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Return of OP companions = cancelling subscription


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Not at Tank. At level 14 for CZ-198 Uber Droid she was toast . Shocked the hell out of me. This was 4.0 . I can't even remember losing a companion to that HR Droid before.

You clearly missed the point of the exchange.


Treek is so good, she can even kill bad guys when she is not there.

Edited by branmakmuffin
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And what's the reason for this thread? Just to let BW know the same way as all the threads about cancelling subs if they don't make companions OP. And I am also interested if there are others thinking similarly to me.


For every person that says they are cancelling because of a buff, I guarantee you 5 people would say they are cancelling because of the NERF. Long story short, more people like things easy than challenging, and Bioware is keeping more customers with "OP" companions than they are losing.

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Also want to point out, Many have stated that the posters on the forum represent a very small number of players in game. All the polls done show 70% didn't want the nerf. Then the second poll showed 75% of players wanted the nerf rolled back. also add in the 10% that didn't care one way or the other. If you can do simple math the out come of this post " the I will quit " will not matter because you are in the minority of the minority. But I agree 4.0 companions were OP and needed adjustment, They just went way to far and now it has become a major issues. Also you should really put all the blame on Bioware for not testing Companions in the first place and letting players have them in the state they were in, The Nerf was bad for the game .......... Edited by bseefeldt
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Meh, everybody wants the game to be perfect... for them. Anybody who has lived in a large family or hung out with a group of friends knows that sometimes the best you can have is "good enough" for everybody. Honestly, I thought the Companions were OP with 4.0. However, I liked it because it made the 320 heroic slog of alliance commanders fun to do.


The current level of companions still makes the Heroics possible, but they aren't fun. Now I get for some people things are better now than before, and I feel sorry for them but I'm going to push to get things more fun for myself. I don't think Bioware needs to push them back to where they were, but a middle ground between the two extremes would be fine with me. I don't have to have things EXACTLY where I want them, I'm willing to compromise.


:D Agree 100%

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Well Bioware are really in a bind now aren't they. I'm cancelling my sub unless they return them to pre 4.0.2 levels. That was the first time the game has been fun for me in a long time. Either way Bioware will probably lose a few people over this one whether they like it or not. People don't like having something so game changing either given/taken away without any consequences. Think WOW and flying and look what that did to their figues (I cancelled my sub over that towards the end of MOP and havn't been back, and i had been playing consecutively since release of WOW).


The question bioware needs to ask themselve... Which option will lose them the least amount of subs.

Edited by Razdek
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You clearly missed the point of the exchange.


Treek is so good, she can even kill bad guys when she is not there.


Yes I did. I plead guilty. I was going to use lack of caffeine defense but decided it wouldn't work.

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Here's an idea.. disable some of the companion skills you deem OP. That is way easier than making everyone play at your style..


You sound like my 5 year old complaining that everyone doesn't have the same things they do.


Just disable abilities on your companion if you feel they become too strong.


If you dont know how to do it, just ask in the forums.



Which does f***-all about all the other problems it creates. Stop claiming that your game is ruined and while you do everything possible to break it for everyone else.

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From what I understand from Erics post, is that companions are not going back to the OPness they had prior, but they are getting a small buff to compensate for the over nerf they did to certain roles.


Now granted, this is BioWare and they will probably over buff this time around.

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Now, I understand that some people want a challenge and some want just interactive movie. However, I don't want to pay monthly sub for the second option. I believe every content is soloable (except OPs and FPs) in current state, just one needs to think during battle and have appropriate gear. Therefore, IF companions will become godlike again, I am cancelling my sub.


And what's the reason for this thread? Just to let BW know the same way as all the threads about cancelling subs if they don't make companions OP. And I am also interested if there are others thinking similarly to me.


Here's what I don't understand, and numerous people have said this countless times: why do people think that buffing or nerfing companions will have any affect on the challenge of the story/planetary missions? Since the nerf, companions quite literally do nothing in the basic leveling missions...and they're still faceroll easy. Always have been. Having useless companions just makes it take longer. It's no less challenging, not even close. They could literally completely remove companions from the game and the leveling content would still be easy as pie for most experienced players. I would much rather have a companion that can actually make some sort of contribution to the fight and help me burn through trash mobs quicker, as opposed to the punching bags we have now.


Also, you're really going to cancel your subscription without even knowing what kind of buff, or how much of a buff they're giving companions yet? I highly doubt that. The people who cancelled subs because of the nerf were completely justified. They actually gave the nerfed companions a try, even after the patch notes were released. Once they saw that they've become completely useless, they decided to cancel their sub. You are threatening to cancel your sub without even giving the changes they will implement a try. They haven't even released the patch notes yet, so you have no idea how you'll even be affected. What if they released companions with a difficulty slider? Would you still cancel sub then?

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I could recommend GW2 and TERA as action based MMOs that can be challenging even in solo content, plenty of group content that is harder them hard as well, gl!


Anyone stating they want challenging solo content in this game but yet want that challenge with maxed out legacies and companions would never be able to handle soloing BAMs much less trying to solo 5 man dungeons while leveling in Tera.

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Can I have your stuff?


No, really, please cancel your subscription. If you would cancel because companions will be slightly un-nerfed, why the hell are you even playing to begin with? Are you kidding me?


You're full of crap. You probably aren't canceling or you were planning to cancel anyway.


We have reached PEAK POUTRAGE. Zomg I'm quitting because you're giving companions about 25% of their power back!!! INSULTED!!!


Please go away.

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You know what? You are correct. Because obviously, threads such as this and cancelled subs are something that catches the eye of BW.


Actually it was probably the sheer number of people that actually cancelled with the companion nerf being listed as the reason that got their attention more than any forum threats.


There were a lot of threats after the slot machine nerf too, they didn't buff that up. So I'd say the buff probably has very little to do with the forum threats, either people followed through or their own metrics showed them that they were way under what they wanted.

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Many have stated that the posters on the forum represent a very small number of players in game..


Normally that is true, but with this people came out of the woodwork to post on this subject. People who normally don't post anything. So I think it's a bigger number this time around. lol

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Actually it was probably the sheer number of people that actually cancelled with the companion nerf being listed as the reason that got their attention more than any forum threats.


There were a lot of threats after the slot machine nerf too, they didn't buff that up. So I'd say the buff probably has very little to do with the forum threats, either people followed through or their own metrics showed them that they were way under what they wanted.


I have to agree with you on the canceled subs getting their attention.


The forums are always full of "I Quit" threads and people upset with the game and BW never really does anything.


I have no idea how many people actually hit the Cancel button, but it seems to have been enough to catch their attention this time.

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Are you sure you quoted the right person? My only comment in this thread is about the stupidity of someone saying don't tell me how to play in the same breath as they are telling that person how to play.


Perhaps he used the wrong choice of words, instead of don't tell me how to play, it should have been don't force me to play your way, when you have options to make it harder with my way, but I don't have options to make it easier with your way.


Does that sound better to you?

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Actually those were people making suggestions. People don't have to use them. They can continue to cry,fill their pampers, and cover themselves in baby food. Continue with your talking points. Got to get those dailies in. I don't use healers myself except on rare occasion. To each their own. Maybe if you had upgraded the starter gear on your comps prior to 4.0 you would of found out how Uber they could be. Oh wait. That would take effort and some need Uncle BW to do everything for them.


It didn't take effort, all you had to do was run Yavin, instant 192s for your companion. My companion started off in better gear than me in 3.0.

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Which does f***-all about all the other problems it creates. Stop claiming that your game is ruined and while you do everything possible to break it for everyone else.


There are no problems. It's really that easy. Just disable 3 of 4 healing skills on your companion and he wont be too strong anymore. You got your challenge, and players may play with op companions if they chose to.


You have nothing to lose here.


And there are enough people here on the forums who are willing to tell you how to disable the skills if you need help.

Edited by geschmonz
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As I said in one thread, there are always two kinds of people after introducing new patch - those who whine about new changes and those who defend them. Untill now I belong to the defenders, but let me change this stance with upcoming Monday's patch.


First of all, for those who would want to scream "Elitist!", here's a copy of my post in Companion feedback thread:


I hope I'm not too late with the feedback.



Your level: 65

Roughly Average Item Rating: 178-190 with exceptions (2 x crystal of rating cca 156, PVP chest rating 204)

Discipline: DPS marauder

Companion: Senya

Companion role: healing

Companion Influence level: 11

Which Mission or Star Fortress are you playing (Solo Mode? Heroic Mode?): story and planetary heroics, solo

Your personal experience while playing this content:

- Story mission challenge - very low, there was practically no challenge there

- Alderaan Heroics challenge - low to slight medium, I didn't die once, got to 1/10 of HP bar once.

- Makeb Heroics challenge - low to hard. Most of the heroics were easy. However, I couldn't finish False history. I tried it 4 times, and died every time either due to high abundance of mobs or gas. Also, The Specialists is probably bugged. I couldn't interact with Docking ring communication computer, thus was unable to progress through this quest.

- Star Fortress solo challenge - medium. I died once, but was able to finish the FP without much trouble.

- Star Fortress heroics challenge - impossible. I couldn't do it in my current equipment. I got stuck on Praetorian.



All in all I think that companions are as they should be. Slight boost may improve my survivability in Star Fortress and few planetary heroics, but I think better gear gained through crystals will also accomplish this.



Now, I understand that some people want a challenge and some want just interactive movie. However, I don't want to pay monthly sub for the second option. I believe every content is soloable (except OPs and FPs) in current state, just one needs to think during battle and have appropriate gear. Therefore, IF companions will become godlike again, I am cancelling my sub.


And what's the reason for this thread? Just to let BW know the same way as all the threads about cancelling subs if they don't make companions OP. And I am also interested if there are others thinking similarly to me.


Well if we balance it out. you cancelling your subscription VS getting back all the subs from the people that cancelled theirs due to the fact of the companions being underpowered.


Good luck. Don't let the door hit you on your way out. Can I have your stuff?

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