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Should this game have an auto-attack?


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When I first heard there was no auto-attack, I was thrilled. Looking back, I'm not quite sure WHY I was thrilled, perhaps it was because I thought skill would become a bigger factor.


However, now I REALLY wish there was an auto-attack. And that's not because of a personal lack of skill, I consider myself a good player, not a GREAT player, but good.


I especially felt this way after playing a Sith Warrior. See, with my Trooper and Inquisitor I really didn't need to look down at my "mana" bar much. You could cast several abilities without needing to even bother taking a quick glance at your "mana" bar.


Then I started playing a Sith Warrior... due to the rage mechanic, I needed to constantly look at my force bar. Being I was a melee fighter I also needed to constantly keep a close eye on my opponent to keep him/her in range. It's a very tricky and awkward balance. It's much more difficult to balance your limited force bar AND opponent distance as a Warrior, then it is to sit back and fire away with nearly every-other class besides Knight.


The Sith Warrior/Knight plays extremely similar to the generic MMO/RPG warrior class. And only now to I realize how helpful and important autoattack was in building mana/rage/whatever.


Many agree that Knights and Warriors are a little underpowered at the moment, I think this may be a huge reason why.


I guess there's a reason nearly all MMO's and many RPG's have an auto-attack.


This is all in my own opinion of course, and I'm curious to see how many agree or disagree.


And on a brighter note, I LOVE THIS GAME *so far*.

Edited by Wishpig
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I play a Sith Warrior. I can honestly say that auto attack would kill the gameplay for me and force me to reroll. I feel your pain but hope you don't get your way. For me the class has been a breath of fresh air for an mmo.


That isn't to say that improvements aren't needed. These are early days. In a year this game will change significantly.

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It should automatically cast your 0-cost level 1 basic ability after 3 seconds of unresponsiveness(not moving or casting abilities) to prevent death by trash if you have a RL crisis or drop connection.


yes, i said "cast" .. because that's what it feels like

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I can understand where you re coming from in regards to the SW/JK.


After a while you learn what abilities build rage, and what uses it, ie after I use "this" ability I can then use "this" ability.


It is all about rotation on the SW/JK and learning that takes a bit of time, but it does come.


I am able to keep my eye on the fight and not worry about my rage bar, as I know that when I use one attack it will then open up another.

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I play a Sith Warrior. I can honestly say that auto attack would kill the gameplay for me and force me to reroll. I feel your pain but hope you don't get your way. For me the class has been a breath of fresh air for an mmo.


That isn't to say that improvements aren't needed. These are early days. In a year this game will change significantly.


Lol, don't worry, I don't think I will get my way. It sounds simple to say "add a auto-attack" but I know it would be incredibly hard and create huge ripples in balance. So I doubt it will ever happen. I'd bet against it no doubt.


Who knows, maybe I just have to get used to it... but Knights and Warriors are the two classes I'm struggling with, and that's a HUGE surprise considering I'm immensely familiar and comfortable with the class mechanics.


It feels very unnatural to spam a single button to me.

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It should automatically cast your 0-cost level 1 basic ability after 3 seconds of unresponsiveness(not moving or casting abilities) to prevent death by trash if you have a RL crisis or drop connection.


yes, i said "cast" .. because that's what it feels like


I disagree. For me it feels like I am conducting an intricate balet of death and destruction. It feels very fluid if you don't rush or spam your attacks. It takes timing and skill and after you have deactivated your light saber(s), the resulting body count is very gratifying. Auto attack is now obsolete for me.

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I can understand where you re coming from in regards to the SW/JK.


After a while you learn what abilities build rage, and what uses it, ie after I use "this" ability I can then use "this" ability.


It is all about rotation on the SW/JK and learning that takes a bit of time, but it does come.


I am able to keep my eye on the fight and not worry about my rage bar, as I know that when I use one attack it will then open up another.


Perhaps it will eventually CLICK for me.

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Nope, don't feel any need for auto-attack on my Sentinel....not too hard to balance everything during combat and makes it more fun. Auto-attack would just dumb-down combat. Plus, it can get really annoying when you're at a vendor, trainer, GTN hub, cantina, etc. and effects are going off left and right because people needlessly leave abilities on auto-fire 24/7.
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Plus, it can get really annoying when you're at a vendor, trainer, GTN hub, cantina, etc. and effects are going off left and right because people needlessly leave abilities on auto-fire 24/7.




Auto attack general refers to the basic attack being automatically triggered. Why would there be effects going off left and right?

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Having no Auto-Attack currently helps limit the whole chinese gold farmers deal because they can't just bot it. They actually have to sit there and do something. Long term I prefer never to have an auto attack feature.


That's not going to stop any bot. If the bot has to push 1 to autoattack it can certainly go through a rotation.




I would like an auto-attack. There are times when I hesitate a second or two for an ability to come off CD and my character just... stands there. In the middle of a battle. It's not natural and makes party members think you're on the phone or something :p

Edited by EwokLuvr
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I play assassin, I spam the "auto attack" key whilst waiting for force, it's basically a filler key to press in-between actual skills, it might as well just be an auto attack, it does nothing significant besides 3 white damage hits. This isn't engaging, it's just annoyingly pointless, the break in combat makes the actions feel less fluid, automation in this case is favourable, briefly smashing that key in-between attacks is ball aching, literally my balls start to ache, and I've recently had them checked. :) Edited by lobselm
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While I loved Diablo 1 at the time and clicking until I got carpel tunnel was great back in 1996, I would have hoped that tor would have taken a more modern approach and automated the filler attack like it did in kotor.


Also binding the '1' quickslot to the right mouse action is limiting.

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This is my opinion and mine only. Yes I would, everyone is saying no auto attack makes the game boring but I disagree. I think spamming whatever button you have for it, is boring. I'd much rather have a auto attack and not worry about pressing a button repeatedly for no reason other then "Hey here is a extra button for you to press on downtime". I have more than enough buttons for myself thanks.
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I could take it or leave it.


Spamming 1 isn't difficult, but it's by no means thrilling gameplay.


I agree with this. I don't really see the exclusion of an auto-attack as some huge step in MMO gameplay. All it does is give you one more button to hit. And it's a button that quite a few classes/specs can/will avoid entirely because it simply doesn't fit in their rotation.

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I disagree. For me it feels like I am conducting an intricate balet of death and destruction. It feels very fluid if you don't rush or spam your attacks. It takes timing and skill and after you have deactivated your light saber(s), the resulting body count is very gratifying. Auto attack is now obsolete for me.
I kinda get these feelings sometimes, too, with my Consular Shadow. I enjoy combat when everything seems to be moving like a fluid ballet, and when I experience a hiccup where it's as if there's a short delay and my character and the enemy are kinda just...staring at each other...I see it as one of those moments that my character is "learning" from it's mistakes, or just eyeing down the opponent.


And then of course when there's bodies all laying around, and the lightsaber deactivates and gets put in the hilt, it's a satisfying moment.

Edited by Nangasaur
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I think yes it should have an auto attack - if conditions are met. I.E enemies within a certain range, BUT I can see potential flaws with that too.


especially if it means the companion can just go off trying to attack everything that moves ! - I don't know if auto attack is the right word though, but more fluid combat would of been nice, not having to select an enemy to attack, before you can do anything. Every Bioware game behaves the same way too. perhaps it should auto select the next enemy thats nearest to you, given that your not already engaged with an enemy at the time.

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Having to spam slice (1key) over and over just to build focus

Because that's all it's for, it's damage is pathetic

is boring And not fun.

It should be melee auto attack Like 1 swing every 2.5 sec with minimum damage output

And would be a major QoL improvement to melee on both pve and pvp

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