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Major Problem - Companion Missions


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Companions no longer seem to progress their missions as you advance in your Chapters I-III story missions. This is happening for every class and character I have in which I'm still working on those initial chapters.


This is also not a minor thing that can wait a month or two to be fixed. You (the royal "you" for Bioware) decided to make it so we can no longer partake in these missions once we start the KotFE chapters, so it's quite literally a stopping block for anyone who needs/wants to make sure they get their legacy credit for their initial companions.


Please fix as soon as possible.

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Might help to list the actual companions causing you issues.


For me, I just finished the Inquisitor base story through Chapter 3 and was only able to complete the companion conversations for Andronikos and Talos Drellik. I have no visible companion conversations available for Khem Val, Ashara, or Xalek.


EDIT: I noticed some weird skinny slivers in my mission log just now. They have no text but are selectable, and in their mission texts was the single word "undefined". I was able to abandon these 3 missions and I can now see the above listed companions with missions for me. I was able to finish out Kem Val and Ashara's conversations, but Xalek is not complete despite me doing another one with this "fix".


EDIT 2: Two undefined missions returned to my log after changing zones. I was able to abandon them yet again and do another of Xalek's conversations. It stalled again, so I changed zones. A single undefined mission returned to my log. I abandoned it. Finally, I was able to complete Xalek's last conversation and now I have all five Presence bonuses from the Inquisitor companions.


It seems something breaks after completing Chapter 3 and the mission references get all screwed up. You can't pick up the real missions because these faux "undefined" ones get put in your log. The workaround is a hassle, but it doesn't seem impossible (except on a character where a companion is actually bugged like the BH's Torian, which has apparently been fixed).

Edited by TheCheatz
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I have the same problem for my sith worior. No one in crew wont to chat with me.... Plz fix this bug !!!! It startet after last update. I cant pick up even conversation with my comapnions any more. In my quest logs i have somethink like that :

[DNT] Quinn Conversation Cooldown

[DNT] Jaesa Dark Conversation Cooldown

[DNT] Vette Conversation Cooldown

[DNT] Pierce Conversation Cooldown


Plz help!

Edited by Stuckovv
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Same issue, The one I noticed was Elara Dorne on my Trooper. Stopped convos after me stating I could be more than just commander. Not a peep since, and since it's THE female romance option, It was noticeable. The others, I don't really know. Since their convo's are less important really. FIX!
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Having the same problem on my consular (and same weird distortion in my mission log). Only companion I seem to be able to get conversations from is Nadia. Deleting the missions in the log seems to get it working properly (so far). Edited by Lesaberisa
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Might help to list the actual companions causing you issues.

I started this particular character Tuesday, after maintenance. I'm currently level 63, and so far, none of my class companions have had any dialogue options beyond their initial one. Absolutely none of them. Only Treek is progressing normally along with my planetary/class story progression.


I will try to find these slivers the next time I log on, though. Thanks for mentioning it. I'd hate to have to wait any longer before starting KOTFE considering I intend this character to be my new main.

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I can't get any companion conversations/quests to trigger either on any class, I had the "invisible" lines in the quest log one time and abandoned them on my trooper. After that I was able to get the companion conversations but ever since then I can't get any more conversations/missions out of them


Won't trigger no matter what, even though I know I should have a few available atm for the companions

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my wife has 2 DNT ones, one for quinn and one for vette.. I had 2 invisible ones i could abandon


i deleted the empty ones on my imperial agent.. and suddenly had some kaliyo missions and some vector missions, did wonder why i hadn't gotten any conversations for a while, and wife removed her DNT ones, and got some conversations with vette and quinn

Edited by MoyaSP
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Having this same problem with all my companions on the Jedi Consular. Can't complete any of their conversations because they haven't been available since before Voss.


When I go into the flashpoints for Shadows of Revan Nadia has the speak icon above her head, but when I go back to my ship no one wants to talk to me. :(

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I've run into the conversation problem with Vector on my Imperial Agent, I talked to him a couple of times but sometime during Chapter 2 I've not been getting any new conversation options from him at all, and I've since completed Chapter 3 and still getting nothing.
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I've run into the conversation problem with Vector on my Imperial Agent, I talked to him a couple of times but sometime during Chapter 2 I've not been getting any new conversation options from him at all, and I've since completed Chapter 3 and still getting nothing.


Minor update; I noticed today that while using Vector during flashpoints, like the Battle of Ilum, he notifies you that when you return to your ship he wants to talk to you. However going back to the ship/stronghold the option to talk to him is still missing.

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This may have to do with the same bug I (and a good amount of others) am having. That is in KotFE that romances are not acknowledged. That is the conversation where you can bring up your old flame in KotFE Chpt 2 and the Mail one SHOULD receive in chpt. 4 from your romance interest are not available. Perhaps all companion flags got screwed up with the last patch.
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Finished agent chapter 3. Kaliyo (first comp) and Scorpio (last) finished but other companions don't want to chat. And do get those funny dots with no text in quest log under companions.



Edit: abandoning those gray dot quests let me talk to companions. Agent and Jedi Knight got their companions all done.

Edited by RameiArashi
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