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KotFE and GSF Companions


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So this has likely been answered before, but I haven't found it so here we go:


Is it true that when you start KotFE, your companions disappear within GSF as well? Do companions that are not your story companions disappear as well?


Let's get specific for clarity. Say I am a Jedi Consular. By playing that story, Qyzen is unlocked as a GSF comp. Let's say that I also pay purple fleet req to unlock Elara or Risha. So I've been flying with those comps and having a grand old time. Then one day I decide to start KotFE. After starting chapter 1, will I then open the GSF hanger to find:


1. Qyzen is no longer unlocked, but I can pay fleet req to acquire him again

2. Qyzen is no longer unlocked and I can't get him in GSF until I get him in the KotFE story

3. Are Elara and Risha gone too, even though they are not 'my' story companions?, or do they remain available because their disappearance is not a part of 'my' KotFE story?


Thanks for any insight anyone can provide.

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So this has likely been answered before, but I haven't found it so here we go:


Is it true that when you start KotFE, your companions disappear within GSF as well? Do companions that are not your story companions disappear as well?


Let's get specific for clarity. Say I am a Jedi Consular. By playing that story, Qyzen is unlocked as a GSF comp. Let's say that I also pay purple fleet req to unlock Elara or Risha. So I've been flying with those comps and having a grand old time. Then one day I decide to start KotFE. After starting chapter 1, will I then open the GSF hanger to find:


1. Qyzen is no longer unlocked, but I can pay fleet req to acquire him again

2. Qyzen is no longer unlocked and I can't get him in GSF until I get him in the KotFE story

3. Are Elara and Risha gone too, even though they are not 'my' story companions?, or do they remain available because their disappearance is not a part of 'my' KotFE story?


Thanks for any insight anyone can provide.


Basically, all your companions (qyzen, risha and elara) are gone from the GSF window. You can unlock them before you meet them, though (just like you could before you got them in the main storyline).

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I checked this out on my main, here's how it looks like it works.


If you unlocked the companion pre- KotFE via story, and the crewmember is currently in a ship's loadout, that crew member will be grayed out in crew selection, but you'll still have both the passive and active abilities available on your ship. If you switch to another crew member in that slot, you will have to unlock the companion with fleet requisition in order to switch back.


If you unlocked the companion pre-KotFE with fleet requisition AND is a companion from another class, the companion appears to remain unlocked in KotFE.


Purchased (Treek, HK) companions are treated like in-class story companions.


Re-unlocking a companion via the KotFE story DOES NOT unlock the companion again for GSF.


So either pick your companions prior to starting KotFE and plan on not ever switching them, or be prepared to spend quite a bit of Fleet requisition on the better GSF companions on certain classes.

Edited by Ramalina
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I checked this out on my main, here's how it looks like it works.


If you unlocked the companion pre- KotFE via story, and the crewmember is currently in a ship's loadout, that crew member will be grayed out in crew selection, but you'll still have both the passive and active abilities available on your ship. If you switch to another crew member in that slot, you will have to unlock the previous companion with fleet requisition in order to switch back.


clarification in orange


Any companion you bought with fleet requisition remains unchanged. Only your class' base companions become grayed out once you start the KOTFE story.


Technically, you don't have to change crew members to be able to pay to unlock the companion, you can pay without swapping.

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