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Please reduce the required number of pvp matches to get certain companions in KotFE


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It's not about cluelessness. I've read the arguments. They just seem pointless to me. Probably because I don't walk through life thinking everybody owes me whatever I want.

It's a game. You don't seem to get that. People play games for fun. Many people despise PvP (I'm one of them).


Here is what they should do: let people say no to Pierce or 4X and bypass any potential, theoretical or hypothetical "gate" to other companions entirely. We don't get our "undeserved" reward, which seems to bother you a lot, and we don't miss out on any potential future content. I am totally fine not having Pierce or 4X.

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I solo hunted the 20 creatures on Hoth in 90 minutes. How long is it going to take to sit through 20 PvP matches?


Oh do you have a timer you used & pictures to prove it? *smh*

Why do all of you complaining about this seem to think it has to be done in one sitting, back to back?! Just do the dailies 3 days in a row & add a couple more on last day. You will have your companion then.

All I see is the entitlement crowd. "I want it now! This is taking longer than I want."

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Oh do you have a timer you used & pictures to prove it? *smh*

Why do all of you complaining about this seem to think it has to be done in one sitting, back to back?! Just do the dailies 3 days in a row & add a couple more on last day. You will have your companion then.

All I see is the entitlement crowd. "I want it now! This is taking longer than I want."


Its not about "This is taking longer than I want" its having to do an activity i despise here to get what i want.


If there was something else i could do thats -not- pvp i would do it.


Just like with qyzen. I didnt care to do world bosses so i went and hunted down 20 worthy targets.


I was perfectly fine doing the -other- thing required.


Thats what a lot of us are asking for, another option.

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So long as that rule applies only to you, I'm cool with it.


Wouldn't be much point if it just applied to me since I already have 84 valor and who knows how many PvP matches. It is what I do to pass time during content droughts. It has been almost a year since the last time I subbed and I can already tell I'll be playing a lot of PvP matches if I stay subbed. :)

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It's a game. You don't seem to get that. People play games for fun. Many people despise PvP (I'm one of them).


Here is what they should do: let people say no to Pierce or 4X and bypass any potential, theoretical or hypothetical "gate" to other companions entirely. We don't get our "undeserved" reward, which seems to bother you a lot, and we don't miss out on any potential future content. I am totally fine not having Pierce or 4X.


It doesn't bother me at all. I don't care what they do with the quest because whatever it is I'll either do it or not do it, but I won't come here and ***** about it like an entitled little brat.


"It's a game" is exactly my point. Nobody's forcing you to do anything. The only perceived slight you have (from what I can tell) is that you think that maybe in the future it will be an issue and that maybe, if it's an issue, they might not give you a workaround. Cross the bridge when you get to it. Until then, who cares?

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The level of self entitlement in this thread is laughable. Seriously the companion locked behind a pvp wall is fine as it is. Really 20 pvp matches and you get a companion or valor rank 40 . This isn't an unrealistic gate. It's a good way to introduce new blood to pvp.


Also as other have pointed out. No one is putting a gun to your head telling you to do this quest and pick up the pvp companion. It's an optional not a mandatory. People thinking it is mandatory are even sillier then the complainers. heck it's at most a couple days of grind with the pvp ques and your done. You never have to pvp again if you don't want too . and only if your going for the companion.


For those who do pvp or enjoy pvpving this is a terrific thank you by bioware for participation in an aspect of the game some may not always enjoy.


For the whinning wimps , be thankful that BW didn't put a companion behind an Operations wall(s) . where you'd have to clear some storymode Operations. Or worse yet some hard mode Operations ... oh the horror !


You say unrealistic, I call the quest hugely disproportionate considering the other allaince companion quests 20 is simply much more than the others, if it was to blood new than 5 is more than sufficient sample, especially if people do it with more than 1 character.


First of all, they are not PvP companions they are PvE companions that are behind a PvP wall. PvP players who call this optional are not looking at it from a PvE point of view, they are characters part of a PvE story, they are currently quests that you cannot remove either. That really is not ideal from a PvE perspective.



It doesn't bother me at all. I don't care what they do with the quest because whatever it is I'll either do it or not do it, but I won't come here and ***** about it like an entitled little brat.


"It's a game" is exactly my point. Nobody's forcing you to do anything. The only perceived slight you have (from what I can tell) is that you think that maybe in the future it will be an issue and that maybe, if it's an issue, they might not give you a workaround. Cross the bridge when you get to it. Until then, who cares?


See above, as to why PvE players are forced, gaining companions is part of the story and is not seen as optional especially since there is no way to remove this quest.


If you don't care what they do with the quest why even reply in this thread? Are we all expected to just accept the status-quo as without challenging the devs they will continue to make decisions that a large proportion of people dislike.

Edited by Jedi_riches
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i agree, 5 is enough to achieve this mission


i didn't enjoy the PVP experience as i wasn't geared for it, and all i was doing was ruining my teams fun, at least that's how it felt.


I'd say agreed that 5 matches is more than enough torture (or even 10 matches with wins counting as double).


This also does have a bias in that it will generally always be quicker on an Imperial toon than a Republic one as there seems to be a more dedicated Imperial PvP player base (well on the PvE server I'm on anyway).

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To be fair to the Devs choice to PvP gate the companion it has gotten me to do PvP, and guess what? I kinda like it. I at least like it enough that I'm going to get a full legacy-bound set of 204 PvP armor. I have only had one match where I felt I couldn't do anything and I don't think being more experienced or better gear would have helped me there (3 Sins coordinating attacks out of stealth, burning 1 player then stealthing out and repeating in 20 seconds or so). So far I have only seen one person raging "L2P Noobs" and swearing at his own team, but that was my own guild leader, so I'm kinda used to it.


While I feel that 20 is a bit too high 10 or 5 isn't unreasonable. I do wish that there was a way to refuse the alert without blocking off the quest chain as I do not care about Lokin/Fess/or 4X for that matter and while I'm perfectly willing to give any aspect of this game a try (I also discovered I like hunting WBs from Fess) I don't really want to do each of these things foe every character I play on (Lokin would get super expensive/grindy).


I also hope that more characters show up that require other less-played aspects of the game: GSF and/or the on-the-rails spaceship missions. The one thing I hope they don't gate stuff behind is Opps, those already have a lot of rewards and I feel the "Be l33t or ****" attitude is even worse there.

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I'd rather they didn't have the pvp requirement at all to get the comps, it sucks, but I suppose in the interest of compromise, I think like others have said, 5 matches, win or lose, both count, would be fair. They might get people to try it, or at least suffer through it.


In all honesty, I'd rather relieve myself of a body part than pvp. I hate it. I'd rather not do it, but I don't want to lose out on what Theron might ask next of me...that's cutting into my story fun. So I do hope they'll compromise and if not remove out right, or give us some other option like hunting 20 of something like we did for Qyzen, then a reduction to about 5.


Please Bioware, give those of us who aren't into PVP other options to get the comps you've gated behind pvp content.

If not another method, like hunting 20 of something...then a reduction to say 5 pvp matches, that count, win or lose.




Don't listen to those whinners first the game was to easy,

Now its to hard,

They never satisfied, they cant do anything but complain, please we are more than these whinners that like the game as it was by launch, we have adjusted to the changes, Let's all agree the 20 wz is easy done it's 10 wins, the newbies must learn to pvp, like us pvp'ers must do alot of PvE content with out whining its to hard or to easy, we just take the challenge you give us with out whinning, Every time you die you learn how not to play, and adjust so get over it life isnt easy either.

If you adjust game every time someones whine, you ruin the game keep a certain level of challenges, fx bring back datacrons on new planets. =)

Learn to play, it's just 20 wz not hard !

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Don't listen to those whinners first the game was to easy,

Now its to hard,

They never satisfied, they cant do anything but complain, please we are more than these whinners that like the game as it was by launch, we have adjusted to the changes, Let's all agree the 20 wz is easy done it's 10 wins, the newbies must learn to pvp, like us pvp'ers must do alot of PvE content with out whining its to hard or to easy, we just take the challenge you give us with out whinning, Every time you die you learn how not to play, and adjust so get over it life isnt easy either.

If you adjust game every time someones whine, you ruin the game keep a certain level of challenges, fx bring back datacrons on new planets. =)

Learn to play, it's just 20 wz not hard !


it's not JUST 20 wz, its 20 wz PER CHARACTER for an activity that people do not like. Are we just supposed to accept everything BW gives us without guestion.


How many noobs will get 10 wins off the bad.. I have not done the maths but its not likely great odds.

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it's a pvp reward, and completely optional for story progress.


There's already the daily, and weekly, I would actually put the companion at something of a higher requirement reward, and gate future pvp compainons behind it proportionally. I would say 50 matches for this one, 75 more for the next, 100 for the one after that, etc.


For players that don't want to do that then fine, put them in the cartel market.



Otherwise I want all hm/nm pve rewards in story mode so the people who don't want to pve have a simpler option to get them. /sarcasm


You really should feel lucky it's not something like "earn your worth" and they made it 20 wins instead of just matches, since it is a pvp reward.

Edited by Maxil
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it's a pvp reward, and completely optional for story progress.


There's already the daily, and weekly, I would actually put the companion at something of a higher requirement reward, and gate future pvp compainons behind it proportionally. I would say 50 matches for this one, 75 more for the next, 100 for the one after that, etc.


For players that don't want to do that then fine, put them in the cartel market.



Otherwise I want all hm/nm pve rewards in story mode so the people who don't want to pve have a simpler option to get them. /sarcasm


You really should feel lucky it's not something like "earn your worth" and they made it 20 wins instead of just matches, since it is a pvp reward.


As has been said though, it is NOT a PvP reward as you cannot use a companion in PvP matches (except open world, mostly on PvP servers and not the purpose behind them). Also, they have stated you need to clear an alert to get the next one, so yes, it is required content to an extent and not optional.


The number of matches really isn't the real issue anyway, it is that you cannot refuse recruit the companion if you do not want to do the task (be it PvP, hunting Trophies, gathering materials, etc).


Another option would be to have an unlock option in your legacy panel, so you only have to do this once for each faction. After that you can use cartel coins or credits to unlock the companion (much like Treek or HK).

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it's a pvp reward, and completely optional for story progress.



There is no reason as to why it even should ever have been a PvP reward, they are PvE companions.


Hardly anybody wants to play PvP so they push PvE players into something they don't want to do. from a PvE perspective it IS NOT OPTIONAL:-


1) As part of the chapter 9 prelude you are to gain allies against Arcann, which comes from a PvE story - FACT

2) There is no way of removing these quests from the alliance menu one this becomes available - FACT

3) PvE players care more about the story that the average PvP player so hiding PvE companions behind a PvP wall is not optional, PvE players care about getting these companions (or telling them to get lost) just so that they can go on to the next part of the story, but doing something they don't want to do is not healthy for either the PvP or PvE community.


Reduce the matches to 5 and let us get out of your hair, you might convert some but at least when it's died down you will be left with pretty much PvP players who want to win matches.


When I play all I care about is forfilling my obligation to the 20 matches, I don't really care as to the outcome of any of them, PvP players do.

Edited by Jedi_riches
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Saying this quest is optional is only true if you are willing to write off any future companions that Theran would offer you (this may be 0 in which case I'm much more OK with it, but that seems unlikely).


I'm fine with requiring this once per legacy, once per character gets a bit much for players who don't like PvP. Or, better yet, as many others have suggested a way to refuse quests. This way they could gate comps behind PvP and we could actually skip it. I'm 100% ok with there being some things/companions that require PvP to get, that's fine, it's requiring everyone else to do it that is the problem.

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Honestly, I had done no PvP before this and probably never will again with a character who has already gained Pierce/4X, but I survived playing through the few matches. No complaints from me despite my lack of interest in PvP. I think it was a great idea for making people try this side of the game as well, even if it did not quite convince me to keep doing it.
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As has been said though, it is NOT a PvP reward as you cannot use a companion in PvP matches (except open world, mostly on PvP servers and not the purpose behind them).


Just a note here, following an absolute statement (you cannot use a companion in PvP) with a statement that directly contradicts what you just said, is not the best way to support an argument.


Companions are useful in most areas of the game. They are useful in all areas of the game EXCEPT against operations and world bosses where they absolutely are not allowed to be used.


But, in any event, it's irrelevant whether they can be used in PvP or not. Many rewards are cosmetic and companions are now cosmetic. M1-4X and Pierce are functionally no different than any other companion that uses a blaster rifle. They offer no story other than taking it to the other faction. Whether they are PvE or a PvP reward can only be determined by how they are acquired. For Troopers/Warriors they are a PvE story reward. For everyone else they are a reward for PvP. You may not like that, you may wish that were no so, but that's what the developers have done. Just saying, "They are PvE," doesn't change that.

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Just a note here, following an absolute statement (you cannot use a companion in PvP) with a statement that directly contradicts what you just said, is not the best way to support an argument.


Companions are useful in most areas of the game. They are useful in all areas of the game EXCEPT against operations and world bosses where they absolutely are not allowed to be used.


I did say in PVP MATCHES as the absolute. Really my wording for the exception could have been better and probably not in brackets on reflection.


Also, it is the fact you cant not take the quest to get the next one or abandon or refuse it that is the issue.

Edited by Ferretfur
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So I'm a PVP player, I've been subbed since launch and pretty much PVPd only since then. Just wanted to give you guys a perception of this problem from my pvp point of view.

Generally I think Biowares idea to "force" people into pvp is ok. But the approach has been catastrophic. Because quite honest we could use some new players. And it's not like if you don't get this companion you might as well quit your sub because you can't play the game anymore. Companions since 4.0 are all the same. So in my opinion it's not a big deal if you don't get all of them.

That being said, I was quite surprised of the things that people are willing to do to get this "pvp companions".

People entering pvp games and afking through the whole game, willingly ruining fun for others. People not even trying to be productive in a game. People coming in high end pve gear and ignoring any advice. I have just one thing to tell them.. you should be ashamed, I honestly can't understand this kind of behavior.

I mean I agree that if you don't like the content you just don't play it. Absolutely nobody is forcing you, holding a gun at your head, to get this 1 companion out of (how many? 20?).

I am quite a patient guy, I understand that people playing pvp for the first time are more then confused, I understand that it may be overwhelming at first. I tried to give advice, talk and instruct them. I've been insulted, ignored and hated on.. People still afking through a match..it's crazy.

I mean just imagine you guys would list yourself for a flashpoint/op and you get half your team afking, and you're not able to kick them out. Match after match..

I'm sorry guys but I tried to be polite and patient and all.. but at this point I would also rather see the requirement gone.. because this has done more harm then good. It's ruining the fun of all the players participating in the match.

Guess Bioware was counting on people behaving like adults, but it didn't work.

It could have been a good idea, maybe some new players would have discovered their new passion for pvp.. but with people behaving like this... no way..

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So I'm a PVP player, I've been subbed since launch and pretty much PVPd only since then. Just wanted to give you guys a perception of this problem from my pvp point of view.

Generally I think Biowares idea to "force" people into pvp is ok. But the approach has been catastrophic. Because quite honest we could use some new players. And it's not like if you don't get this companion you might as well quit your sub because you can't play the game anymore. Companions since 4.0 are all the same. So in my opinion it's not a big deal if you don't get all of them.

That being said, I was quite surprised of the things that people are willing to do to get this "pvp companions".

People entering pvp games and afking through the whole game, willingly ruining fun for others. People not even trying to be productive in a game. People coming in high end pve gear and ignoring any advice. I have just one thing to tell them.. you should be ashamed, I honestly can't understand this kind of behavior.

I mean I agree that if you don't like the content you just don't play it. Absolutely nobody is forcing you, holding a gun at your head, to get this 1 companion out of (how many? 20?).

I am quite a patient guy, I understand that people playing pvp for the first time are more then confused, I understand that it may be overwhelming at first. I tried to give advice, talk and instruct them. I've been insulted, ignored and hated on.. People still afking through a match..it's crazy.

I mean just imagine you guys would list yourself for a flashpoint/op and you get half your team afking, and you're not able to kick them out. Match after match..

I'm sorry guys but I tried to be polite and patient and all.. but at this point I would also rather see the requirement gone.. because this has done more harm then good. It's ruining the fun of all the players participating in the match.

Guess Bioware was counting on people behaving like adults, but it didn't work.

It could have been a good idea, maybe some new players would have discovered their new passion for pvp.. but with people behaving like this... no way..


People won't learn how to PvP because they don't care about the outcome of a match at all, or how good a match is. All the people are just after the companion just not how they get them.


I really don't think this is what Bioware intended when they dreamt up the idea of putting alliance companions in PvP but this is what we have gotten.

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So I'm a PVP player, I've been subbed since launch and pretty much PVPd only since then. Just wanted to give you guys a perception of this problem from my pvp point of view.

Generally I think Biowares idea to "force" people into pvp is ok. But the approach has been catastrophic. Because quite honest we could use some new players. And it's not like if you don't get this companion you might as well quit your sub because you can't play the game anymore. Companions since 4.0 are all the same. So in my opinion it's not a big deal if you don't get all of them.

That being said, I was quite surprised of the things that people are willing to do to get this "pvp companions".

People entering pvp games and afking through the whole game, willingly ruining fun for others. People not even trying to be productive in a game. People coming in high end pve gear and ignoring any advice. I have just one thing to tell them.. you should be ashamed, I honestly can't understand this kind of behavior.

I mean I agree that if you don't like the content you just don't play it. Absolutely nobody is forcing you, holding a gun at your head, to get this 1 companion out of (how many? 20?).

I am quite a patient guy, I understand that people playing pvp for the first time are more then confused, I understand that it may be overwhelming at first. I tried to give advice, talk and instruct them. I've been insulted, ignored and hated on.. People still afking through a match..it's crazy.

I mean just imagine you guys would list yourself for a flashpoint/op and you get half your team afking, and you're not able to kick them out. Match after match..

I'm sorry guys but I tried to be polite and patient and all.. but at this point I would also rather see the requirement gone.. because this has done more harm then good. It's ruining the fun of all the players participating in the match.

Guess Bioware was counting on people behaving like adults, but it didn't work.

It could have been a good idea, maybe some new players would have discovered their new passion for pvp.. but with people behaving like this... no way..


I hear what you are saying completely. I think people may have put in more of an effort if the requirement had not been the lofty figure of 20 matches.


I did go into the matches and gave it my best shot and got royally slaughtered game after game, which wasn't too much fun. Then someone like you heard my whining (yes, it'd started to whine) and asked me what armour I was wearing. I told them it was my mostly 216 PvE gear which should be fine with the bolster thing...shouldn't it?


To my horror I found out that the mechanic to give you an equal footing in PvP doesn't actually work and makes my gear essentially useless. So change your gear I am told...but I have not kept any other gear as I generally sold it or transferred it via legacy gear to other characters as I upgraded.


So in short, I need different gear that isn't as good to be better in PvP (odd concept). Luckily I have an armourtech and whiped out some sub-par blue armour and wore this to find that the game did indeed improve somewhat...I now got slaughtered slightly more slowly and sometimes even managed some kills.


So advice did indeed improve my game and I am thinking of getting some actual PvP gear with the WZ comms to put into some legacy armour for all my characters to borrow.


This does then bring up the point that for this quest you do not only need to spend a large amount of time, but also need another set of gear to enjoy it properly.


I did appreciate the advice given by the PvP players though as it did at least lessen the torture and I finally got into a couple of winning matches. I in no way condone the joining and going AFK as this is really bad form.

Edited by Ferretfur
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I hear what you are saying completely. I think people may have put in more of an effort if the requirement had not been the lofty figure of 20 matches.


I did go into the matches and gave it my best shot and got royally slaughtered game after game, which wasn't too much fun. Then someone like you heard my whining (yes, it'd started to whine) and asked me what armour I was wearing. I told them it was my mostly 216 PvE gear which should be fine with the bolster thing...shouldn't it?


To my horror I found out that the mechanic to give you an equal footing in PvP doesn't actually work and makes my gear essentially useless. So change your gear I am told...but I have not kept any other gear as I generally sold it or transferred it via legacy gear to other characters as I upgraded.


So in short, I need different gear that isn't as good to be better in PvP (odd concept). Luckily I have an armourtech and whiped out some sub-par blue armour and wore this to find that the game did indeed improve somewhat...I now got slaughtered slightly more slowly and sometimes even managed some kills.


So advice did indeed improve my game and I am thinking of getting some actual PvP gear with the WZ comms to put into some legacy armour for all my characters to borrow.


This does then bring up the point that for this quest you do not only need to spend a large amount of time, but also need another set of gear to enjoy it properly.


I did appreciate the advice given by the PvP players though as it did at least lessen the torture and I finally got into a couple of winning matches. I in no way condone the joining and going AFK as this is really bad form.


Well first of all thank you for trying :)

You are absolutely right, bolster is not really helping the issue.. I honestly don't know why bioware keeps on insisting to use this broken and unintuitive mechanic. It's such a mess for players that never tried pvp and don't know about it..

You literally, like in your case, get mowed down.. This doesn't exactly make pvp attractive for newer players..

But whatever we all know BW doesn't give a **** about pvp..

Hope you have fun and continue to pvp. Good luck! :)

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People won't learn how to PvP because they don't care about the outcome of a match at all, or how good a match is. All the people are just after the companion just not how they get them.


You know, I understand that. But I really don't see why people won't even try. I've done some operations, although I hate raiding, because I wanted something but I gave it my all.


It's like people need an excuse for why they lost. "Well, I got killed a lot, but I wasn't trying so it's OK." It's like they are trying to save their ego. That said, I really haven't seen too many people doing absolutely nothing. Most people may be bad, but they try their best. It's so hard with all the hyperbole that gets thrown around on this forum, but I really think the afkers are a small minority of even the people doing the quest.


I see people who aren't very good all the time, but if they are trying, they are A-OK with me.

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You know, I understand that. But I really don't see why people won't even try. I've done some operations, although I hate raiding, because I wanted something but I gave it my all.


It's like people need an excuse for why they lost. "Well, I got killed a lot, but I wasn't trying so it's OK." It's like they are trying to save their ego. That said, I really haven't seen too many people doing absolutely nothing. Most people may be bad, but they try their best. It's so hard with all the hyperbole that gets thrown around on this forum, but I really think the afkers are a small minority of even the people doing the quest.


I see people who aren't very good all the time, but if they are trying, they are A-OK with me.


Did you eat the veg. your parents insisted you did, or did you do the absolute minimum you could?

This is the same situation, PvE players were told "YOU WILL DO 20 PVP MATCHES" or possibly lose out on 8 companions, so they do 20 PvP Matches and watch a movie or cook dinner while waiting for it to be over!


Only difference is liking veg. might do you some long term good!

Edited by GythralSWTOR
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