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Please reduce the required number of pvp matches to get certain companions in KotFE


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I'm going to finish this sad quest just to get it done because I'm no quitter. However the sad thing is though that being a causal player it going to take the whole weekend to finish it when I'd love to be doing something else...

If you loved to be doing something else, you'd do that. Implying you have no choice but to PvP for Pierce or 4X is like saying you have no choice but to walk down to the nearest mini-golf course so you can play mini-golf.

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If you loved to be doing something else, you'd do that. Implying you have no choice but to PvP for Pierce or 4X is like saying you have no choice but to walk down to the nearest mini-golf course so you can play mini-golf.


You have to complete those quests because all future content at this point from the questgivers will be inaccessible. You can't even decline Pierce or 4X for good and get around having to pvp just to turn them down. This is being willfully ignored because some people love having others forced into this game's pvp. This is the same tactic used all over the forums to get the pandering nerf that was thankfully eased back to a more reasonable amount. They're butthurt about it and want to force pvp on others and further divide this community.

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You have to complete those quests because all future content at this point from the questgivers will be inaccessible. You can't even decline Pierce or 4X for good and get around having to pvp just to turn them down. This is being willfully ignored because some people love having others forced into this game's pvp. This is the same tactic used all over the forums to get the pandering nerf that was thankfully eased back to a more reasonable amount. They're butthurt about it and want to force pvp on others and further divide this community.


Its a no win scenario.


I don't want to PvP. But if I don't, then I could very well be locked from future content.


If I decide to go ahead and tough out those 20 matches, I am met with despise from the in game PvPers. They don't want me there, and I don't even want to be there.


If I come on to the forums and ask for some kind of compromise, then the PvPers here on the forums are insulting me telling me to suck it up. Which is ironically the opposite of what the PvPers in game are telling me.


No matter which way I go with this I lose, and makes for a very un-fun experience. Which is kind of sad because I thought this game was supposed to be for fun and recreation.


Edit- And the scary part is that these companions probably wont be the last ones that they put behind a PvP gate. I toughed out this one in the hopes that they don't do it again, but I suspect that they will in an effort to liven up the PvP environment.

Edited by Apache
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Its a no win scenario.


I don't want to PvP. But if I don't, then I could very well be locked from future content.


If I decide to go ahead and tough out those 20 matches, I am met with despise from the in game PvPers. They don't want me there, and I don't even want to be there.


If I come on to the forums and ask for some kind of compromise, then the PvPers here on the forums are insulting me telling me to suck it up. Which is ironically the opposite of what the PvPers in game are telling me.


No matter which way I go with this I lose, and makes for a very un-fun experience. Which is kind of sad because I thought this game was supposed to be for fun and recreation.


Edit- And the scary part is that these companions probably wont be the last ones that they put behind a PvP gate. I toughed out this one in the hopes that they don't do it again, but I suspect that they will in an effort to liven up the PvP environment.



O your definataly right. Wait till the gate one behind GSF. Now THAT will be a shat show to watch. :rak_03:


For me I been in this game long enough to realize i don't like and i do. I don't like the Rakghoul event I wont even log in that week if its going on(yes i am aware of the vaccine) I don't like the gree event and i don't like pvp.


I get what there trying to do make you play other parts of the game. But i wish they would instead of at the end of the quest put the refuse companion option at the start in the end it would let those who don't want to do that request just move on instead of having it linger in your quest log or alerts.

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Please Bioware at least require 2018 on all gear entering pvp matches and perhaps lower the requirements but make it wins so these losers who are just admitting they will afk matches or win trade have to at least try.

Never gonna happen. Requiring 2018 Expertise defeats the whole theory and purpose behind Bolster. And "wins only?" That would only prolong their agony and yours. You want to do WZs with PvP-hating "PvE care bears" even more? Well, then, making it "wins only" would do just that.


Unless and until BWEA changes the way it works, suck it up, Buttercup.

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So, if I'm understanding correctly, you only have to enter 20 PVP matches... die 20 times... and viola you have a pet? I can do that...


Sadly thats what is pissing off the pvpers, BW made it so that we none pvpers have to go into warzones we have 2 choices. I want 4X or Major BigGuy or I dont so dont care.


If we go then yes it could be 20 loses more so if you sit back and do nothing to help. But then the pvpers say we shouldnt be there we dont have gear blah blah so I understand why ppl just sit back lol.

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Its a no win scenario.


I don't want to PvP. But if I don't, then I could very well be locked from future content.

or how about instead of succumbing to "what ifs" you wait and see if pierce does gate any "content" (which i suppose does apply to meaningless companion skins) and decide then what is or isn't worth the effort.
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or how about instead of succumbing to "what ifs" you wait and see if pierce does gate any "content" (which i suppose does apply to meaningless companion skins) and decide then what is or isn't worth the effort.

"Companion skins" are no more meaningless (or meaningful) than anything else in the game.

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or how about instead of succumbing to "what ifs" you wait and see if pierce does gate any "content" (which i suppose does apply to meaningless companion skins) and decide then what is or isn't worth the effort.


They already said that they are gated. Eric said himself that they are looked at like a chain in which one alert has to be completed before another one can open.


Whether or not we choose to recruit the companion is up to us. But we still have to complete the alert mission requirements before the next alert mission for the next companion (or whatever the future alerts may entail) can be unlocked.


Although to be fair, he did say that they were not sure if future companions will have PvP requirements or not

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They already said that they are gated. Eric said himself that they are looked at like a chain in which one alert has to be completed before another one can open.


Whether or not we choose to recruit the companion is up to us. But we still have to complete the alert mission requirements before the next alert mission for the next companion (or whatever the future alerts may entail) can be unlocked.


Although to be fair, he did say that they were not sure if future companions will have PvP requirements or not

you mean when eric said "maybe" in regards to pierce gating additional pvp related companions and "not likely" having pve content requiring pierce?


so again i ask, why get anxious about this now and not wait and see if pierce does gate anything and if you feel at tthat time, that 20 warzones is too much.

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you mean when eric said "maybe" in regards to pierce gating additional pvp related companions and "not likely" having pve content requiring pierce?


so again i ask, why get anxious about this now and not wait and see if pierce does gate anything and if you feel at tthat time, that 20 warzones is too much.


Apologies but Im not understanding the point you are trying to make.


You say to wait and see if the Pierce Alert Mission gates anything. But the Pierce Alert Mission as it stands right now, in game, is a Gate in itself. If that Pierce Alert Mission is not completed, then any future Alert Missions in that line can not be accessed.


So Im not understanding why you're wanting people to wait and see if actually does Gate any future content (whatever that future content may entail), when it does that right now.


Now whether or not the Pierce Alert Mission is a gate to future PvP Alert missions is any ones guess. Nobody knows and BW isn't telling.

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or how about instead of succumbing to "what ifs" you wait and see if pierce does gate any "content" (which i suppose does apply to meaningless companion skins) and decide then what is or isn't worth the effort.


We get it, you want to continue padding your stats and having people forced into one of the dying areas of the game that you happen to still think is important.


Hey, I *wish* pvp mattered in this game, but it simply doesn't to EA or most of the playerbase. That's a fact. How about you quit ignoring the facts of this matter in your rhetoric?

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I think the best to hope for is a way to say "No" to Pierce/4X and bypass any potential "gate" they may present.

Beyond the unimaginable intolerance of forcing non-PVPers to do 20 -- 20!!! -- Warzone matches is the fact that the Imperials are doing it for *********** Lieutenant Pierce. At least the Republic is getting a cool companion out of the deal, but the Imperials? Those poor sods are stuck with that useless ******** that even Sith Warriors don't want.


It's a fact that just makes it even more disdainful considering it's also a block to other companions down the line.

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It really surprises me that it is the PvE players that are up in arms about this more than the PvP players seem to be. Considering how this bit is supposedly "ruining" honest-to-goodness, pure PvP Warzones by filling the teams with a bunch of scrubs with zero expertise, you'd think the PvP-ers would be in here with the pitchforks and torches.


But all I see are mainly PvE-ers claiming to be sympathetic to the negative effect this is having on PvP. Now, I'm not saying it isn't having a negative effect, it's obvious that it would. I'm just curious why there aren't more than a handful of PvP-ers in the forum demanding Bioware get these idiot PvE-ers the hell out of their matches.


That's all I wanted to say. I'll get out of your thread now.


The only thing I can think of is they hope all the PvE players are on the opposite team so they are lambs to the slaughter.

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Please Bioware at least require 2018 on all gear entering pvp matches and perhaps lower the requirements but make it wins so these losers who are just admitting they will afk matches or win trade have to at least try.


require 1936, since 2018 is impossible w/o main/off hand PvP gear, which you can only get from PvP, but yeah they should really at the very least explain that you want to be in 190s for PvP for bolster to work correctly, letting people go into WZs in their 216s and have to find out that their gear is crappy from angry PvPers is not a good first impression.

Edited by GavinBail
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My main problem with this is that Pierce and Qyzen seem hardly surprised or happy to see that I'm actually alive. Pierce is like, O hai, and Qyzen just sends me on a mission.


What they should have done is had Pierce and Droid guy is make the requirement 20 Warzones/10wins OR 20 elite Imperial Office/Republic Officer heads or butt cheeks or something.

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Apologies but Im not understanding the point you are trying to make.


You say to wait and see if the Pierce Alert Mission gates anything. But the Pierce Alert Mission as it stands right now, in game, is a Gate in itself. If that Pierce Alert Mission is not completed, then any future Alert Missions in that line can not be accessed.


So Im not understanding why you're wanting people to wait and see if actually does Gate any future content (whatever that future content may entail), when it does that right now.


Now whether or not the Pierce Alert Mission is a gate to future PvP Alert missions is any ones guess. Nobody knows and BW isn't telling.


Theron and Lana don't seem to work like that. Unlike the Alliance Specialists, they can give multiple alerts at the same time. I know on my Sage that I had 7 alerts for Theron at one time. So I'm not sure where you get this from.

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I absolutely support Bioware for encouraging players to PvP by gating a companion behind PvPing....


However...20 matches (10 wins) is too many. I want to promote PvP, not make it a freaking chore. 4-6 matches would be ideal imo. It encourages players who don't PvP to do it, but it doesn't make it a hellish grind.

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I absolutely support Bioware for encouraging players to PvP by gating a companion behind PvPing....


However...20 matches (10 wins) is too many. I want to promote PvP, not make it a freaking chore. 4-6 matches would be ideal imo. It encourages players who don't PvP to do it, but it doesn't make it a hellish grind.


I think just requiring completion of the weekly mission would have been enough. Adding 5 more matches to it doesn't quite make sense.

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The only thing I can think of is they hope all the PvE players are on the opposite team so they are lambs to the slaughter.


I don't. I play on Harbinger Republic Side. We get hammered because of this quest. Here's why:


1) A while ago a large number of Imp PvPers transferred to Harbinger for population; this decimated what was a balanced Pub v. Imp scene.


2) This dilutes the negative effects of PvEers when playing Imps. I know on my Imps, I hardly see this problem. Maybe 1-2 people.


3) Because most 'serious' PvPers have re-rolled or play Imp near exclusively, Republic side usually has a much higher proportion of PvE player in their for Conquest, Relics, & M1-4X.


All that said, I still support this quest. I think people should be able to reject M1-4X/Pierce and move on if they wish, but really I just don't see this as a terrible burden. I do wish that the devs would create a MANDATORY tutorial that would tell people about bolster. I also wish that PvEers would at least try to be sensible. I was talking to a guy, I was a nice as possible because I didn't want him to think I was harassing him. He was in PvE gear after doing 10 WZs. I asked him, why he didn't just buy a few pieces of the PvP gear with the comms he earned from the daily quests. He legit didn't know that the gear was better. That's not his fault. He bought a couple of relics and some other stuff (which are still good for PvE) and he was doing better.


All I can do as a player who likes PvP is help the newbies who want to try. A few will keep coming. I'm not in it for wins, if I was I would play my Imp mirrors. I have fully leveled mirrors for all my Republic mains.


So no, it's not looking for easy PvE wins. It's ensuring that PvP has nice things too.

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I absolutely support Bioware for encouraging players to PvP by gating a companion behind PvPing....


However...20 matches (10 wins) is too many. I want to promote PvP, not make it a freaking chore. 4-6 matches would be ideal imo. It encourages players who don't PvP to do it, but it doesn't make it a hellish grind.


It's really not a hellish grind unless someone makes it one.


If people just did the 4 match daily, each day they would be done in 5 sessions. Sure it might take a few days, but why do folks feel like they need to have everything RIGHT NOW? If they just take their time, do it in bite-sized chucks, they'll be done before they know it.

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It's really not a hellish grind unless someone makes it one.


If people just did the 4 match daily, each day they would be done in 5 sessions. Sure it might take a few days, but why do folks feel like they need to have everything RIGHT NOW? If they just take their time, do it in bite-sized chucks, they'll be done before they know it.

I love to PvP...but if I didn't, 20 would be hellish to me. It's not that PvP itself is that difficult, it's really not, but it's extremely fast paced play and it's far from casual. It's also placing players in a competitive environment where they'll be judged and ridiculed by someone...I was in full 208 gear the day of release, valor 100, and I still had twits mocking everyone for being scrubs. PvPers are toxic to their own activity - I think 20 missions HURTS PvP far more than it helps. 4-6 would be ideal imo.

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