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The world was not ready... for this?


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We were told today we would receive an announcement that "the world is not ready for."


We weren't ready for HK-55 (again)?


Sure, it's a cool idea playing as HK for a chapter... but what about once those new subs beat it? They are gone again. You have traded $15 now, for $15 less later from the long-time sub who quit. You're openly choosing new, short term, customers over existing long term subscribers - and giving them virtually nothing of substance once we beat those "Chapters."


BTW, Chapter 9 was literally just a cantina party. That's every 5 year old's RP.



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We were told today we would receive an announcement that "the world is not ready for."


We weren't ready for HK-55 (again)?


Sure, it's a cool idea playing as HK for a chapter... but what about once those new subs beat it? They are gone again. You have traded $15 now, for $15 less later from the long-time sub who quit. You're openly choosing new, short term, customers over existing long term subscribers - and giving them virtually nothing of substance once we beat those "Chapters."


BTW, Chapter 9 was literally just a cantina party. That's every 5 year old's RP.




Really a big letdown. I don't expect PVP content anymore, but they could have hinted at an upcoming operation or something. Seriously, how many HK droids do we need?

Edited by JaingSkiratapwns
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The rewards are ok, well its free as I am subbing anyway. So no complaints on that, though not every player is a HK-55 fan and would have been better if the rewards were not all based around that one character. Still think it's OK.


However it's what was not mentioned that bothered me more. Nothing about the FORCED PVP, and nothing mentioned about 4.0 comps outfits. This was part or lack there off was disappointing.

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We were told today we would receive an announcement that "the world is not ready for."


We weren't ready for HK-55 (again)?


Sure, it's a cool idea playing as HK for a chapter... but what about once those new subs beat it? They are gone again. You have traded $15 now, for $15 less later from the long-time sub who quit. You're openly choosing new, short term, customers over existing long term subscribers - and giving them virtually nothing of substance once we beat those "Chapters."


BTW, Chapter 9 was literally just a cantina party. That's every 5 year old's RP.




Go call Santa!!;)

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Why? Because I'm looking forward to something that you're not? Are we not allowed to actually like the things that are being added into the game?


But that's the thing. Yes technically they are adding something, but it's all fluff. Other than the stuff we already knew about nothing that was announced had any substance and they way over hyped it.

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In some ways I'd have preferred something along the lines of, "We bought a 5000 gallon tank of RAID and we're gonna use it to get downright medieval when it comes to bug squashing in SWTOR." KotFE was a pretty massive undertaking between new content and revamping the mechanics of almost all old content, but boy oh boy did those bugs ever proliferate while stuff was being redone.


That said, a little standalone chapter as HK-55 sounds pretty cool. I don't know how much workload they can handle beyond the main story chapters and eventual updates with new Ops, PvP, GSF and other MMO content, but if they started doing little side chapters (if they're done as well KotFE and Class stories) as subscriber rewards, that would be pretty sweet. Have some more of what they do best? Why yes, thank you very much.


I was also pleased to see that they are doing other stuff for Dec. and Jan. rather than a wasteland of nothingness. So there's some background work going on, and gives me hope that there will be non-story content that is poorly announced and behind schedule in addition to the story content that is well announced and behind schedule.


Gives me some time to grind influence on my alts before the next big wave of new stuff hits.


Sooo. . . 6 stars out of 10, but if the HK chapter kicks sufficient meatbag posterior I may retroactively award an additional 1-3 bonus stars. We'll see.

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But that's the thing. Yes technically they are adding something, but it's all fluff. Other than the stuff we already knew about nothing that was announced had any substance and they way over hyped it.


Agree to disagree, then. Having HK-55 back as a companion was something I wanted from the moment I finished Chapter VIII and an entire chapter dedicated to him is something I'm very much in favor of. Getting to play as him is something interesting to me as well as I can't think of a single time in game where you control somebody other than your character (there might be one, I just haven't seen it myself if there has been one).


I don't even disagree that it was "over hyped", which isn't to say the rewards are bad but rather that they went over the top in touting the announcement. This is still a pretty big reward (in my eyes) but they would have had to hit it out of the park to live up to the hype they set.


What I disagree with is somebody (person I was quoting, not you) throwing snide comments & insults at me because I dared to actually like something that was announced. Did I like everything that was announced? Not at all. But I liked the HK-55 stuff.

Edited by The-Kaitou-Kid
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Okay, I expected the "rewards" to be lame. Like, really lame. Check my post history, I knew they were going to be a joke.


And yet, somehow, they're even worse than I imagined. At this point, my only guess can be that the devs are going to get a bonus once every original player quits so they can shut down the game and try something new. There is no way any human being with a brain is this obtuse. We're being trolled.

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