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Defender of the Empire: Power Play (Bonus) bug 4.0.3a


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So, I finally decide to finish my Sniper; get to the end of Chapter 1, and I'm all set... Then, I start the Power Play bonus, to sabotage various components on the ship, and even though I did them all, the "Midship power relay" show incomplete. I do not want to just move forward with the primary mission, so I try a little of everything; I leave, I leave the sector of space, I go to another planet, then I go to Tantooine, and still cannot reset the mission. I logout, log back in, I try everything I can find, and no joy.


So, I open a ticket today, and we'll see if I can continue.


I know there has been other bugs with the fight with Darth Jadus, but I haven't even gotten that far to see if I get that specific bug...


Thoughts / ideas?

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Well, here's what I got back from my ticket...


"This particular case appears to have been caused by a bug within the game that will need to be corrected in a future game update and as such, cannot be corrected by Customer Service."


And then:


"...we would request that you submit a Bug Report on this issue. Bug Reports submitted though the In-Game Help Center go directly to our development QA team and not to Customer Service."


So, Customer Service cannot enter a Bug Report for me based on my ticket? Let me get this straight, it's broke, you know it, and now you ask the customer to do more work to put in a bug report for you?


So, there ya go. Broke, do not pass Go, do not collect $500 dollars... Now, can't move forward, until it gets fixed someday. And I have been a sub since the Beta...

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  • 3 weeks later...

The Jadus encounter at the end of Act I has been bugged (in some form or another) since launch. My first agent got to deal with invisible floors and objects on the bridge of his ship (making him untargetable unless you were up close) which made life as a sniper... "difficult".


You would think that with this specific encounter's track record with bugs, someone at Bioware or EA would be saying "No more bugs in Class Story Chapter Endings". Doubly so when they push for 12x XP and getting people leveled quickly by means of class quests only.


Oh yes. let's not forget, legendary achievement = every player must level up an Agent, and thus must go thru this encounter. In other words, before it was only those interested in playing Agents, now it's practically every player who gets exposed to Glaring Bugs In The Production Code.


I suppose since this is a quote bonus quest unquote it's not on the Quality Control people's radar.



Edited by Soultranna
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  • 2 weeks later...

i got excited when I found a thread with this topic. I thought I had found a solution...

Still bugged (tho I'm glad I searched, otherwise I would have wandered around the ship for weeks)


So I submitted an in-game bug report and this is the response I got:


The mission you've mentioned doesn't have any known obvious issues that cause this problem so it just sounds like it's glitched, and I have a few workarounds that should sort that out.


Firstly, if you are unable to interact with an object or NPC, firstly please try resetting your User Interface. To do this, please hold down the [Ctrl] key and press twice. Your User Interface should disappear for a moment – when it reappears your User Interface will be reset.


Otherwise, a mission reset should sort this pronto! You will likely need to return to your Faction Fleet in order to be able to reset - missions can't reset in a phase, which they are often in, so the best place to do so is the Fleet. Once there, please open your mission log (press [L]), select the mission and then the 'Reset' option located next to the 'Abandon' mission button. Reattempting the mission should then allow it to properly update! As mentioned a mission reset will nearly always fix your issue, but if you have any further problems please let us know by submitting a Bug Report.


I have already left that ship, the bonus side-quest is still listed but reset brought me back to just after these events, so I still can't complete it. Hopefully this info is useful to someone else.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
so pretty much people have been waiting for a long time to fixed this bug..... well i guess continuing the story since i tried 2 ways to fix it. one the Ctrl+u and then resetting it still didn't work
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  • 1 month later...
I have been struggling through the Agent quest chain and it seems bugs are rife on many of them. In two missions on Dromund Kass the suggested route is dead wrong. In three missions on Nar Shaddaa, I ended up running in circles for a half-hour or more trying to locate the target because the "helpful" arrow on the mini-map wasn't there at all. In several Nar Shaddaa missions, it is impossible to achieve the bonus objectives due to the auto-launch of cinematic interaction scenes at ridiculous distances from the target. In others, there simply are not enough of the specified mob to achieve the bonus objective before this occurs. And several, like this one, don't register some gizmo even though you interact with the specified object. All told, it seems a lot of broken things, but maybe not "game breaking".
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Ran into this bug on the class mission as well (running my sniper) file ticket & Protocol Droid's response to the ticket I filed on 05/16/16 was & I quote "We are sorry that you have encountered an issue with your mission, however please be advised that we currently only offer support for class story missions." If this isn't a Class Story Mission, then WTFH IS?!?

Never mind in the 1st line of my ticket I put "Doing Sniper Mission: Defender of the Empire - Power Plays Bonus Mission . . ." & the ticket's CLOSED so I can't reply that it IS a Freaking CLASS mission! *facepalm* REALLY?!? :mad: So now I'm having to log into here separately to respond, not impressed.


*Walks away while muttering bout the fact I still have the mission in my tracker, just for the bonus mission glitch so Bioware/ Lucas Arts COULD look into it*


-One Cranky Mama Gamer

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