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Marauders need major survivability buff


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wow, must suck to be you.. i can guarandamntee im better than you.


i have 5 more levels to go, would you like me to fraps these last 5 levels in your allegedly impossible PVE?


i'll use any companion you want, even the annoying droid if you want. hard pve roflroflrfoflfol... dude, for some sinister reason this really cracks me up.

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Ya? Well I'm tired of people lying saying things are fine at 50, or that l2p we rock.




If i'm having the same problem as everyone else here. It's not a l2p. The people say things are fine are not better or more skilled. They are just trolls. If I can't do it I know you or anyone else can't do it. 40-50 our defense is trash and mobs destory us. Compare to any other class we have the most issue.


they are fine at all levels, it is a L2P issue, most of you do not want to play the class correctly so you just QQ because blizzard conditioned you to fail then cry and have things nerfed or buffed.



those of you complaining have no idea how hard marauders would get nerfed if they did any buffing to them. As is a GOOD player dominated anything he fights. The only issue is most people trying to play a marauder expect a face roll no skill needed lolfest. This is not wow, a dippy bird cannot play your class for you.


You get nearly 30 abilities that ALL have a use in PvE or PvP most have use in both. Use ALL of them and you will see how powerful the class is be dumb and ignor most of them and you will die alot. It is 100% a L2P issue if it wasn't then people like me and many many others would not dominate in every aspect of the game.

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Just stop responding to that kid. He thought he was a better player than he is, he failed at the class, he trashes the class.

A normal person would've just rerolled if they seriously had issues with a class and never looked back. I tried a sin in beta. I hated their mechanics. You don't see me lurking their forums nonstop telling them how terrible the class is.

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they are fine at all levels, it is a L2P issue, most of you do not want to play the class correctly so you just QQ because blizzard conditioned you to fail then cry and have things nerfed or buffed.



those of you complaining have no idea how hard marauders would get nerfed if they did any buffing to them. As is a GOOD player dominated anything he fights. The only issue is most people trying to play a marauder expect a face roll no skill needed lolfest. This is not wow, a dippy bird cannot play your class for you.


You get nearly 30 abilities that ALL have a use in PvE or PvP most have use in both. Use ALL of them and you will see how powerful the class is be dumb and ignor most of them and you will die alot. It is 100% a L2P issue if it wasn't then people like me and many many others would not dominate in every aspect of the game.


Yes, these people really need to l2p!!!

I got Jaesa at level 28, that's 4 levels early... AND i did it solo!

Killing Elites 3-4 levels above me with just Quinn as my healer and not even going below 1/2 health.

No I'm not wearing all twinked out gear, I'm wearing all quest drop gear.

LEARN TO PLAY, this class if anything needs nerfing because it's pretty OP.

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Too many trolls in this thread, whatever mara will get a buff or the class will be one of the least played, There was a reason why they added a fury system, it was because mara did not offer enough for players. Things are not balance at high level, and you trolls saying that everything is fine its not.




I'm pretty sure that I'm just as skilled if not better than most of you saying things are fine. If I'm having issue, you guys are trolling saying that you are not. Unless you are just lying to yourself to make things feel better.



When a healer bounty hunter can go up to something and destory it without taking much damage, or a sorc can do the same. There is noway that at 50 this class is meant to be this squishy. Our defense cds is just not strong enough for the pve groups.

Edited by Teladis
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Yes, these people really need to l2p!!!

I got Jaesa at level 28, that's 4 levels early... AND i did it solo!

Killing Elites 3-4 levels above me with just Quinn as my healer and not even going below 1/2 health.

No I'm not wearing all twinked out gear, I'm wearing all quest drop gear.

LEARN TO PLAY, this class if anything needs nerfing because it's pretty OP.


Ya because 28 was really that hard. At higher levels you got to be over leveled to even do your class quest.

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Ya? Well I'm tired of people lying saying things are fine at 50, or that l2p we rock.




If i'm having the same problem as everyone else here. It's not a l2p. The people say things are fine are not better or more skilled. They are just trolls. If I can't do it I know you or anyone else can't do it. 40-50 our defense is trash and mobs destory us. Compare to any other class we have the most issue.


So wait, if you can't do it no one else can? So you are the GOD of MMO's? The best player to ever play, so good that if you can't do something there is not 1 person in the whole world who can actually do it if you can't?


Really man, stop being so arrogant.

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So wait, if you can't do it no one else can? So you are the GOD of MMO's? The best player to ever play, so good that if you can't do something there is not 1 person in the whole world who can actually do it if you can't?


Really man, stop being so arrogant.



MMOs are not hard, When Other people can farm things easier and with less risk than I can. You know something is wrong.



You don't need to be a pro gamer to play a mmo. You can have rotation spam your cds and put your debuffs on the right targets. If that was the problem I would say hey its me I need to blow all my cds!



However, I refuse to spec out of carnage, While yes, bleeds can make me live longer, its not fun for my play style. So I've done everything anyone else has done, and I know for a fact that at 40-50 it's bs how much damage we take compare to the output. In fact, I've seen a healer merc do death from above and wipe a group out that almost kills me. Ya, this sure is balance.



Oh and there is alot more people who see a issue with the class over the few trolls who say l2p.

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MMOs are not hard, When Other people can farm things easier and with less risk than I can. You know something is wrong.



You don't need to be a pro gamer to play a mmo. You can have rotation spam your cds and put your debuffs on the right targets. If that was the problem I would say hey its me I need to blow all my cds!



However, I refuse to spec out of carnage, While yes, bleeds can make me live longer, its not fun for my play style. So I've done everything anyone else has done, and I know for a fact that at 40-50 it's bs how much damage we take compare to the output. In fact, I've seen a healer merc do death from above and wipe a group out that almost kills me. Ya, this sure is balance.



Oh and there is alot more people who see a issue with the class over the few trolls who say l2p.


It is a learn to play issue when the minority are the ones saying it suck and in every thread about it I see the majority saying the class is fine. Also, there is no rotation for marauder. It's all priority based, which required a lot more skill than rotation spam like in WoW and Rift. If you are trying to do a rotation that is why you are doing bad.


You just suck at MMO's apparently .

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seeing a lot of threads like this one. not really sure what to say. i am not having any real problems playing my marauder. im currently 26 annihilation spec, and i cruise right through mobs.



doesnt matter if i have vette or quinn out as my companion, i have no problem doing content solo ( with the exception of heroic and FP). in pvp i do very well also. the trick in pvp is to choose your battles wisely. if you go all balls out into a group you WILL get crushed. if you fight one on one, chances are you will win. my only thoughts on this would be that the guy who ive seen crying in all the marauder threads is obviously doing something wrong.


the term Glass Cannon applies to this class perfectly and if you cant figure out what that means then i suggest you try a game like Puzzle Pirates, because this is obviously way over your head.



i think ill add to the L2P crowd.

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I don't care what other classes can do that I cannot. I do care about the enjoyment of this class since I prefer its "feel" and at higher levels it has a lot of down time between fights raging and doesn't handle "surprises" such as double pulls well. This is based on my observations and others in our guild.


Having played this far I can say the Mara is very easy to level 30 and it is an uphill fight after that. I am sure some super player can solo without a companion all the way to 50 on mobs 5 levels higher than themselves... what I want to know is how since many of us have not figured out that trick.


I don't care how many times someone did XYZ in beta or how easy it is if they cannot share some specific wisdom on how to resolve the problem the OP is having. I know I am all ears.

Edited by Straegen
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I love how most of these responses that are saying that you suck at the class you need to learn proper use of cd's, then describe a scenario as if your in the most intense arena match in MLG with these cd's that you need to pop and CC's, when all youre doing is questing...



Im 50 btw, and i leveled with friends, which made my experience much quicker, as if i tried to solo quest at all theres no chance without using quinn to heal me.


That said... are you telling me i have to wait for cd's everytime i pull a pack of mobs? because im pretty sure on corellia youre fighting 2+ with a strong or two mixed in.


Marauders need... something. Im just not the type of person to give a buff suggestion that would be balanced. lol.

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Im 50 btw, and i leveled with friends, which made my experience much quicker, as if i tried to solo quest at all theres no chance without using quinn to heal me.


So, because you had people backing you up and never had to learn to survive on your own, you have an informed opinion? Bollocks.

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Don't listen to the trolls on the forums. I agree with you that we do need a major buff. Most of the forum trolls here will defend them acting like they could do it. Truth be told alot of them duo with a healer or someone else to carry.



They are not better than most of us, and alot of the 50s in my guild see the same problem compare to other classes. We can die too fast for the damage output we do. Other classes can come close to ours without the risk.




So just ignore the trolls telling you l2p and they can do it because now that they can do it with epic 50 gear, they want to keep others back. Most of them will just be used for the buff anyway since my BH can out damage them.



Sad really, but hey bio will buff warriors :)


I'm 50... yes it can be hard, but if you use you're tool whit the right companion it should be ok. The few time i'm dead, it was clearly my fault for not using the right spell. So no we don't need more surviability, our aoe dmg is just a little low for leveling.

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Hey, I don't usually chime in on things like this, or the forums at all, but I'm kinda on the fence.


On one hand, I did get Jaesa at 28 like someone else here mentioned, but I have a far easier time 1v1 against elite mobs than I do against groups of little mobs for some reason. A boss I can pop all my cooldowns slowly to mitigate the incoming damage while using annihilation heals, but groups of mobs tend to tear me a new one. Boss mobs are supposed to be epicly hard, in our marauder story they're the life or death duels. The pivotal points, but I have died way more to random mobs.


So yes, marauders are playable, but no, having to stop and constantly heal in between every single group of no name mobs does not make me feel like I am the powerful sith lord our story portrays us as. I don't know how to balance out the two, I leave that one to wiser heads, but many times I have wished I woulda just gone juggernaught so I could use the rage tree with heavy armor.

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what needs to be buffed is not the class. its the skill of the average gamer. Sorry but in wow skill is the last thing that dictates performance now. So naturally those same players now want to come to star wars and expect everything to be 1 button wonderclasses and never have even a slight risk of dieing.


There are plenty of people making the Marauder look over powered. If you think the class needs a buff it is because you are a poor player plain and simple. There is not half good marauder, you are either very good at it or very bad, its not a class you can half *** like a BH or an agent.


So please instead of whining on these forums take the time to LEARN TO PLAY or re-roll something easier.

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what needs to be buffed is not the class. its the skill of the average gamer. Sorry but in wow skill is the last thing that dictates performance now. So naturally those same players now want to come to star wars and expect everything to be 1 button wonderclasses and never have even a slight risk of dieing.


There are plenty of people making the Marauder look over powered. If you think the class needs a buff it is because you are a poor player plain and simple. There is not half good marauder, you are either very good at it or very bad, its not a class you can half *** like a BH or an agent.


So please instead of whining on these forums take the time to LEARN TO PLAY or re-roll something easier.


lol what a douche


some players hitting 50 fast posting their Hutball screens for dmg in their centurion gears against level 20s doesn't show sh*t to anyone. You will all realize how poor the class is in 2 weeks when there's an abundance of every class in centurion gear. I made a level 10 BH and entered a WZ and in my first WZ I had most kills and most dmg done. To be able to claim a class is good and telling people to L2P you should have knowledge of other classes first. Nobody is making you some forum celebrity with your ridiculous claims that either one is uber or one sux at this class. Get lost.

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lol what a douche


some players hitting 50 fast posting their Hutball screens for dmg in their centurion gears against level 20s doesn't show sh*t to anyone. You will all realize how poor the class is in 2 weeks when there's an abundance of every class in centurion gear. I made a level 10 BH and entered a WZ and in my first WZ I had most kills and most dmg done. To be able to claim a class is good and telling people to L2P you should have knowledge of other classes first. Nobody is making you some forum celebrity with your ridiculous claims that either one is uber or one sux at this class. Get lost.


i have played every other class, i was in beta for 6 months. i have more then the 3 weeks of game experiance that you seem to have.



If you knew ANYTHING about the game you would know how pointless your post is. But my guess is you are just some kid from wow who think that the game is a unbalanced pile of crap because skill is needed to play a class correctly.

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Sorry but in wow skill is the last thing that dictates performance now. So naturally those same players now want to come to star wars and expect everything to be 1 button wonderclasses and never have even a slight risk of dieing.


Why do you assume that everyone that plays this game played Warcraft? I was an 8 year vet of SWG, never moved to that game. You aren't helping anybody by acting like a political commercial.


Save the mud slinging guys, some of you believe that nothing needs to change, and that's fine. Several of you have even given tips and tricks and I thank you for that. (I'm also making the assumption that you were beta testers and had time to work a bit of this out)


But some people like myself wish that they didn't have to constantly fight to survive against equal level non-elite mobs.


I don't think Marauder needs huge sweeping changes, but a tweak towards more damage avoidance maybe wouldn't hurt.

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