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[1.0.1] Warzone completion rewards have been decreased


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As a Gladiator-level PVPer, I totally and completely disagree with this change.



So, you get in a group of 6 characters of level 10 against 8 level 50s? Guess what? Your bad day is NOT over Now Bioware HATES YOU!


You want to reward objectives and prevent AFKers? Well, give more rewards for objectives.

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It is the medal system thats effed up big time. Players should be incentivised to work towards the mission objectives and not for various statistical milestones.


Agree 110%. Bioware should google learned helplessness which will continue to set in with this change. If anyone has tried to organize a pug warzone they know how fruitless it can be. Most of the time just a simple question like "who's a healer? -- I want to guard you" remains unanswered. And yes I check at the end and multiple teammates were actually healing.


What is lacking is teamwork and communication in pug zones. Unless you are Charlie Sheen you should implement changes that encourage teamwork and communication and not the end result of winning. Csebal is absolutely right that currently they reward killshootstabz instead of playing the warzone using the mechanics they actually designed.

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As a Gladiator-level PVPer, I totally and completely disagree with this change.



So, you get in a group of 6 characters of level 10 against 8 level 50s? Guess what? Your bad day is NOT over Now Bioware HATES YOU!


You want to reward objectives and prevent AFKers? Well, give more rewards for objectives.


It's too bad if you make a pre-made of 50s your pugs are NEVER 50, and bioware balances it by putting 50s on the enemy team. GG you've never played a warzone.


People shouldn't be rewarded for losing. Maybe now Republic on my server will give us a fight in Alderaan and Void Star.

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This is going to piss of empire players a lot, they just don't know it yet. I play republic on a server were we typically lose. I don't mind because often it is a close came and by trying hard I still get a very good reward. If I am not going to get a very good reward even if I put a lot of effort into the game then I am going to que much less and only with my premade. This will cause the que for the imps to be even longer than it is now, which is pretty bad because we are outnumbered greatly.
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I thought that it meant the completion quest where you just had to play a warzone. I'm gonna be pissed if it's for losing, because I've been enjoying the warzones thanks to the previous reward system.

It is. Welcome to the world of PVP hacks and exploits that this change will usher in. As always, Bioware asks for feedback, then we give it to them, and they follow up by going the opposite way. Almost nobody on the PTR agrees with this change. Those who do, are definitely not forward-thinkers.

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Wait, what? Patch notes say this:

  • Rewards for winning Warzones have been increased.
  • Warzone completion rewards have been decreased.



So... you get more from winning and less from losing?


..... good?


I don't see the problem.


The problem is on many servers the population balance has put one side far above another. For example, Daragon Trail 8/10 WZ's I play (i'm republic) there is a 4 person level 50 premade on empire side, while rarely being a level 50 on republic side. Typically i'm happy if we have a level 40-45, but this just further spreads the gap. Some people like to say, "Play better" or "L2P" or whatever, but think about it...4 man level 50 premade in pvp gear vs levels 10-40 with no pvp gear (unless there is expertise, it doesn't count as pvp gear). There is no challenge so it just spreads the gap further for the 4 PuG's on empire side who are getting free experience/commendations/valor/credits and will soon be level 50 with full pvp gear.


Hell, I was in a Alderaan match yesterday where empire had 6 level 50's a 48 and a 42...republics highest level was 37, with the average being between 20-25. <--- Does that seem remotely competative or fair?

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It's too bad if you make a pre-made of 50s your pugs are NEVER 50, and bioware balances it by putting 50s on the enemy team. GG you've never played a warzone.


People shouldn't be rewarded for losing. Maybe now Republic on my server will give us a fight in Alderaan and Void Star.


Be prepared for a lot of Huttball, I'm already sick of it.

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i think they did great....because there was no point winning....if you win earlier all your rewards will get heavly cutted...it was just better to play until the timer runs out....



But still maybe the change wasnt perfect because if the rewards still cut badly after win earlier then its useless.

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Be prepared for a lot of Huttball, I'm already sick of it.



Perhaps if they fixed the (appearance) class imbalance, things would be looking up? I see powertechs and sorcerers all over battlegrounds, but only knights and smugglers on the republic side. I did a set of five battlegrounds yesterday and saw a total of three sages in total, and all were healing ones.


tl;dr: Class composition is skewed, empire gains from it and republicans don't want to queue. Thats my take on it anyways. This fix will only make it less interesting to queue.

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Uh oh. There you go thinking rationally, asking for numbers, and looking ahead. That's not encouraged around here, bud. ;)


This is very true because I know I would be fine if it is only something like say 20% increase for winner and 20% decrease for loser. Anything much higher than that though and I will most likely que less.

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