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New 65 and KotFE Heroics...


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So i just hit 65 and ive been doing all the chapters of KotFE,so far im at chapter 8 or 9 i think,not sure.


Im in the cantina area and i saw a terminal which gives acess to a lot of different heroics from different planets so i choose all from a random planet and it seems i get marks and then these purple boxes i turn in for rep?¿ with each of the 4 npcs over in the area below the cantina (Hutt,military guy,smuggler and force sensite woman).


When i turn those in i get two items from a box i need to open,one is a random piece of adaptive gear and the other is a present for companions.


Should i be doing this to get my character geared up? best gear ive seen in the vendors in that map is 208,for now i just want to get decent gear so i can run heroic fp's once in a while.

Is there any other purpose to getting rep with the 4 different npcs besides the marks? is there any rep vendor that offers cosmetic stuff like mounts,pets,etce,etc?

Tried looking for a guide of some sort in google but havent found any,would apreciate if someone could point me in the right direction.



Edited by Tuskenkiller
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You get 500 Influence with each box on the designated Alliance partner. When you hit multiples of 2 influence rank with them (2,4,6...), you get a reward for each that is found in the command room (just N of the smuggler's room). That gives credits, and some of each 3 crystals. Glowing crystals allow you to buy 216 gear, Radiant accesses 220 gear. Turn on Friendly NPC nameplates (preferences>Nameplates) so you can see all the vendor's more quickly. The ones that sell 208's also sell 216's. Scroll down their list. There are 220 vendors in the upper room (cantina area). There are also a vendor there that sells gifts & lockboxes. In the alliance HQ area, besides the 208/216 vendors, there are vendors for relics/implants/earpieces, mounts, decos.


As to what the import of Influence with the Alliance Partners? We can only guess the relevance to the story outcome. When you reach L10 with each, you also get access to a temporary ability buff you can find in Star Fortress runs (Heroic). When you hit L20, you get a mount for each.

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once you beguin to consider running the star fortress missions either in a 2 man Group or solo you will find that each of the alliance specislists, the ones that needs boxes in Your base, can Access certain buffs throughout these missions.


Also, the boxes 5 each, is required to hire most of the "alert" contacts from various planets

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Is it just me or the whole grinding missions just to get companions is a bit...ehhm bland?

I mean the items from the turnins arent really that good,presents and gear that really i wont be using since the RNG is all over the place and i get a lot of gear that doesnt match my class.


Its just that we already got more than enough companions,is there something else im missing? because apart from the companions (which i dont need) and the extra marks (yeah yeah to get better gear) is there something else that makes all this grinding worthwhile?

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It's not just you. A quick check of General Discussion will confirm that many use less bland words than "bland" to describe it ;)


I'd say a lot of us just think it is filler they added to keep us occupied between chapter releases.


Note: the gear is BoL, so you can use it on alts. Maybe it's supposed to be another mini-game, i.e. "collect all the pieces of a given set" kind of thing.


As to how the importance of Influence with partners and companions (or the # of them you collect) will play out, we don't know. I'm not expecting it to be a huge factor since many will have alts who avoided much of the grind.

Edited by DocDAM
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For what it is worth I'm well past the point of calling this grind "bland". The words I want to use wouldn't make it past the censors. But I have completed the first 9 chapters on two characters so far and I can't help but think to myself that I just don't have this in me to do for all 8 of my toons.


The chapters are bad enough. But once you get to the alliance base then it is just heroic run on top of heroic run for an increasing number of alts. At some point the burn out rate for completing these missions is likely to go through the roof.


What I wish they would do is at some point make this influence levels legacy bound. Otherwise I think they are simply going to lose their player base.

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I mean the items from the turnins arent really that good,presents and gear that really i wont be using since the RNG is all over the place and i get a lot of gear that doesnt match my class.

The gear is just legacy bound empty orange shells, so it is mostly for the looks. There's a pattern to the drops, though, in that each of the four specialists gives out shells for just two of the classes, so if you want to get more for a particular "kind" of class, buy extra boxes for the right specialist from Silas in the cantina, near the GTN terminals. For some reason, Silas has (in the French localisation) a female voice - where I grew up, Silas was a somewhat archaic rural man's name, so hearing a female voice is a bit jarring.


(SWTOR isn't the only game where this sort of thing happens. Runes of Magic has a bloke in one of the cities called Janice, although at least there the developers have the excuse of being Taiwanese...)

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It's not just you. A quick check of General Discussion will confirm that many use less bland words than "bland" to describe it ;)


I'd say a lot of us just think it is filler they added to keep us occupied between chapter releases.


Note: the gear is BoL, so you can use it on alts. Maybe it's supposed to be another mini-game, i.e. "collect all the pieces of a given set" kind of thing.


As to how the importance of Influence with partners and companions (or the # of them you collect) will play out, we don't know. I'm not expecting it to be a huge factor since many will have alts who avoided much of the grind.




For what it is worth I'm well past the point of calling this grind "bland". The words I want to use wouldn't make it past the censors. But I have completed the first 9 chapters on two characters so far and I can't help but think to myself that I just don't have this in me to do for all 8 of my toons.


The chapters are bad enough. But once you get to the alliance base then it is just heroic run on top of heroic run for an increasing number of alts. At some point the burn out rate for completing these missions is likely to go through the roof.


What I wish they would do is at some point make this influence levels legacy bound. Otherwise I think they are simply going to lose their player base.


Yeah to be honest i dont think ill run thru the whole thing again,just finished the chapters on my bh and when i get to the choose character screen i really,really dont want to login with him and run more heroics.

Now im just working on the 3 classes i still have to finish and then ill see,but yeah i agree with everything you guys said,its just atleast for me an oversaturation of heroics plus the fact of getting more companions which will remain in a limbo since im using my Akk for normal stuff.


Seems Bioware has lost its compass...or maybe they got something planned that we dont know about *shrug*

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lvl 60 and then do the Kotfe......

What you will notice is With another toon, at endgame, menaing finished class story, you will see even if the "New" toon isn't doing or even started kotfe, the "New" heroic rewrds will be those boxes,........which is good loot actually.


It is Worth mentioning that ONLY characters finished class story get the "Box" rewards for heroics if one already started or did kotfe.


Also by earning the specialists ranks you get various rewards.


ever 2 Levels of influence With the alliance specialists gives you good Crystal rewards, of all 3 types.

Also once you Reach lvl 10 ( of 20) influence With these guys they allow you to Access various "buff" packs inside the Star Fortress missions etc etc

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Remember that the purple boxes are legacy bound, so if you've maxed your contacts out, you can send the boxes to another character in order to do the same, once they complete chapter 9.


Once you're completely maxed out or bored senseless (whichever comes first) you can do it all again until the next chapter in February - yay!


I expect this'll be the case for most of the rest of the coming year. - Coz apparently Story is king now - and 2-3 hours of new cinematics has got to last you a month or three between releases.


-Tho' IIRC there were scheduled to be 8 story releases.... and at 3 months between each..... That's 2 years box collecting minus maybe ~20 hours of actual new stuff.

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Im in the cantina area and i saw a terminal which gives acess to a lot of different heroics from different planets

Is there any other purpose to getting rep with the 4 different npcs besides the marks?

No one seems to have mentioned the Star Fortress line of Heroics. It may be better to complete that rather than just doing random H2s from the terminal.

The Star Fortress quest line is started by talking to an NPC in your Alliance base. The NPC is located in the hallway at the north end of your base that leads to where Gen Aygo and your starship pad are.


During the Star Fortress H2s you can come across "kits" that will give you an extra skill you can use during the H2. These "kits" require you to have rank 10 with particular Alliance specialists (Aygo, Visz, Oggorubb, Sana-Rae) so that gives you some incentive to give them packs.


Beyond that we have no knowledge of what gaining rep with your Alliance members will do for you later. So, how much you want to work on that is up to you.

Edited by JediQuaker
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