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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Please let me buy Jedi animations on my Sith


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Wouldent that kill the purpose of jedi being jedi and sith being sith?

If you wanted a fallen jedi, then make a jedi then go all dark side and give him black robes and red lightsaber

-> -> Count Dooku :).


Ofcourse I would love to have the healing animation on my jedi knight to my jedi consular but alas, maybe in a future patch .or maybe was that what you meant? the jedi knight healing meditation animation to sith but being all dark/purple?

Edited by Swook
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Wouldent that kill the purpose of jedi being jedi and sith being sith?

If you wanted a fallen jedi, then make a jedi then go all dark side and give him black robes and red lightsaber

-> -> Count Dooku :).


Ofcourse I would love to have the healing animation on my jedi knight to my jedi consular but alas, maybe in a future patch .or maybe was that what you meant? the jedi knight healing meditation animation to sith but being all dark/purple?


Yes, you can make a darkside jedi. But then when they heal up they call upon the lightside of the force. Why? They are supposed to be fallen. This is a good suggestion. It adds an RP element to the game. Simple. Low cost. Potentially high profit. Easy to implement if they add it like any other custom regen item (That would even allow mixing animations of the same faction). This is a good idea.

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  • 4 weeks later...

And while they're at it, they should allow us to mix and match between classes for abilities with identical functions. My Assassin would like to switch out Shock for Project, Electrocute for Force Choke, Dark Ward for Kinetic Ward, and Overload for Force Push.


Just the animations, mind you, not the abilities themselves. And it's grounded in existing lore (even non-Legends lore), because Darth Vader, Darth Maul, and Darth Sidious all used Project in the movies, and Luke used Force Choke in Return of the Jedi.


Also, it's time to get rid of the horrible visual cues. Yes, PvP requires visual cues, because ranked arenas depend on coordination, but the giant, purple bubble that appears around my Assassin whenever I pop Deflection has got to go. I don't know where in the lore they picked up that horrible thing, but it needs to die. Now.


The cooldown is called "Deflection" - bubbles don't deflect, they absorb. There has to be a better way to animate "I'm deflecting all yer stuff now!" than a freakin' bubble. The deflection animation is already in the game, so all you'd need is a discreet visual cue for the PvP crowd (that is not me, because I don't ever pay attention to the visual cues, I just mash buttons and hope to win).

Edited by Qaoz
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