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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Please let me romance Arcann.


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I've been trying.. but in my case it will also take a while, if I even manage to really start. I usually have loads of ideas, but have a hard time to make a decent story out of it. Doesn't help that I change my mind every 5 minutes either :)


The last time I wrote fic was for Fallout 4, and it took me like... 4 months to write and edit 5k words. And I'm still not pleased with it. Idk I'll have to think about it, but best of luck with your writing!!! It's tough work but rewarding :)

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There's some here, not all of them are full on romance I believe but the ones I've read so far are decent and I especially loved 'Grief' by Defira. Gonna read the follow up 'Ten Red Rings' now, assuming it's a follow up.


Ten Red Rings was excellent. ;)


Put me down for supportive of Arcann romance. I have a hard time coming down too hard on him for the stuff he did, given that I've done plenty of bad things too on my Warrior and yet here I am, the savior of the Alliance. ;) If a slightly morally questionable savior with some selfish tendencies.


I'd like to see more options. And a male Force user's been needed for an option for a long time. .... and I've wanted to be able to flirt with Arcann since he was first introduced. :D

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I wrote on a fic on Arcann's POV for NaNoWriMo but I got massively distracted. Plus I haven't played KOTET then so I don't have a lot to be inspired from. And now I have this.... only a novel length fiction would suffice :rak_03:


How far did you get into writing it?

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How far did you get into writing it?


Wrote about 5k or so last month, wrote 10k more last year. Mostly about his childhood with Thexan, his war conquest with his brother and his perspective in KOTFE. I have more trouble writing in male's first POV so I'm switching it to third POV. I didn't quite understand his relationship with Senya until KOTET, so I might have to expand some of it. Now if I could go back on writing instead of grinding CXP.

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Wrote about 5k or so last month, wrote 10k more last year. Mostly about his childhood with Thexan, his war conquest with his brother and his perspective in KOTFE. I have more trouble writing in male's first POV so I'm switching it to third POV. I didn't quite understand his relationship with Senya until KOTET, so I might have to expand some of it. Now if I could go back on writing instead of grinding CXP.

If you ever get around to finishing it, I'd love to read it!!

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Just finished KOTET on one of my characters and I can definitely see him and Arcann being a good match. :D

I never thought I would like Arcann but I agree, now that he has been redeemed he is a really good match for some of my characters :D

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I never thought I would like Arcann but I agree, now that he has been redeemed he is a really good match for some of my characters :D


I never really liked him overall in KOTFE but in KOTET I changed my mind as we got to know him better.


After KOTET I can see him making a good match for my more neutral Agent, they’re both passionate about their beliefs and ideas, they've both got a "no surrender and fight to the very last" attitude, they both have things in their past they regret and would like to forget, they’re both sometimes rather hot headed and jump into a situation without thinking it through and this is more in my own head but my neutral Agent is totally awkward when it comes to a real relationship and I like to think Arcann would be to. But again this is all in my own head. ;)

Edited by BlueShiftRecall
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I just finished KOTET today and I'm really pleased with Arcann's character. Maybe he took on some of Senya's kindness I don't know, but he's a completely different person now. Even if we have the choice to kill him in KOTET, I can't really see that as an option to not do it. Most people play alts and will probably get around to a story with Arcann in it anyway.


I like the message he sends after you finish KOTET, he sounds hopeful and says he's no longer alone, he has the eternal alliance, Senya and 'you'. Sounds pretty sweet to me. ;)

Edited by Kalizo
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Yeah he could be a dreamy romance option. They said in one of their last streams that if the community wants him as a romance in the future, we need to voice it here so hopefully more and more people jump in on the convo :D


Then mark me down as someone who is totally for it, LOL.


Listen I'm a sucker for Theron. He's my #1, I always choose to romance him and no one else...on all of my characters, I mean I've got it bad. But the last few chapters with Arcann and then that dumb letter you get from him at the end *** is that about??!! How freaking sweet.


So yes, my Jedi Consular would love a Theron/Arcann man sandwich, ASAP.



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passing the kotet second time (bypure paladin Jedi) found this pretty surprize - Arkan can be obtained as companion WOW!

I liked them from the time of the trailers) and the voice which was chosen for the acting .. GOD please let them in future updates Arcania will have romance lines . I forgot about the Doc and the desire to kill Quinn, all behind, just to Arkan was available, I pray you, Bioware )

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So yes, my Jedi Consular would love a Theron/Arcann man sandwich, ASAP.




That's an awesome ambition for sure!


I agree that "And I have you." part of the letter was really sweet and 100% sold me on the possibility that Arcann/the PC could be a thing.

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would love an Arcann and Thexan sandwich tho... :p


Just what I was thinking:D


I was indifferent in KOTFE. Now I'm total Arcann trash! And I didn't expect this! What did you do to me Bioware? Now I want an Arcann romance more that companions coming back! I still want Quinn to come back tho, just so my warrior can break up with him properly and move on to Arcann:p

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Welcome to the fold. :D


My Wrath already moved on the moment she saw Arcann saying "You've awakened?". Quinn can grovel but he tried to kill his wife. Even if she still loves him, he already lost her.


I thought Arcann is sexy in KOTFE but he's downright dreamy in KOTET : http://imgur.com/a/XPdDR


I still have to play DS version for screenshots and gifs but damn... what a waste...

Edited by revkashepard
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Add me to that list, he had me at "..and I have you." It had same effect as Theron's letter in Ch.3 of KOTFE. A girl can only take so much.


I've always liked his character, and rarely do we get to see redemption arc's focus on major characters like this. I kinda got that feeling when I first saw the KOTFE trailer, especially after Thexan's death, that he might possibly get that chance instead of end tragically a victim of Valkorion's abuse and machinations. Thankfully that feeling was right :jawa_smile:


Also he fills the male force user companion that we have been sorely lacking.

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I do like men that are a little crispy around the edges :tran_cool:


Kinda reminds me of that scene when Vaylin decided to torture Koth's crew for info (before Iokath)... and Tora was like... 'Don't worry, Lenn, you're only crispy on the edges...'


I know it's bad, but I got a good chuckle out of that.


I like them a little crispy, too. You'd think lightning would make things interesting. Crisp, or no crisp.


Not sure if my husband would approve of my video game interests :p

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Arcann is completely delicious. There is something extremely attractive in the thought of going from extreme hatred to passionate love... sparks would definitely fly and this would have the potential to be one of the most interesting relationships yet forged in the game.


Also, one of my favorite questions from yesterday's live stream had to have been:

"Devs, when will we be able to take Arcann to pound town?"


Count me in! Arcann romance pls!

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Kinda reminds me of that scene when Vaylin decided to torture Koth's crew for info (before Iokath)... and Tora was like... 'Don't worry, Lenn, you're only crispy on the edges...'


I know it's bad, but I got a good chuckle out of that.


I like them a little crispy, too. You'd think lightning would make things interesting. Crisp, or no crisp.


Not sure if my husband would approve of my video game interests :p


I admit it, I love her XD She should have a bigger role!

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