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Sentinel Concentration PvP help


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Hey everyone i have been playing concentration for about a week now, and i cant pinpoint really how the opener should go, im taking into consideration the set bonus of getting a free crit, and 2% dmg boost, but i feel so clunky and before my opener is fully off im slowed stunned or what have you.. Also, i decided to go full crit/power is the optimal? is there any concentration players that can shed light on my dark day?
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I usually Leap - Focused Burst - Force Exhaustion (CC Immunity) - Blade Dance (Clip) - Concentrated Slice


That order results in the last tick of Foce Exhaustion (the tick that hurts), Blade Dance, and the Concentrated Slice all hitting very close together, and under CC Immunity. They cant touch you, and you dish out 3 big hits very close together.

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I usually Leap - Focused Burst - Force Exhaustion (CC Immunity) - Blade Dance (Clip) - Concentrated Slice


That order results in the last tick of Foce Exhaustion (the tick that hurts), Blade Dance, and the Concentrated Slice all hitting very close together, and under CC Immunity. They cant touch you, and you dish out 3 big hits very close together.



This might be a good opener, although i see a few problems with it:

1 It is an opener, it usually means no pooled resources, so you can't do all of that.

2 you are wasting Focused burst without any of the 2 Buffs applied to it ( Conc Slice and FE/Zen )


As this is PvP , you can't stick to an opener all the time, it will vary depending on situation, and the target's behavior. But usually i do Valorous Call/Zen - Leap - Conc slice - Focused Burst. At this point you probably got the attention of the target as you just delivered 20-30k of damage.


Now assuming you have the resources pooled you can try something like : Leap - Force Exhaustion - Blade Dance - Conc Slice - Focus Burst. If you have the root on Blade Dance it will help with some classes. If you see the target popping a root breaker, immediately clip Dance with Conc Slice and run towards the target so you can follow it with Focus Burst.


Not using the buffs for Focus Burst will kill alot of your possible damage ( 15% more dmg and 15% more crit dmg )

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Now assuming you have the resources pooled you can try something like : Leap - Force Exhaustion - Blade Dance - Conc Slice - Focus Burst. If you have the root on Blade Dance it will help with some classes. If you see the target popping a root breaker, immediately clip Dance with Conc Slice and run towards the target so you can follow it with Focus Burst.

That's what I do. When you are just starting a game, pop Valorous Call -> Zen to get your Focus bar full. Get Force Ex on the target ASAP to get your CC immunity, then laugh as the target attempts in vain to knockback / stun you while you Blade Dance them. The pvp set bonus grants an auto-crit for Conc Slice after Blade Dance, so I think it's best to use Conc Slice after BD on your opener. Of course this can only happen once per minute, so you have to kind of time it in your head as you keep hitting targets after your ideal opener - meaning that you don't have to do BD -> Conc Slice in order all the time. IIRC the same auto-crit on Conc Slice happens after twin sabre throw. Read the pvp set bonus info to confirm.


It seems to be instinctive for a lot of players to use a knockback or hard stun when they are leapt to or when they see Ravage / BD. So, getting the immunity and then using BD can get your target to waste some really important cooldowns, after which they are hosed. BD is vulnerable to interruption, so I prefer to use it during immunity windows.


The reason why I prefer to use Conc Slice before Focused Burst is because FB is 10m, CS is not. If you use FB first, you may find that your target has moved out of range of CS before you can get it off. In other words, if you are close enough to use CS and both CS and auto-crit FB are available - use CS first. You never know when your target will move just out of 4m range.


After the opener, naturally it gets situational. If you are hitting a PT/VG and they pop HO/HTL: Force Stasis + Blade dance (clip at 0.3 seconds remaining) -> Conc Slice -> (they are running away at this point) 10m Burst with auto-crit from leap (use 10m leap if you need) -> filler


The really tricky part is recognizing certain DCDs and saving your auto-crits. It really sucks to see your auto-crit attack miss / dodge / pary. Sometimes everything is happening so fast that you miss it. All you can do is try to minimize the number of times that happens.


If you are looking for an "optimal dps rotation" in terms of a training dummy or operations boss, see here. Tweak that for pvp, as I outlined above - mainly just re-order Force Ex and Conc Slice usage. Otherwise, you can more or less follow that sort of rotation.

Edited by teclado
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Opener 1; Valorous Call (if needed) Zen + Leap > Focused Burst > Force Exhaustion > Blade Dance (Clipped) > Conc. Slice > Blade Storm > Zealous Leap > Focused Burst


Opener 2 (For when you can't Zen at the start); Leap > Zealous Strike > Exhaustion > Focused Burst > Blade Dance (Clipped) > Conc. Slice


Outside of openers, and unlike the others, I try to keep Conc. Slice following Focused Burst so it sits inside of the 5% damage boost. I'd also recommend to save Conc. Slice for during a Zen window or directly after Zealous Stirke, so you don't drain your resources (more of a PvE issue, I typically don't find resource management an issue in PvP).


I'd also suggest NOT using Exhaustion directly after Zen, even if you are getting CC immunity from it, you're screwing over your damage potential by wasting a charge of Koan...


My two cents, good luck :)

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Focused burst should come before CS as the first responder pointed out. I assume he means he has popped zen before leaping in.


The general opener should be

zen - leap - focused burst - force crush - blade dance - concentrated slice. You need either blade dance or saber throw in opener since it procs auto-crit slice. 3 reason for having fb before cs.

1) cascading power buff increases damage for 6 seconds after focused burst. This setup has all the big hitters inside that window and most importantly the auto-crit concentrate slice is inside this window with alacrity or clipping

2) focused burst cooldown is reduced with by using concentrated slice. you wouldnt get this reduction if you use cs before fb.

3) There has to be a FB in between every zen or force crush since you get the Koan buff when using it. If you use zen and force crush without using a focused burst in between, then you lost one koan buff since it doesnt stack. That means if you want to open with zen, while also getting the cc immunity as fast as possible, you have to use FB before force crush and before cs.


Yes you do lose out on the 15% crit damage bonus that FB gets from CS on the opener but thats fine since it will apply on your very next focused burst which is only 1 or 2 moves after your first CS.


That technically isnt the biggest bursting opener though.

Best opener is

Inspiration (10% damage buff) - leap - zealous strike (to build focus and get the 2% damage set-bonus boost) - force crush (15% damage boost to FB) - focused burst - blade dance - concentrated slice (auto crit from blade dance) - zealous leap - blade storm.

This opener is rare since Inspiriation has a 5 min cooldown.

Edited by AchillesStark
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I don't know why any of you guys keep putting Force Crush/Exhaustion after Burst. That makes no sense. Crush/Exhaustion make Burst free. To not use Crush/Exhaustion before Burst is a waste, to say the least. Edited by E-Zekiel
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I don't know why any of you guys keep putting Force Crush/Exhaustion after Burst. That makes no sense. Crush/Exhaustion make Burst free. To not use Crush/Exhaustion before Burst is a waste, to say the least.


This is false. True, Force Exhaustion gives Koan and makes Focused Burst free, but if you have Zen up, that does the same thing. When Koan is granted by Zen, and you have Exhaustion available also, it's one of the hardest hitting abilities you can place in the Heightened Power window. If you have both Zen and Exhaustion available, you're better off to hit Force Leap, Zen, Burst, Exhaustion, Master Strike (clip at .3) Concentrated Slice...Then you can Zealous Leap, Zealous Strike and Burst right away again. It all depends on the situation, of course, but using Exhaustion after Burst is hardly always a waste.

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My opener is this: Twin Saber Throw > Leap > Zealous Strike > Force Exhaustion > Concentrated Slice > Focused Burst. This way you make optimal use of your procs. I don't know why you'd want to use CS before FB, that seems like a waste of 15% crit magnitude on your second hardest hitting skill in your opener.
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It's explained pretty clearly in the second-to-last post in the first page of this thread why you want to use FB before CS. I even gave 3 reasons for that.


Also, you opener should include zen (granting Koan buff) which means you can't use force exhaustion until you use focused burst. If you delay using FB, then you also delay using force exhaustin which then delays your CC immunity buff. CS reduces the cooldown of FB so you gotta use CS AFTER FB. Using it before FB messes up your rotation down the line.


Im of course ignoring the inspiration opener which is super situational.

Edited by AchillesStark
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