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EU Maintenance Time Campaign


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You people do understand how massive the logistical/compatibility/software difficulties in running multiple server clusters on different versions of a client can be don't you?


You don't...oh...



Carry on then.








Strange then, that other mmos seem to manage it just fine.

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This is a campaign to get European Servers Maintained during the early hours of the morning in Europe.


Why should European players have to suffer 4 or more hours of playtime interruption during the European afternoon. Upcoming server maintenance for SWTOR includes all servers and will affect them between 4-10am CST. This is 1-5pm CET. Which means scores of European players on holiday will have their peak play time interrupted.


As the servers are designated to a region, why not employ regional maintenance. There are two benefits to this.

- firstly the European and Asian players don't feel like second hand community members, slaves to US policy :rolleyes:

- secondly maintenance issues that are potentially damaging would only affect a block of servers at a time.


Sign this petition if you want to play SW during the European afternoons.


Your worried about time frame and Australians don't even get to play swtor. Get over it

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Sign me up.


I don't really understand how they did not think this part through. Maintenance during off hours is like, the second commandment in the techies manual.

(The first being RTFM, naturally)


Still. For a game that's only been out for about two weeks, it's been pretty smooth sailing sofar. Just have to tighten up the rigging on stuff like this.

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/Signed - if there's a very valid reason why ALL servers must be down at same time then i would like to here it?


If not - then i would like to see it come down at 4 am GMT so it's up and running for morning.


I run a nation wide sports retail shop in UK and and i get very few days off - shame to have to miss daytime action!



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