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Get TEAMS OUT of Unranked


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.....if only to stop people giving up 5 seconds in saying "they're a premade don't bother" and quite a lot of the time they are wrong. One sided matches are soooo boring and theres just too many of them.


PLEASE, you'll need to align RANKED accordingly so if people want to team proper then they can but we can do away with so many of these landslides.


THANX (if only they would)

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.....if only to stop people giving up 5 seconds in saying "they're a premade don't bother" and quite a lot of the time they are wrong. One sided matches are soooo boring and theres just too many of them.


PLEASE, you'll need to align RANKED accordingly so if people want to team proper then they can but we can do away with so many of these landslides.


THANX (if only they would)


These people who give up instantly, blameing it on a premade will still more than likely quit if premades did not exist.

They would quite likely just blame it on somthing else, i don't disagree that one sided matches are annoying, but stopping grouping up is not the awnser.

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I agree, running premades in regular warzones is pretty pathetic, mostly when you see full teams with tank+sorc heals+random dps..


Its quite annoying, really annoying.

My guess is that you play solo all/most of the time. PvP is so much more enjoyable when you are organized. Join a guild, group up, and go have fun! :)

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My guess is that you play solo all/most of the time. PvP is so much more enjoyable when you are organized. Join a guild, group up, and go have fun! :)


I got friends guild and stuff, but I don´t like having the advantage in a reg for being on a full team against of a bunch of people who is running solo. I don´t encourage it so I run alone mostly.


If you are running premades, it should place you against other premades, otherwise its going to be a slaughter depending on luck.

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.....if only to stop people giving up 5 seconds in saying "they're a premade don't bother" and quite a lot of the time they are wrong. One sided matches are soooo boring and theres just too many of them.


PLEASE, you'll need to align RANKED accordingly so if people want to team proper then they can but we can do away with so many of these landslides.


THANX (if only they would)


they cant do that. let me tell you why. if premades had their own queue tje following would happen.


#1 game population is low so the same 3-4 groups would fight each other all evening. during the day u wouldnt be able to get warzone pops at all or if u do then its against the same group that just happens to be in queue with you at that particular hour of the day every single time. this will lead to those groups quitting the gme due to boredom of fighting the same few ppl over and over. this will lead to #2.


#2 alot of those premade players would queue solo at off-hours but they wont now cos they quitted due to #1. this will lead to in generelly alot less players in the queue at any given time which leads to less matches and longer queues especially in off-hours which leads to more ppl quitting until wz pops are pretty much only happen to primetime consistently. this will lead to #3


#3 game is now declared dead by a majority of players since its almost impossible to pvp during any other time of the day than primetime which ofc leads to more ppl leaving. final result = swtor dies completely.


oh yeah the joy of battleground pvp -.-

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I solo queue constantly. Do I think people who group up, or have min/max pvp gears in regs are a problem? No.


You know what the problem is? It's this epidemic of quitters that now populate the game. I have never seen so many, whining, crying, babyish players in a MMO, ever. I don't know if it's the modern generation, or just degeneration of people in general... Whatever it is, it's awful.


In the past, on all the different PVP mmos I been on, I always understood there are better players than me. I also would talk to those guys who demolished me, hoping they could give me tips and ideas on how to be better. That's what we used to do, players who got beat tried to figure out what THEY were doing wrong, so they could get better!


Now? The common player enters the WZ, dies fast, and after a few more deaths feels they cannot compete. They quit the match. They do not stay in it, to try to glean more experience by fighting against overwhelming odds... They don't fight through adversity which will improve their abilities over time... No.


Instead, as soon as it's a losing experience they quit the match and cry. They cry the teams are unfair. They cry the gears are unfair. They cry their team is awful (it's not themselves of course).


I am SICK of this attitude with these players we now have on the game. Just quit the game, uninstall and leave the entire game if you have to quit every match that you begin losing in, because you are a **** player that will never get better because you are a QUITTER.


Quitting and not trying to improve yourself leaves yourself in a pool of subpar mediocrity which you will drown in over time. Look within, instead of looking out for the problems. Sometimes you'll be surprised what you find.

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I agree, running premades in regular warzones is pretty pathetic, mostly when you see full teams with tank+sorc heals+random dps..


Its quite annoying, really annoying.


I agree. It's so pathetic for people to play with their friends. What a bunch of low life losers.

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^ that right there


I forget, why did they remove them?


Because there weren't ever 2 teams in queue unless kickball ranked was getting organized. Teams didn't like running with subs because their ranking would go down. And the warzones aren't nearly as fun with coordinated teams as evenly matched teams ended in 7v7 stalemates with 2 bored sins or hutball spam click fests.

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Because there weren't ever 2 teams in queue unless kickball ranked was getting organized. Teams didn't like running with subs because their ranking would go down. And the warzones aren't nearly as fun with coordinated teams as evenly matched teams ended in 7v7 stalemates with 2 bored sins or hutball spam click fests.


That's why solo ranked should be 8v8 WZs

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In the past, on all the different PVP mmos I been on, I always understood there are better players than me. I also would talk to those guys who demolished me, hoping they could give me tips and ideas on how to be better. That's what we used to do, players who got beat tried to figure out what THEY were doing wrong, so they could get better!


Well there is your problem right there... This is NOT a PvP MMO.... Eve is ----------> That way.....


But to getting better, what 20 matches... I've already proven that the Fourex/Pierce quest is not enough comms to get a full set of PvP gear... With the broken bolster at the moment there is no "getting better" until you have full expertise... I know people with skill who like to PvP who want nothing to do with it because the only figuring out what you did wrong before you get full expertise is getting full expertise.... It's a vicious circle...


And yes for the record, Premades suck the fun out of doing unranked... People say get friends, guild, whatever, well I hate most people. All the jerks want to do is hit on my wife, piss me off, which pisses her off, which adds to stress levels which make this game not fun... And I won't even talk of general behavior of the PvP base, of which my 8 and 9 year old kids behave better....

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Because there weren't ever 2 teams in queue unless kickball ranked was getting organized. Teams didn't like running with subs because their ranking would go down. And the warzones aren't nearly as fun with coordinated teams as evenly matched teams ended in 7v7 stalemates with 2 bored sins or hutball spam click fests.


Noone played them, because the premade losers didn't like playing other organized teams.


I can't speak for all servers, but on ToFN, before the summer low and the announcement that 8v8 would be removed, there were a dozen teams queing on every day of the week. More people play ranked now than then, because there's solo ranked now, but I'm sure less people play team ranked now than back then. Just imagine if they had given us cross server queues instead of removing 8v8!


But to getting better, what 20 matches... I've already proven that the Fourex/Pierce quest is not enough comms to get a full set of PvP gear... With the broken bolster at the moment there is no "getting better" until you have full expertise... I know people with skill who like to PvP who want nothing to do with it because the only figuring out what you did wrong before you get full expertise is getting full expertise.... It's a vicious circle...


You only need 800 comms for full expertise: Mainhand and Offhand. 190 greens will be bolstered to full expertise in all other slots.

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That's why solo ranked should be 8v8 WZs


except it shouldn't be ranked.


not that I'd have a problem with solo ranked 8s, but...I'd rather have x-faction solo regs, since any solo format is just for kicks anyway, and ppl are going to exploit the f*&k out of any solo ranked and then justify it by saying stuff like "it's only solo. it doesn't mean anything anyway" and all that. I'd rather just skip that nonsense and give solos their play pen.


but then you'd still want x-faction and x-server because it would be splitting the player pool. and you'd also want the ability to simultaneously queue, none of which I think have been instated over the past month while I've been out of commission.



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I solo queue constantly. Do I think people who group up, or have min/max pvp gears in regs are a problem? No.


You know what the problem is? It's this epidemic of quitters that now populate the game. I have never seen so many, whining, crying, babyish players in a MMO, ever. I don't know if it's the modern generation, or just degeneration of people in general... Whatever it is, it's awful.


In the past, on all the different PVP mmos I been on, I always understood there are better players than me. I also would talk to those guys who demolished me, hoping they could give me tips and ideas on how to be better. That's what we used to do, players who got beat tried to figure out what THEY were doing wrong, so they could get better!


Now? The common player enters the WZ, dies fast, and after a few more deaths feels they cannot compete. They quit the match. They do not stay in it, to try to glean more experience by fighting against overwhelming odds... They don't fight through adversity which will improve their abilities over time... No.


Instead, as soon as it's a losing experience they quit the match and cry. They cry the teams are unfair. They cry the gears are unfair. They cry their team is awful (it's not themselves of course).


I am SICK of this attitude with these players we now have on the game. Just quit the game, uninstall and leave the entire game if you have to quit every match that you begin losing in, because you are a **** player that will never get better because you are a QUITTER.


Quitting and not trying to improve yourself leaves yourself in a pool of subpar mediocrity which you will drown in over time. Look within, instead of looking out for the problems. Sometimes you'll be surprised what you find.


I wish I could put this as my forum signature

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And yes for the record, Premades suck the fun out of doing unranked... People say get friends, guild, whatever, well I hate most people. All the jerks want to do is hit on my wife, piss me off, which pisses her off, which adds to stress levels which make this game not fun... And I won't even talk of general behavior of the PvP base, of which my 8 and 9 year old kids behave better....


So basically what you're saying is, because you're insecure in your marriage, BW should remove premades from the game to teach all the online meanies a lesson about hitting on your wife?

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You only need 800 comms for full expertise: Mainhand and Offhand. 190 greens will be bolstered to full expertise in all other slots.

And does it tell you that anywhere in game... You cannot expect people who want to try PvP to try and figure out the math, grind out for PvE gear that they are not gonna use, just to get a PvP set. That is totally flawed thinking.


Plus, the 190 gear costs crystals that most people will be using to get 208 PvE gear. Sure there are loot drops (which BTW is the only way to get Ear/Implant) and no 190 relics. So you can only get 1936 expertise.


But again, it's playing with math which should not be a barrier to entering PvP.

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So basically what you're saying is, because you're insecure in your marriage, BW should remove premades from the game to teach all the online meanies a lesson about hitting on your wife?


No, I just said Premades suck.


And I hate having to listen to people hitting on my wife... Been married for 11 years, I'm pretty secure... She hates it too, it's just agitating the bi-polar person tends to aggravate the situation... Which is why I don't do guilds anymore (neither does she)...

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.....if only to stop people giving up 5 seconds in saying "they're a premade don't bother" and quite a lot of the time they are wrong. One sided matches are soooo boring and theres just too many of them.


PLEASE, you'll need to align RANKED accordingly so if people want to team proper then they can but we can do away with so many of these landslides.


THANX (if only they would)


Seriously. You have started an MMO character, and you require people to queue alone, when they can do it in team? Im guessing you have never played against an organized clan in an FPS then? Stop whining, and find a PVP guild, or 3 other buddies that will carry you. Period


And btw, thats how bads are thinking. You are bad at something, so you want to hinder everyone else to your level? Come on. Do me a favour and start an organized group. PVP would be more healthy if people like you would finally get the sense of a TEAMPLAY in it, not just SOLO (yeah i do think solo ranked sucks).

Edited by Nezyrworks
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except it shouldn't be ranked.


Shouldn't be, but it is. May as well make it cater to the mode of pvp, that most players enjoy. Team ranked I agree should stay 4v4. But if there MUST be solo ranked, I think more players will be inclined to play an 8v8 mode. Where EVERY class is viable.


not that I'd have a problem with solo ranked 8s, but...I'd rather have x-faction solo regs, since any solo format is just for kicks anyway, and ppl are going to exploit the f*&k out of any solo ranked and then justify it by saying stuff like "it's only solo. it doesn't mean anything anyway" and all that. I'd rather just skip that nonsense and give solos their play pen.


but then you'd still want x-faction and x-server because it would be splitting the player pool. and you'd also want the ability to simultaneously queue, none of which I think have been instated over the past month while I've been out of commission.






So that way you can have even less of a significance in your own rating? It's hard enough to rate someone based on their performance in a 4 man team, your contribution will be almost meaningless in an 8 man team.


I know the thing to do in solo ranked, is to tell everybody how terrible and uncarryable your team was, but the truth of the matter is almost everyone competing in solo ranked skill wise is a step above the average WZ player. The most fun I and quite a few others would agree with me here, have ever had in this game... Is 2 solid teams competing in 8v8 maps. Some classes and players will get carried, yes. But at least they all have a decent shot at competing, rather than playing "don't be the first to get globalled".


Bottom line: if you want solo ranked rating/ELO to work properly, you need to increase the player pool. This will do that, for certain. Otherwise you'll just have to keep crying about qsyncers and trolls and class balance.

Edited by ace_boogie
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I know the thing to do in solo ranked, is to tell everybody how terrible and uncarryable your team was, but the truth of the matter is almost everyone competing in solo ranked skill wise is a step above the average WZ player. The most fun I and quite a few others would agree with me here, have ever had in this game... Is 2 solid teams competing in 8v8 maps. Some classes and players will get carried, yes. But at least they all have a decent shot at competing, rather than playing "don't be the first to get globalled".


Bottom line: if you want solo ranked rating/ELO to work properly, you need to increase the player pool. This will do that, for certain. Otherwise you'll just have to keep crying about qsyncers and trolls and class balance.


8v8 solo ranked stops none of those things. Q syncing is even easier when you have 8 potential slots to queue into rather than 4. It is also potentially more disasterous as you may run into 5 or even 6 queue synced players instead of 4. Players will still troll.


Classes will still not be balanced. Stealth classes that can solo guard and/or solo steal a node will have far more impact on a game than another player, regardless of how much damage or healing they can put out. Classes that can score goals in Huttball with minimal or no assistance (Operative, Jugg) will have a built in advantage. They won't be able to single handedly win games, but they will have more of an impact than a generic DPS trying to help take a third node or get kills/orbs at mid in AHG.

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