companion dies/is lost. I am now out X money.


Out of 30 companions I spend X money boosting the influence of all of them to some level (clearly not 50) and one of them dies. I am now out X/30 money. Still a loss, but proportionately less of one.


This also buffers you a bit against segments of story that require you use companion X or companion Y instead of your favored companion.

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nope its just a meaningless rep grind to distract from the fact this game has no new endgame content


Only now, at the end.....Do you see the Emperor's NEW clothes.


EDIT: AND the Matrix! :rak_03:


Director: "Mister Ford, you're just gonna have to shoot Greedo first another fifty times, coz we've only written two hours of movie!"

Harrison Ford: "When Do I get to kiss the princess fifty times?"

Director: "It's a once-only cutscene. You don't get to kiss her again."

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Going with the other posters ME3 line, it will matter in the effect of:


◆ No real work done on Alliance? When the final baddie dies you get a Red explosion when you toss him down that pit to wherever.


◆ Got everyone in your Aliance up to 10? Red or Blue explosion at the end, dependant on your LS/DS choices.


◆ Got them all maxxed? Red, Green, or Blue expolosion at the end dependant on your LS/DS/Neutral decisions throughout the story.


(First only allowing Red explosion since you obviously didnt give enough of a crap about the fate of the universe to do anything about it, so defaulted you to DS result :p)

Edited by XiamaraSimi
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reality as I see it is this experiment at new content for an mmo is really an utter failure. the model as it stands now is a very flawed model one from a dev team that really just does not grasp an mmo that has legs for a long haul.


with the current system they needed to push out 2 new chapters a month minimum. which we all know BW cant do nor even if given the correct staff probably could.

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Overall though, I'm starting to doubt the wisdom of separating character from old companions for months. Not so bad if they all come back quickly, (with frequent meaningful story chapters) but some might take a year or more..... And that's a long time to play 'no spoilers' + 'wait-and-see.'


My guess would be that everyone will have all their companions back by the end of Chapter XVI (Around August/September next year if memory serves). Some will come back as part of big story arcs (Kaliyo for example), whereas others I'm sure will just be slotted in because there are 40+ companions and only 7 chapters remaining.


My doubts about Bioware's wisdom arise due to the sheer number of companions being thrown at us.


My personal experience, having levelled all 8 classes to max level, is that after a while - the majority of companions become just background noise (an annoying noise in the case of Treek). Of my 40+ companions, perhaps 2 or 3 actually "mean" anything to me, and for the most part they are the companions I either got to know the best very early on or were the companions I found interesting.

Obviously some were better written than others. Some had a more indepth back story than others. But after a while, no amount of story was going to keep me engaged with semi-generic companion #33.


And that is my concern for the KotFE treatment of companions, new and old. Everyone wants their favourite companion back. Everyone's opinion is going to be different. Bioware are going to give everyone what they want. And so everyone is going to get (or at least be offered) every companion and some more besides.


Yes, you'll get "your" companion back. But "your" companion is yours because it's somehow special to you.

I doubt very much that sort of connection will arise for a KotFE companion. And if not, then that somehow betrays the fact that the original story has something that the KotFE story doesn't. Which is a shame, because the new companions for the most part are written to be a little less one-dimensional than the originals. A shame, because they're lost in the avalanche of companions that are coming your way.


Throw companion gifts into the mix, where some will always do quests with "that one companion", because that's the one you got to influence rank 40+ - and the chance of making a connection to 49+ of those 50+ companions is lessened further.


ofc, there are going to be exceptions. Some people are going to love Koth. Some people are going to love Scorpio (especially since she's clearly going to have a big story arc going on). Some will love Skadge. But for each companion that is the exception, there are going to be 40+ that I suspect most people are just going to "meh" about.


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Edited by Woetoo
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