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KOTFE Old Companions (*Spoilers*)


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You can kill Xalek and yes, I totally lost him on my Consular for doing it.


Guy was mass killing innocent people for digging up a grave *eyeroll* how anyone thinks that's justified (who isn't psycho sith) I have no idea.


True, but you can (somehow) justify Xalek, because he was following his people's traditions... Those miners desecrated his father's tomb. A father Xalek admired and felt connected to. :rolleyes:


You can solve the recruitment mission peacefully if you wish, though. And Xalek will respect you anyway. ;)



Just have the miners erect an altar to honor Xalek's father and that's it. :D



As for Tanno, we haven't had a chance to recruit him just yet, and tbh given what he said to my Commando, which in the old story he respected...



"... but this is the last order I take from you!"



...I wouldn't be surprised if Tanno wasn't to join us again. :o

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...I wouldn't be surprised if Tanno wasn't to join us again. :o


Nor would I, considering he can be killed. Wouldn't make sense to recruit a character whose dead. :)


How they handle Khem Val when he reappears will be interesting. After all, he's bound to the Inquisitor (last I recall) and depended on your choice during his story

you could be dealing either with Khem or Zash


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You can kill Xalek and yes, I totally lost him on my Consular for doing it.


Guy was mass killing innocent people for digging up a grave *eyeroll* how anyone thinks that's justified (who isn't psycho sith) I have no idea.


I was also playing on my Consular and I viewed it this way. My guy is more pragmatic then straight light side though..


There are bigger things than the miners and our Alliance thinks Xalek could be a useful addition for the greater war with Zakuul.


Will we see potential infighting that will give us another chance to kill him? (Betrayal, trying to kill a Jedi companion, etc.) Maybe, I doubt it. Base on the lore of TOR, there aren't that may force wielders left when we are in KotFE. I'll take all the help.


I wanted to imprison him, but he could prove useful to the Alliance. Not to mention his culture has him pledged to us, what becomes of that remains to be seen.

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