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Is Satele Shan a failure?


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Malgus may have stood up, but he was clearly not all there yet from having a grenade blow up in his face. She buried a stunned and disoriented Malgus under a mountain with a force blast.


He didn't look all that disoriented once he got to his feet. Before he got up, sure, but once he was on his feet he took a breath and looked right at Satele practically unfazed. If she hadn't attacked, he'd have reengaged right then. Not saying he wasn't affected by the grenade, but this is far from a distract and attack kind of situation. She attacked him once he was recovered enough to continue himself.


Without the trooper's interference she would be dead. There was only so long she could block his lightsaber.


That's assuming that she would have stayed still. She'd already displayed fairly adept martial prowess up to that point, there's no reason she couldn't have used the momentary distraction of catching his blade in order to remove herself from its path and unleash that force blast while Malgus was reacting to her new position. She jumped over Malgus with ease moments earlier so merely getting out of the way of his lightsaber was all the opening she needed to draw the battle out further. From there, she clearly had the ability to blast him against the mountain with the Force, and while you could argue he was pushed back by the first one due to being "disoriented" he most certainly wasn't going to be standing still after that second Force Blast considering it brought the mountain down on top of him. She was far from dead at that point.


At this point in time she was far from his equal, but was capable of holding her own for a while.


I'd say she did more than hold her own in that battle. It was at the very least extremely close and the strength and talent she showed with the Force there, both through the blasts that sent Malgus into the mountain and her ability to catch his lightsaber with her hand, would make her a fairly even match with Malgus even then. Which brings up the point that I'd be remiss to not bring up, Malgus was already a Darth by the time this battle took place. Satele, on the other hand, was still just a Jedi Knight at the time. She wouldn't become a Jedi Master until after the Treaty of Coruscant when she rediscovered Tython and she continued to grow in her mastery of the Force during that time.


I'm not saying Satele would certainly defeat Malgus if it was just them, but at the point in the Hope trailer and any time after that I certainly think it'd be much closer than some in this thread will give her credit for and it definitely would have been possible for Satele to defeat him on her own.

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Isn't the Grand Master supposed to be the most powerful Jedi of all?


Look, I'm not big on Satele Shan either, but this is the worst argument right here: JEDI ARE NOT SITH. POWER IS NOT EVERYTHING TO THEM.


She was chosen because she could administrate, lead, etc. etc. Given she helped basically bring the Order back from the second brink of destruction it has suffered since Nihilus went Viking on the Jedi 300 years prior I'd say she did a well enough job of that. Then there's the fact that Satele's talent is not upfront fighting, she's part of the Shan family line, and Bastilia wasn't exactly a great fighter either given you reunited with her locked in a cage to be sold into slavery. Satele's specialty is 'battle meditation' which is supposed to give a massive boost to her ALLIES in a fight, and the more people involved in a battle, the more useful it is.



Also, as much as my characters like to call her a hypocrite on having a kid, does it occur to anyone she encourages celibacy BECAUSE she regrets her past actions? She regrets giving into her passions with Malcom, she regrets not being able to be the mother Theron needed, and basically regrets a good half of her life. Does a former drug addict who discourages drug abuse a hypocrite?


Although on the last point, putting a lot of things said here into perspective: I wouldn't be surprised if Satele HAS lost all hope. Perhaps she sees herself as a failure of a grandmaster, a leader, and a jedi and that's why she's not helping. The player spent five years blissfully asleep in, albeit slowly dying, in carbonite. Satele watched a bulk of the Jedi Order capitulate and betray their ideals or get butchered under her command, leaving only a hollow shell of the Jedi Order in its wake that decides to take out its frustrations on a Sith Empire in the same situation.


Oh, and her son hates her.


Yeah, I'd be hitting the anti-depressants pretty hard if I were Satele too.

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Why did Bioware choose Across the Stars as background music during her scene with Darth Marr?


Because he's the closest she's had to a boyfriend in all her life. Malcom was just hot guy, Marr actually provides some emotional comfort and support.


And knowing this, she wakes up every morning on Odessan filling her coffee with Coreillian whiskey.

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Because he's the closest she's had to a boyfriend in all her life. Malcom was just hot guy, Marr actually provides some emotional comfort and support.


And knowing this, she wakes up every morning on Odessan filling her coffee with Coreillian whiskey.


I still don't buy it. I can accept Darth Marr work with the pubs when it was necessary, but build personal relationship to a Jedi is meh.

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and now we get to the heart of the matter here... Imp player butt hurt :)


not really no. and going personal over the game *laughs* ...


Because he's the closest she's had to a boyfriend in all her life. Malcom was just hot guy, Marr actually provides some emotional comfort and support.


And knowing this, she wakes up every morning on Odessan filling her coffee with Coreillian whiskey.



darth marr best husband material in the empire. register on our dating side smexydarths.com?


and that force lighting massage... woosh and don't forget all the choking thing... kinky :rod_embarrass_p:

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She doesn't really do all that much in the story like the rest of the Jedi Council members. The JK/JC storylines are full of them doing nothing and delegating everything the the Jedi PC. This happens to some extent on the Sith side but they had Darth Marr who was pretty involved for an NPC.


Has Satele ever actually given another Jedi crap for not being celibate? I don't remember anything standing out.

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*lots of stuff*


Come on. Yoda used the force to basically be young. He lasted long enough and went back to using the cane. The cane wasn't used as a disguise, it was used because he needed it.


What that scene showed was just how powerful in the force he was, and his own skills with a saber. I think the only problem we really have is in TESB he says size matters not, but then size always seems to matter in everything they show us :p But it may be that part of the original trilogy that leads to powerful force users.


To the OP, hell no! She deflected a lightsaber with her hand! I'd argue if Mace didn't interfere, she could have possibly charged up the force blast at the same time and sent Malgus flying then.


People keep speaking up on her fights. All those battles and duels and leading armies and there she is, still in one piece. Malgus? Marr? Being held together by cybernetics :p


She's accomplished a lot, and while I'm one who says a force user of her caliber is awesomely awesome and puts non force users to shame, she still can only do so much and be in so many places at once.


Also, she's only gotten older. As Yoda has shown, the force can't keep you young 24/7. It can only give you moments.

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What that scene showed was just how powerful in the force he was, and his own skills with a saber.

Interesting enough, tactically Satele fights better than Yoda, who doesn't seem to use his own advantages for some reason.


People keep speaking up on her fights. All those battles and duels and leading armies and there she is, still in one piece. Malgus? Marr? Being held together by cybernetics :p

Hm, does Marr have cybernetics?


I think she would be a lot popular if she puts a force mask on her face to make her look exactly like when she was young.

Zash can confirm that it really influences popularity.) Though I presume that then many people will be angry at Satele about "how came that she didn't change at all? Cheating!"

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Interesting enough, tactically Satele fights better than Yoda, who doesn't seem to use his own advantages for some reason.



Hm, does Marr have cybernetics?



Zash can confirm that it really influences popularity.) Though I presume that then many people will be angry at Satele about "how came that she didn't change at all? Cheating!"


I was under the impression that the Reaver Outfit was a cybernetic one. Malgus for sure does.

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Zash can confirm that it really influences popularity.) Though I presume that then many people will be angry at Satele about "how came that she didn't change at all? Cheating!"


That's the power of the Force. You see Yoda looks a lot younger than 900 years old! Qui Gon Jinn also doesn't look like 60 in EP I.

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Lana was already quite popular before the new model. I don't think her old model was awful, just require some work.


If she was, then the anti Lana people where a lot more vocal. Complaints of her being awful and ugly. :p Only her new model and being truely romancable seemed to start seeing a lot more speak up on her behalf. With Theron being a lot more popular (though I still think Imp side with Imp side got the best romance story out of Lana and Theron romance in SoR).

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If she was, then the anti Lana people where a lot more vocal. Complaints of her being awful and ugly. :p Only her new model and being truely romancable seemed to start seeing a lot more speak up on her behalf. With Theron being a lot more popular (though I still think Imp side with Imp side got the best romance story out of Lana and Theron romance in SoR).


I think she's popular not just because her looks, it's rare to see such a Sith. A blonde beauty(most of the pretty Sith women have black hair) with pleasant manner, but at the same time she is also ruthless and calculating when it was necessary.


Satele Shan, on the other hand, didn't get much to show her personality, she is a very bland character compare to many others in the class stories. She was only remembered for her bloodline, her position and her looks. As a descendant of Revan(Unique character who walks between both the light and the darkness) and Bastila(Arrogant hothead), she could have been much more interesting.


Even her mother had the ancestors' traits, she accepted exile for her love. But we saw little on how did it affect Satele, sure she had affair as well but the struggle was never brought up.

Edited by Slowpokeking
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I think she's popular not just because her looks, it's rare to see such a Sith. A blonde beauty(most of the pretty Sith women have black hair) with pleasant manner, but at the same time she is also ruthless and calculating when it was necessary.

honestly i would kill her if i had a chance. she is weak and annoying and not even that good looking (and yes thats the main reason why people pick her)

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honestly i would kill her if i had a chance. she is weak and annoying and not even that good looking (and yes thats the main reason why people pick her)


First of all she is not weak she opened a massive door with the force and she dropped a thing that might have had tons on the cyborg dude. Its a meh feat but better then most sith and jedi.

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That's the power of the Force. You see Yoda looks a lot younger than 900 years old! Qui Gon Jinn also doesn't look like 60 in EP I.

Actually, we do not know how his species should look like at various stages of life. He may have had a middle-aged appearance.

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I think what is happening here is exactly the same thing once happened with Vitiate in threads like, "who would win" or "who is the most potent sith" , blabla. The thing was, as long as we didn't had more indepht knowledge of the antagonist it was only a 2 dimensional villan who just only wants to kill everyone. Same old, same old.


Anyways, the thing here wit Satele is similar. We have little understanding of her story. And we judge her ba the litle bits we know. In first place we know her from the SWTOR trailers, where she and Malgus were the faces of the Jedi and Sith. "Don't you wanna be like them?"


why is Malgus more popular amogst the fans than Satele, even if she was clearly the hotter property in many ways. Ancestory, powers, skills, Jedi, yada-yada. But Malgus got his novel. The antagonist got the opportunity to become entirely explained. She didn't.

There is a pattern here. The more we learn from a character from SWTOR, the more we like it. So, as long as I know so little of her, I would keep my antipathy at bay, because I know to little of her in order to like or dislike her.

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