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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Please let me romance Arcann.


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Also seeing these "He's optional dead, why bother" .... like woah, Kaidan is optional dead in ME1 and still is one of the most fulfilling romance in Mass Effect trilogy...


I get that there's like 14 other LIs still not coming back but resenting us for wanting Arcann... like what? its not like Arcann isn't a prominent character in the last two expansions and we wanted him for years... like, I'm not even crazy about this year's Mass Effect Andromeda romances because of Arcann in KOTET. :rak_02:


Yeah more LI's I doubt will be helpful for any of them getting decent content. It's why I'm so mixed feelings of the idea of more LI's, but more excited right now anyway. It's a weird place xD


Also if they bring Arcann back as a romance even though he can be dead for some, gives me a LOT of hope for the possible/theorised outcomes for the traitor arc, that they might be getting better at keeping killable characters to still have some conversations and interactions after possible death anyway for those that didn't pick death. So far those that didn't choose kill options are punished by receiving nothing afterwards anyway making the choice pointless imo. so I need this romance to prove me that they can still do stuff with killable options.. well and for other reasons, My agent would love Arcann as a boyfriend for example lol.

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Someone strap me to a chair, I'm running around giddily on just a hope. If this happens it won't be any time soon still but.. still. I hope!



Also seeing these "He's optional dead, why bother" .... like woah, Kaidan is optional dead in ME1 and still is one of the most fulfilling romance in Mass Effect trilogy...


I get that there's like 14 other LIs still not coming back but resenting us for wanting Arcann... like what? its not like Arcann isn't a prominent character in the last two expansions and we wanted him for years... like, I'm not even crazy about this year's Mass Effect Andromeda romances because of Arcann in KOTET. :rak_02:



Edited by Eshvara
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Arcann was already developed as a character and have his own interactions with the playable character without the necessary of a romance subplot. A Blur trailer and two expansion under his belt; as an antagonist and as a companion. For most part, SWTOR romances only some talking and kiss scenes... which is still less than the whole romance package with naked love scenes like DA/ME.


The fact there's an issue of no permanent male Force-User to be romanced since KOTOR2... there's already an available complicated Zakuulan Knight-Emperor.... why bother create a brand new male Vanilla FU just for the sole purpose to be romanced?


I just want Arcann... the same guy who said "I have you." and "My hand is yours" and "I believe in you" and "I won't let you fight him alone" and "Be careful" and "I will have you on my wall for eternity" etc. :p




will come back next anyway.

Edited by revkashepard
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Arcann was already developed as a character and have his own interactions with the playable character without the necessary of a romance subplot. A Blur trailer and two expansion under his belt; as an antagonist and as a companion. For most part, SWTOR romances only some talking and kiss scenes... which is still less than the whole romance package with naked love scenes like DA/ME.


The fact there's an issue of no permanent male Force-User to be romanced since KOTOR2... there's already an available complicated Zakuulan Knight-Emperor.... why bother create a brand new male Vanilla FU just for the sole purpose to be romanced?


I just want Arcann... the same guy who said "I have you." and "My hand is yours" and "I believe in you" and "I won't let you fight him alone" and "Be careful" and "I will have you on my wall for eternity" etc. :p




will come back next anyway.

Yeah, Arcann is clearly ready for love! We need only ask.😍

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like, I'm not even crazy about this year's Mass Effect Andromeda romances because of Arcann in KOTET. :rak_02:

Hard to be crazy about romances that we already know will go nowhere cause Mass Effect Andromeda chapter is dead and buried


1 thing I hope they DON'T do with Arcann romance is Alliance-style conversations with mute Player Character. After Master Ranos, I'm a little bit worried they think it's an acceptable way to do it, HELL NO

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Hard to be crazy about romances that we already know will go nowhere cause Mass Effect Andromeda chapter is dead and buried


1 thing I hope they DON'T do with Arcann romance is Alliance-style conversations with mute Player Character. After Master Ranos, I'm a little bit worried they think it's an acceptable way to do it, HELL NO


I don't think so, but I certainly hope not!:rak_01:

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After three years!!!!!! Finally!!!


Its happening!Its happening!Its happening!Its happening!Its happening!Its happening!Its happening!Its happening!Its happening!Its happening!Its happening!Its happening!Its happening!Its happening!Its happening!Its happening!Its happening!Its happening!Its happening!Its happening!Its happening!Its happening!Its happening!Its happening!Its happening!Its happening!Its happening!Its happening!




BRB, I'm gonna do happy dance and stuff.

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heh, I even had a line about the scars in a two paragraph scene I wrote after seeing recent stuff. :D

"She reached out one of her hands, while her other remained holding his cybernetic hand. Placing her free one gently upon his cheek, the scar tissue that covered half his face not bothering her at all. She saw past that."


Basically, not everyone has physical looks as top priority lmao.

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Ok. Let's first start off with my opinion on this whole thing. Romancing Arcann is "unusual but not unexpected". I knew women love bad boys but damn...this is taking it to a whole other level.


Secondly, I fully support putting this option into the game, if only on principle. It's not taking anything out of the game, nor is it forcing anyone else to romance Arcann if they don't want to, so if it has enough support it should be included. I for one am satisfied with all the options male characters have for romance and wouldn't mind if the next 6-8 romancables were all male Force-users. I won't romance them on anyone except my females but it'd be nice for the ladies I'm sure.

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Ok. Let's first start off with my opinion on this whole thing. Romancing Arcann is "unusual but not unexpected". I knew women love bad boys but damn...this is taking it to a whole other level.


Secondly, I fully support putting this option into the game, if only on principle. It's not taking anything out of the game, nor is it forcing anyone else to romance Arcann if they don't want to, so if it has enough support it should be included. I for one am satisfied with all the options male characters have for romance and wouldn't mind if the next 6-8 romancables were all male Force-users. I won't romance them on anyone except my females but it'd be nice for the ladies I'm sure.


I think Arcann is beyond what people would see as a "bad boy" He's a perfectly flawed character, physically and emotionally. It makes him real and that's what makes me love him as a character!

There's no better character in SWTOR than Arcann! (imo):rak_03:

Malgus comes a close second, physically and mentally, but he's beyond romance.:rak_03: I love the insane.:rak_06:

Edited by Eshvara
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