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Legacy question before I make a new character...


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Just wondering before I make a new character if the Legacy surname you choose stays with all your characters REGARDLESS of server? I was going to make a character of the opposite faction on a less populated server, but then this question popped into my head, I don't want to have to come up with another surname and whatnot :p
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As on right now, you cannot change your Legacy name once you pick it. Legacy name is unique for the server like a character name. You can only have 1 Legacy name and only your characters will have the Legacy name. So you cannot have your friend, family member, or etc have a character and you two share the same name Legacy name.
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I don't agree with this. I'm a proponent of choice.


It sounds good in theory, and I can understand having the same last name on either faction, but 2 characters of different species should not be stuck with the same last name. Yes, I realize I can turn the surname off, but what if I want a different surname? Why should I have to roll my alts on a completely different server just to get a new surname?


This is counterintuitive imho. I thought the idea was to encourage players to roll alts? I understand that it would behoove me to use my first alt in my legacy to benefit my main, but now I feel like I need to create a family instead of alts of different species. This sucks because I've had my names planned out for a while now. I don't think this should be forced on us.


I also don't like the idea that I need to race to the end of act 1 to reserve my name. What if it's taken? Roll the dice and start over on another server? I'm not a fan of special characters.


Yes, I realize some of these proposed questions and concerns won't matter to some of you, but I don't give a damn about you, I care about me. And frankly, out of a million subs - I'm certain I'm not alone.

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I don't agree with this. I'm a proponent of choice.


It sounds good in theory, and I can understand having the same last name on either faction, but 2 characters of different species should not be stuck with the same last name. Yes, I realize I can turn the surname off, but what if I want a different surname? Why should I have to roll my alts on a completely different server just to get a new surname?



I agree with you. I think it is silly to tag different species with the same surname. I applaud what Bioware was trying to do though, but its not quite there yet. At least it should be possible to change.


Technically its slightly more 'in-character' way of having a global handle, instead of @Karkais at the end of my name, it is a surname etc.


You do understand that if we complain too much about it, devs takethe surname option completely off. Would that be better for you?

Edited by Karkais
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Give an inch, take a mile...


I like the surnames. I think its a great concept, and I hope they expand on it. They put in this interesting concept, and people complain because its not perfect. Just pretend it doesn't exist, and you'll feel better.


Of course I want seperate names...its like being able to make up your own title, which is awesome. And I wouldn't want to end up with a Sith named Darkguy Lightbringer.


Go go legacy, I like it. I'm not mad about it. And I hope it gets better.

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I'm having a tough time with the current system as well-- my main is a fairly serious Zabrak Jedi, but my alts are whimsical Humans. No surname fits all of them, so I'm trying to look at the Legacy name as a title or House. Not knowing SW lore is not helping, either.


I'm just tired of the title box popping up all the time!

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This is a horrible system. This more than anything else about this game, just pisses me off.

I'm being patient with the lack of tailors, I'm giving them the benefit of the doubt that they're looking into a wardrobe feature, but what the hell is up with this legacy mess? Why do all my char, all from different species and planets, all have to have the same last name?


What is the point of that? My Twi'lek and my human are NOT related, should not be related and to the best of my knowledge can not possibly be related. And while I'm at it, what is the point of having to all have unique last names? I already have a unique first name, why cant I just have the last name I want? instead of having to pick some leftover name that nobody before me wanted, and in all likelihood wasn't the name I actually wanted either?


Seriously, somebody explain to me what the thinking is here. What is the point of any of this?

This whole idea just seems designed to be as frustrating and inconvenient as possible to people who actually care about the names of their characters. Don't offer to "reward" me with a last name and then hang it around my neck like a dead albatross.


I'm frankly just mad about this whole thing.



Edited by Dr_Grendel
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  • 4 weeks later...

While the system isn't perfect, it's a lot better than nothing at all. If the fact that it's not exactly what you want is actually pissing you off, you're taking this game way too seriously. I understand you're paying money to play it, but that's just it. You're playing. Tell the game not to display the name for the characters that it doesn't apply to and lighten up.


That aside, there's something I haven't been able to find the answer to: I have a solo character that I'm almost done Act 1 with, and I have a second character that I use for grouping with rl friends. Will that second character have the legacy name when I get that far with my solo character? Or will I have to re-roll the alt if I want the name applied.

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That aside, there's something I haven't been able to find the answer to: I have a solo character that I'm almost done Act 1 with, and I have a second character that I use for grouping with rl friends. Will that second character have the legacy name when I get that far with my solo character? Or will I have to re-roll the alt if I want the name applied.

I believe that once you unlock the legacy name on your main, even pre-existing alts will have the option to display it.


I am likewise having to think well in advance as to what I want to do with my Legacy Name.


I am a roleplayer, so my characters already have established surnames - Voress for my Jedi Mirialan twins (he's the Consular, she's the Knight), Destin for my human Gunslinger, etc. So yeah, I will probably apply it as a title if I can figure one out that will be a universal fit.


In that regard, I would prefer surname were a function distinct from the Legacy system - something more akin to an RP social pane that allows one to designate a surname, a brief description, etc.


I'll be looking to other features of the Legacy system to make that system worthwhile to me. Just now, I agree the surname thing is a little half-baked and disappointing.

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I believe that once you unlock the legacy name on your main, even pre-existing alts will have the option to display it.


I am likewise having to think well in advance as to what I want to do with my Legacy Name.


I am a roleplayer, so my characters already have established surnames - Voress for my Jedi Mirialan twins (he's the Consular, she's the Knight), Destin for my human Gunslinger, etc. So yeah, I will probably apply it as a title if I can figure one out that will be a universal fit.


In that regard, I would prefer surname were a function distinct from the Legacy system - something more akin to an RP social pane that allows one to designate a surname, a brief description, etc.


I'll be looking to other features of the Legacy system to make that system worthwhile to me. Just now, I agree the surname thing is a little half-baked and disappointing.


I think most role-players would agree.

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I like the Lecay system so far =) I think it is nice to tie all my chars together and I'm really looking forward to seeing what perks there will be for the later ones. Since names are pretty important to me I made all my alts the first thing I did to secure their names, then after that they have been chilling at Korriban and Ord Mantell until it's their turn to lvl. The Legacy name I took suits all of them, but I think that a few will have < the ..... legacy > instead of displaying it as a last name. Since we have the option not to display it, show it as a last name or just present it as a legacy I do not have any problems with the names. Go legacy!!

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I am able to comfortably roleplay around differences in race and the like, so it's all good. Adoption seems to be a big deal in the SW world, anyway. So my twileks were adopted at one point or another, no big deal. Everyone shares the same name and goes off in different directions, one big family of cousins and the the like, yay.


It works.

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It is a little disappointing that you can't set a unique surname for each character. I'm a roleplayer as well, and I can see where that'd be nice. But at the same time, it's not a deal-breaker that I can't.


This is the case for me as well. I think that the system as it exists is irritating, certainly, but not to the point where I don't want to play the game any longer.


All I can say is, if all my characters are members of one big happy family (even if not by choice - especially if not by choice, actually), then they should all be able to share the family's knickknacks (lightsabers, cybernetic gear, etc). After all, if my Sith sorceress and Miaralan Jedi are family, why not? Time to get those account-wide (and cross-faction) storage slots implemented ASAP.

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I think the Legacy system is one of the nicest features ingame :) It's nice to create your own 'family' or 'house' if you will.


The only issue there is, is that you can't have a unique surname for each character individually, but if you could then what would be the point in creating your 'PERSONAL' legacy? Seriously, what would the point be? A fancy last name? :p

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