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Were we not meant to duo clear some HM Flashpoints?


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Came back to the game after a couple years with a friend, a couple weeks ago.


Leveling solo was a blast and teaming up for Tacticals made them pretty faceroll, even as newbies.


We just got started on HM Flashpoints, just the two of us, even though some encounters could be a little bit too much. We were having fun, swapping roles with the Companions and messing around.


HM Flashpoints can be fairly hard, and a blast from lvl 50 to fresh 65. I don't want them any easier, but we enjoyed playing with our Comps and knowing we could rely on them as Healer/Tank or DPS depending on what we felt like playing at any given time.


They are now unusable as healer, and weak as either tank or DPS... forcing us into healer role, making our Republic chars unplayable because they cannot heal and lack control on trash packs, and making most FP impossible for us.


HM Black Talon for our Imp chars was barely doable, we hit enrage timers on everything - cheesed bosses 2 and 3 by kiting them to oblivion - and all our comps could somewhat do was DPS, though they were terrible at that too.


Lost most interest in the game since then, I just canceled my subscription and I am not coming back unless our Companions do.


Back to Destiny for while.

Edited by Lagruell
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You're complaining that you can't solo HARD MODE Flashpoints?


I haven't even grouped for those since they raised the cap because I don't have 216s in every slot and don't want to even risk dragging my team down.


Also, why am I getting a strange sense of deja vu?

Edited by ZanyaCross
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HM flashpoint are made for four actual players working together in a group to complete. Actually, if anything in the past two weeks influenced the development patch decision from the forums, it was probably the reports of people kicking and getting kicked from flashpoint because the kicked person was worse than a pre 4.0.2 companion :(
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As I clearly explained, I wasn't going in there solo. The title seem pretty clear on that point too. If you get a feeling of deja vu, I might not be the only one complaining.


We've been spending quite a few hours in Hard Modes, both before and after the nerf.


We have been relying on Bolster (which is a clearly viable option), as I have little gear, and my friend isn't capped. We had been able to play as DPS or Tank (which we find to be the most enjoyable roles), as our Companions used to be viable as Healer, Tank or DPS before the nerf. We never spoil the encounters by checking strats or videos, and it hasn't prevented us to clear most packs and bosses after wiping enough to learn the dance.


Now they can barely tank on some encounters, their DPS is too weak, and they straight up cannot Heal... forcing one of us into that role no matter what (which isn't fun for us). Their heals are abysmal and not even close to keeping us alive against auto-attack and unavoidable damage.


We can no longer get through many trash packs without sufficient control, which further make our Republic chars unplayable, they cannot heal either.


Our Empire chars are fun, but not being able to play the other two like we used to is just dumb, and one of us is now forced to heal, which ain't fun either.


HM flashpoint are made for four actual players working together in a group to complete. Actually, if anything in the past two weeks influenced the development patch decision from the forums, it was probably the reports of people kicking and getting kicked from flashpoint because the kicked person was worse than a pre 4.0.2 companion :(


I don't think we had an easier time than a full group, but some HM FP were doable before, no matter the role we wanted our comps to fill. I liked doing that more than most other endgame activities, and this isn't possible any longer for us.


If they want only full group to be able to complete these, more power to them. But I'll play something else.


They might want to step up HM Black Talon's difficulty as we managed to duo clear that one.



Edited by Lagruell
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Came back to the game after a couple years with a friend, a couple weeks ago.


Leveling solo was a blast and teaming up for Tacticals made them pretty faceroll, even as newbies.


We just got started on HM Flashpoints, just the two of us, even though some encounters could be a little bit too much. We were having fun, swapping roles with the Companions and messing around.


HM Flashpoints can be fairly hard, and a blast from lvl 50 to fresh 65. I don't want them any easier, but we enjoyed playing with our Comps and knowing we could rely on them as Healer/Tank or DPS depending on what we felt like playing at any given time.


They are now unusable as healer, and weak as either tank or DPS... forcing us into healer role, making our Republic chars unplayable because they cannot heal and lack control on trash packs, and making most FP impossible for us.


HM Black Talon for our Imp chars was barely doable, we hit enrage timers on everything - cheesed bosses 2 and 3 by kiting them to oblivion - and all our comps could somewhat do was DPS, though they were terrible at that too.


Lost most interest in the game since then, I just canceled my subscription and I am not coming back unless our Companions do.


Back to Destiny for while.


I was soloing HM Flashpoints prior to nerf. Not all, but some that are doable. I did HM Hammer Station the day before the patch and had fun doing it. After the patch I can't get past the first big pull. I stealthed to the boss and it was also a no go. They took away soloing with the level sync. They now took this away. What they don't and the fanboys don't seem to get is having the companions the way they were hurt no one. I can't sell the gear I get on the GTN, I'm not getting achievements for it, no one would have known I was doing it accept by guild. It affected no one. Now with them making the companions useless on top of all of the PvP bugs and PvE bugs they ignore fixing I canceled as well. I did this kind of stuff all the time in WoW soloing things that are group oriented. No one was affected at all by it. Hell I even wiped with a full group in the HM Hammer Station, the very same one I was able to solo. They took away the fun of the game and make statements that "this is the game THEY want" well they can pay for it then if it's what they want. I'm not giving them another cent. Sub had 10 days left if nothing is done by then I wont be coming back and with a game that is already hurting for subs this foolish move might seal the deal on this game. Hell give Star Wars Galaxies a polish and bring that back instead of this fail game.

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being able to solo or duo HM 4 player content is an argument that companions needed a huge nerf.


why even go there?


Did it since level 50. I was 2 manning Operations with a healer friend. Does that mean nerf everything and everyone? Not in just this game, but others as well. Companions were just fine as they were. They didn't change gameplay in a negative way at all. This change does change it in a negative way. Also not all HM FP's can be soloed or even 2 manned. You need some insight on this subject instead of just throwing out an ignorant opinion.

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being able to solo or duo HM 4 player content is an argument that companions needed a huge nerf.


why even go there?


Well then, companions needed to be nerfed from the launch of the game. Because I used to duo HM LI for gear with my girlfriend when we were gearing up for Operations in 1.x.




Feel free to read it and this guide for how to do it:




I am not much of a forum person but quite a few folks have asked me to put together some tips for running hardmode flashpoints with companions so here you go.


Running flashpoints with companions can be fun! I do that regularly and its a blast. . Made some vids along the way. You don't need raid gear for it is the best part.


Step 1: Gearing up as a fresh 50 with a buddy

-Max out affection for all your companions for extra presence.

-Take the time to do the dailies and grab some daily commendation stuff and daily reward item modifications.

-Get some crafted earpieces, implants, augments etc.

-Pick up some datacrons.

-Grind Kaon Normal Mode


Kaon Normal mode is pretty much a loot pinnata for free tionese grade armorings, mods and enhancements.

Grab some 51 mods and enhancements by running Kaon on 'NORMAL MODE' for yourself and your companions.

You can do this even with companion tanks just for fun!

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rmf9eXapAv4 (wookie tank!)


Group Combinations

Running hard modes with 2 healing companions is the most feasible as you will have 2 cleanses in the group which tends to help. You can also run it with a dps tank and player heals with 2 dps companions as well. I found certain hard modes non-doable with just companion dps due to short enrage fuses on bosses such as Bulwark (D7) and colonel Daksh (MP)


Optimum Group Combo:

-Player Tank (interrupt preferred)

-Player DPS (interrupt preferred)

-2 x Healing Companions.


Optional group combination:

-Player Healer

-Player DPS / Off Tank

-1 x Companion DPS (Ranged)

-1 x Companion DPS (Melee)


Certain combinations you should avoid mostly because you may run into some walls on certain hard modes. Or they may start to become inefficient, time and money wise. Combinations to avoid are (player tank+player healer + dps companions) or (companion tanks+player healer+player dps). Once you are geared enough you may be able to do these other combinations. This guide focuses on running this content without op gear and shows you how you can gear up to full columi from the ground up with a team mate (aka mentor).


Gearing up as a Tank:

Focus on absorption and shield rating over endurance and defense. Stack your augments with absorption. Companions are the absolute worst in healing spike damage. While defense is great for complete mitigation, having less absorption is going to make you spike that tends to mess up your companion healing. With a player healing its fine because players can make judgement calls, companions cannot. The less damage you take from incoming attacks the better it is for companions to heal you. The spec I used to tank these hard modes 2 man is as follows:

Tanking Spec Jedi Guardian: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#500GMGzudMdfzZcMRZ0M.1

1 pt in defiance helps as there are several knockbacks and stuns in hard modes for tanks.


If companions are healing, don't slack on Force Sweeps, Blade Barriers and Riposte. Speccing in Blade Barricade allows you to increase your defenses everytime you hit Riposte. Chain your cooldowns early so you can use them multiple times in the fight.


Gearing up your companions:

This could get expensive thanks to the no off-class loot droppings from flash points but running Kaon Norm mode could get you some great free enhancements. Farming corelia commendations also give you access to some great free companion epics and slotted gear. You can always buy some decent blue/prototype/epic or crafted gear for them from the GTN if you are one of those rich fellows.


-Stack Power and Alacrity on your heal companions.

Why? Because companions are dumb, they will not stop their casts before moving out of that circle on the floor. Most ground effects tick within 2-3 seconds. The faster they cast, the faster they finish casting, the faster they will respond to your active and passive commands which you will need to do a lot. Power tends to help companions a bit more than their primary stat. This is due to the fact that companions don't have skill trees that scale their primary trait or enhance their critical chances. (atleast not yet, wink wink)


Gearing up as a DPS:

You have to bring your A game so be on top of your best rotations and don't tunnel in the process. There are quite a few dps guides out there that will help you in this regard. I do this with a DPS sage who runs 2 diff specs, Balance (13/28) and the other spec is full Telekinetic with imp force armor. When tank is undergeared, 2 extra points in imp force armor does tend to help if you build a habit of bubbling the tank as a dps. Balance 13/28 is a bit more dps if you are falling a bit short on enrages.


Gunslingers also tend to bring some impressive dps and some good tricks up their sleeves for reducing damage and a commando trooper's off healing comes in handy as well.


Be on top of interrupts, watch your threat and minimize any avoidable damage you take because if companions start healing you, they don't heal the tank.



How to Control your companions:

Learning how to quickly turn your companion passive and active is critical. Go under preferences and create shortcut keys for these actions on companion bars. My shorcut key to turn my companion passive is


If you have a gaming mouse with several programmable buttons, stick this to one of your mouse button 5 or something. Last thing you want to do is waste time clicking their passive ability manually.


Keep your companion in your sight at all times. If a threatening ground effect goes under them, use your shortcut key toggle to turn them passive then back to active. Maintain some distance from your companion so when turned passive he walks enough distance to get out of the ground effect.


--Republic POV---

Step 2: Your First 2 Man Hard Modes!


Kaon Under Siege: (Difficulty Easy)

Start with Kaon Under Siege due to generous enrage timers and easier boss mechanics. The trash however may present some challenges initially. You mainly wanna watch out for the Mercenaries and screamers on trash. CC them if you can or kill them asap. On Bosses, the Rakghoul boss can be done 2 ways. You can kite him around from barrel to barrel and kill him or keep him tanked near turrets for added dps if you are a bit short on dps. Once behemoth is out of the way, the final boss is fairly straightforward. Kill the 2 adds, kill the plaguebeares, kill boss. If you have multi-target dps abilities such as aoe procs and such you can keep up some damage on lt lk'graath while killing adds down.


2 Man Turret Encounter:


This encounter is fairly simple if tank gets on the turret and uses the "Mini Map" to point the turret in direction of adds instead of waiting for visual. You can spray the turret in the direction of the reds right when they spawn. Make sure to grab the elites as they spawn as well.


2 Man Rakghoul Behemoth Encounter


The mechanics of this fight are a bit of nuisance over hardness. Maintain your distance from him but not too much otherwise he jumps on you. Same goes for companions as well. Keep them away from you but not too far from the boss.


2 Man Lt. Lk'graagth


This fight is less of a pain with companions cleansing bleeds off of you. Once adds spawn, aoe them along with the boss so some damage stays on the boss throughout the encounter.


Taral V: (Difficulty Semi-Medium)

3 bosses in there have some semi-decent gear, I recommend not skipping PD-44 as he is simpler than it may seem at first and gives you some great practice.


2 man PD-44


Practice getting your companions in and out of his ground circles, this is good practice for a more chaotic fight later such as Esseles and Directive 7. With proper interrupts this fight turns into a training fight for almost any hard mode in swtor.


2 man Gen Eidgar


Key to maximize dps and beating enrage is for the tank to tank most of the drones while dps stays on boss. This can be done with medium dps and a medium gear tank as well. Watch the video for some on the spot tips. Keep your companions out of line of sight of turrets and droids.


Once you have grinded the above a few times and gotten a little more gear you can step into the next tiers which are as follows


Medium Difficulty Hard Modes

-Battle of Ilum (Columi Offhand)

-False Emperor (Columi Chest, tionese grade main hand)


Hard Difficulty Hard Modes:

-Esseles (this is a bit hard for only a bracer piece)

-Maelstrom Prison (columi boots)


Very Hard Difficulty Hard Modes:

-Directive 7 (columi legs)


Step 3: Run some medium difficulty hms


Battle of Ilum: (Difficulty Medium)

2 Man Krel-Thak



This is a tricky encounter but similar to Taral V gen Eidgar. Key is to interrupt his defense screen to maximize dps and get rid of adds fast. Killing adds quickly is one things companion AOE cannot do. A player dps aoe comes in real handy. Even if you are a healing, you will need to be ready to AOE at a moments notice.

Once you get past Krel-Thak, the final boss doesnt present much of a challenge


2 man Darth Serevin


In this encounter, interrupts are critical. Priority of interrupts is Force Explosion > Dark Blast. If you can interrupt both, well and good.


False Emperor:[(Difficulty Medium)


2 man Jindo Krey


Getting past Jindo may present some challenge at first but don't give up. Co-ordinate with your buddy for clicking turrets if you get grappled. We did a messy one at first but now we can cruise past him like he is nothing.


2 man HK-47


HK-47 drops your Tionese mainhand. This fight really is easier than it may seem at first. Tank him faced away so your group doesnt get sprayed. Drop the missile circles away from your companions so they dont take splash damage. You will need to deal considerable damage to beat his enrage. He also has a 5% enrage. If you hit the enrage, that doesn't mean the fight is lost. Tank with a couple of columi pieces can live through his enrage for an additional 10-15 seconds but anything past that probably not.


2 man Darth Malgus


Most of this long-a** fight is smooth cruising, the tricky part comes in during his last 15% when you have to re-position him running with your companions. Run straight down the center to position Darth Malgus. Keep your companions with you or he will charge the companion then charge back to knock you off the platform.

Once positioned, wait for his force lightening cast then use a nade to stop his cast then use a knockback ability to knock him off the ledge.


Step 4: Run some harder ones


Hard Mode Esseles (Difficulty Hard)

Believe it or not, this is a hard instance to do with companions even in good gear. Your first challenge will be massive group healing and dps needed on Ironfist. Once you overcome that, Lord Vokk is no walk in the park either. Keep your nerves as calm as possible, while damage may be considerable, the companions will be able to keep you up provided you interrupt Ironfist;s headshots. Keep your companions spread apart to maximize cross healing. You may need consumables to break his enrage timer. If you have Biochem , you can use re-usable bop adrenals (why Bioware why!!). If he enrages, get on those interrupts and kill him before he goes into another missile salvo. Chances are that your companions may not be able to heal you through that.


2 man IronFist



2 man Lord Vokk:


Your PD-44 practice now comes in real handy. In this fight you will need to move your companions A LOT while tyring to burn him down. Save your oh-**** buttons for his enrage if any. You will be missing health throughout this fight but dont panic. Burn your heroic moment about half way into the fight and it will last through till the end and it will heal you through the saber throws.

Use your break free ability to get out of stuns.



Hard Mode Maelstrom Prison (Difficulty Hard)

Colonel Daksh may present a significant challenge due to the mix of mechanics and enrage. Avoid his grapple as much as you can. Stay near a crate to los his grapple. If you do get grappled, interrupt the carbonize.

Watch the video for more tips



2 man Grand Moff Kilran


This is a relatively easier encounter once you get past Daksh.



Hard Mode Directive 7 (Difficulty Very Hard)

We waited for our 4 peices to do this. Its on farm now but our first few attempts were brutal. By this time you should have enough tionese stuff to gear not only you but your companions with some tionese pieces as well.

Bulwark is an all out burn fight, a true test of tanking and dps abilities


2 Man Bulwark



Once you pass Bulwark, Mentor doesnt get any easier but on the brighter side, we didnt see any enrage on mentor. however the longer he is up the damage may get out of hand.


2 Man Mentor Hard Mode



The fight is exactly as chaotic as it looks with companions in the mix but doable. Dont worry if you have troubles with Mentor, you may have enough columi at this time to get your final piece. Save your Columi badges for your legs imo. I still recommend doing Directive 7 , 2 man. If you are looking for a challenge in swtor. This is where its at. Its a blast.


Using a Companion to Tank a hard mode

If you are really up for it and neither party member likes to tank. You can use a companion tank. I advise on running Kaon on normal mode to gear up your companion with some pieces first. Stack absorption on your companion to avoid spikes as companion armor just plain sucks! You can use a player healer with a heal companion to run hard modes with companions. This can be quite challenging but fun.


Companion Tanks Kaon & T5 Hard Mode





Community Contributions:


Submitted by PorsaLindahl

Rakata geared Powertech and Tionese geared Marauder with Tionese geared Mako and Quinn.


Black Talon:

"The trick with Yadira is to taunt her to the center of the circle on the floor in front of where she spawns, but keep your companions on the outside the circle to avoid her smash.** Comps won't be pulled into her gravity well type ability so you don't have to worry about trying to run them out of the damage radius when she does her smash. Just taunt her back to the center of the circle after each smash, rinse and repeat until she dies. She actually enraged on us with 2% HP, but it was too little, too late.


** Powertech can use explosive dart to start combat with her - this will make her attack, but Mako will remain out of combat until the dart explodes or you do direct damage to her. Back up a couple of steps. Once Yadira's in the center of the circle, leap to her. Mako will stay where she was when you leaped in and be safe from her smash ability."



With that said, have some more fun with companions!



-Cytherion & My'a

50 - Jedi Guardian, 50 -Jedi Sage

Server: Kaas City




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I don't think hardmode flashpoints were ever designed with the intent for you to solo/duo/whatever them. One companion can sometimes fill in as a band-aid for a hardmode flashpoint but even that probably isn't part of their design. They want players to be stronger than companions, and they want 4 players in those flashpoints.
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Except, he's right. People have been duoing and soloing hard modes at level 50 since this game came out. Look at the links I posted above.


And you can still do it, if you aren't bad.


The only difference is, now the people who suck at video games can't do it as well.

Edited by wadecounty
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Well then, companions needed to be nerfed from the launch of the game. Because I used to duo HM LI for gear with my girlfriend when we were gearing up for Operations in 1.x.




Feel free to read it and this guide for how to do it:







what you used to be able to do doesnt change what biofail's intentions are.


it's an appeal to tradition fallacy. just because you used to do it, doesn't mean you ought to have been able.


biofail could have easily decided too many people could be completing content too easily.

Edited by Pagy
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And you can still do it, if you aren't bad.


The only difference is, now the people who suck at video games can't do it as well.


Actually, you can't solo flashpoints you could before 4.0 with a healer companion in 192 gear. 1k EHPS isn't keeping you alive when you are taking 2k DTPS. And that is 208 gear in a tactical, sure I can overgear it and complete it, but I also should be able to run it in the gear it drops just like I did before 4.0.


It's not like my skills got less because there was an expansion. Especially when you consider I've been playing Tera in my downtime and that actually requires skill to solo a 5 man dungeon. Yeah I solo those too on my lancer.

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I don't think hardmode flashpoints were ever designed with the intent for you to solo/duo/whatever them. One companion can sometimes fill in as a band-aid for a hardmode flashpoint but even that probably isn't part of their design. They want players to be stronger than companions, and they want 4 players in those flashpoints.


I never use meta to defend a buff or nerf, but it is useful for a comparison of what the game was like from launch until 4.0. Companions are noticeably weaker now then they have ever been in this game. Right now, outside of group content, I can dismiss my companion and not even notice the difference. Medpacks and meditation work just as well as companion healers do in heroics, in some cases better because they don't contemplate their navel at times.


I'm sorry but something is clearly wrong there if companions effectively have no impact on solo gameplay. I shouldn't be able to dismiss my companion and only have trash pulls take 3 seconds longer, and boss fights take 20 seconds longer. I should have to struggle without them, but I don't because they really don't have much impact right now at all.

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Except, he's right. People have been duoing and soloing hard modes at level 50 since this game came out. Look at the links I posted above.


Yeah, fair enough, that's definitely not bad at all. But two people on AN OPERATION?! Even if it's just story mode, holy crap.

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Yeah, fair enough, that's definitely not bad at all. But two people on AN OPERATION?! Even if it's just story mode, holy crap.


EV story was 3 manned about a month after launch. Sorc, marauder and sin I think it was that did it first.


But the best was when the repair droids suddenly became companions after one patch. 8 Heroic Moment Force Storms would drop Kephess really fast, it was funny.


Edit: And that was Kephess HM to boot.

Edited by Draqsko
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I think you should be able to do 4 man flashpoints with a friend and 2 companions. Whats the harm in that really? Now the OP companions were a bit much as the healers were out performing real healers with like over 9k HPS but if they were balanced right where they maybe are say 85-90% as good as a human player then I would be happy with them. Where they were before the patch and now after the patch were 2 extremes and it needs to be fixed with some actual balance.


I think all of us vets with all the unlocks and so on should maybe go to a fresh server were we have no legacy perks and make a level one and test out how it is as a brand new player before we judge all the casuals or new players. Granted most of us know how to play ever class probably but at least we can see what its like not to have all the datacrons and extra crafted items we might make ourselves leveling or any of the heroic moment unlocks, ect...

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I never use meta to defend a buff or nerf, but it is useful for a comparison of what the game was like from launch until 4.0. Companions are noticeably weaker now then they have ever been in this game. Right now, outside of group content, I can dismiss my companion and not even notice the difference. Medpacks and meditation work just as well as companion healers do in heroics, in some cases better because they don't contemplate their navel at times.


I'm sorry but something is clearly wrong there if companions effectively have no impact on solo gameplay. I shouldn't be able to dismiss my companion and only have trash pulls take 3 seconds longer, and boss fights take 20 seconds longer. I should have to struggle without them, but I don't because they really don't have much impact right now at all.


That isn't universally true. I understand that may be the case in 208 gear trying to solo hard mode flashpoint but that is absolutely not true for my level 18 commando.


I suspect what BioWare will do, if anything, is look at the specific situations they're underperforming and address those situations than another blanket companion patch. It sucks, but that seems very clear based on the feedback thread Eric posted. They're going to target specific areas, not companions as a whole. And I suspect hardmode flashpoints will not be one of those areas.

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That isn't universally true. I understand that may be the case in 208 gear trying to solo hard mode flashpoint but that is absolutely not true for my level 18 commando.


I suspect what BioWare will do, if anything, is look at the specific situations they're underperforming and address those situations than another blanket companion patch. It sucks, but that seems very clear based on the feedback thread Eric posted. They're going to target specific areas, not companions as a whole. And I suspect hardmode flashpoints will not be one of those areas.


Sad part was, it wasn't even a hard mode. I could solo CZ HMs before 4.0 with a great deal of effort and a specific gear and spec for guardian, it was easily 2 manned though with a player healer, player tank and 2 dps comps in 192. Of course CZ HMs were only rated for 186 gear and technically 192 is overgeared, but still the baseline power level of companions that everyone could achieve in 3.0 was 192 rating gear.


Even with all that said, I spent the first 2 weeks running tacticals with lowbies and trying to help them get through it. Should their companions allow them to solo tacs? Absolutely not, even the best healer that was only level 40 struggled mightily on Manaan due to lack of abilities. And that was in a 4 player group, everyone else kept quitting group because they weren't level 20 most of them. The few that weren't lowbies would drop group because I kept refusing to vote kick the lowbies.


Those overpowered companions everyone was complaining about? Yeah they wouldn't last more than 2 hits as soon as any boss looked at them, because they didn't have any armor. I might have been able to get her through that run without so many issues if OP companions could truly replace a lowbie that quits out cause none of the flashpoints are balanced around a level 15 going into them except KDY. That's the real reason why lowbies were getting kicked, it had nothing to do with companions, it had everything to do with shoving a level 15 bolstered to 65 into a flashpoint that's scaled to level 65 but still has mechanics that level 15s can't deal with because they don't have the abilities yet.

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