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220 gear. helpful info please. Can things be unbound!


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How do I get it off the gtn.


Whats your way of doing this.





does it drop?



And lastly why is all this stuff bound when it drops for me it seems every thing is bound. Can something be unbound?


thanks for help

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How do I get it off the gtn.


Whats your way of doing this.





does it drop?



And lastly why is all this stuff bound when it drops for me it seems every thing is bound. Can something be unbound?


thanks for help

I'm really not sure what you're asking about how to get it off the GTN, either someone is selling it or someone isn't, if they are expect to pay 5-6+ million per armor slot.


I personally dislike running ops, so I made myself a set of crafted that is more than enough for all the single player aspects of the game. There are no missions that drop anything like 220, I think the highest mission reward is currently 190, I could see them in the future adding in something that went up to 214 (similar to old zoist gear back in the 3.x days), but nothing higher.


220 gear drops in Hardmode Operations.


Nothing can be "unbound" HOWEVER if it is something that has armoring/hit/barrel, mod, and enhancement then those can be ripped out of it and put into a bind-to-legacy shell (Fairly easy to come by these days other than some off-hand, check of relics of the gree for those) and you can move it to another character.

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Items cannot be unbound, although there are two caveats to that statement.

1. Items that come from Cartel Market crates are bound to you for a certain period (36 hours, iirc). After that they are unbound and can be sold on the GTN.

2. A lot of items that come from group flashpoints are bound to the people who ran the flashpoint. Not all items, but a lot of the decent stuff is covered this way. So you cannot trade them on the GTN at all, but during and for a limited period after the flashpoint, you can trade the items directly to the people who ran the mission with you.


And of course, there is the overall caveat, that f2p players cannot trade to other players at all.


Regarding 220 gear and mods, typically they drop from high end Operations and end-game content. If the person who gets them has the right crew skill at max level, they can reverse engineer the gear or mods (which destroys the item) for a chance to learn the schematic to craft those items. Once the crafter has learned the schematic, they can craft those items in a Bind On Equip form that can be sold on the GTN (or sold directly to oher players).

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How do I get it off the gtn.


Whats your way of doing this.





does it drop?



And lastly why is all this stuff bound when it drops for me it seems every thing is bound. Can something be unbound?


thanks for help


As pointed out before, everything on the GTN comes from other players. In which case, it'll be available only if others are selling it. Gear is always bound once it is equipped. It's a way to make sure everyone works for his gear. And no, it can't be unbound. ;)


That said, save for Ops, 216 is the highest rating gear that drops. You can get it (very) rarely in HM FPs if you're lvl 65. Rarely because of rolls. So chances to get a piece are in truth few. :p

208 modifications (Hilts, Barrels, Armorings, Mods and Enhancements) you can get as drops from some enemies on Heroic Star Fortress. They're still pretty rare, though. :o


Another way you can get gear higher than 208 rating is crafting, but you need a piece to Reverse Engineer beforehands. So, say you want to craft a Hilt, you need to purchase said Hilt (and have the proper Crew Skill, Artifice in this specific case, at the proper level of 500) and Reverse Engineer said item to gain the recipe (60% chance to get the recipe, no guarantee). :D


Still, that's not something I'd advise a new player to do, tbh, considering the costs in terms of Credits and time... Especially keeping in mind that for everything short of Hard Mode Ops and FPs you can stick to 208 rating and have no trouble, if you know what you're doing. :rolleyes:

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220 gear can be purchased from the crystal vendors on the fleet (and some other areas). (Radiant crystals)


If a piece of gear is bound, pull the mods out and put them in a piece of Legacy gear. You can then transfer that Legacy gear to another alt. (But there's no way to sell the bound or legacy items).

Edited by JediQuaker
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Also: All weapon crafters (not sure about armour) can learn 208 non-moddable weapon schematics, craft these, and then RE the results to learn a 216 equivalent. They can then craft these, and RE the results to learn a 220 equivalent.


These are all non-moddable, as I said, and crafting them is expensive in some funky resources.


But you can do it.

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