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Companion Change Feedback


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the small minority of elitsts and raiding nolifers


The hardest raiding content in this game is still easier than your average MMO. Many of the actual raiders and nolifers already quit because even at the top level, the game is not offering enough challenge for them. you are not arguing with those people. You are arguing with average players.

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I just rephrased what Eric's official quote said.

I guess you are calling him arrogant too then.


No. I am calling you arrogant. Elitist. Biased.


You believe you deserve to solo h2+ with your raid gear and your op class combo, while others have to ask you for help. To feel your greatness.


You are no nice guy, you are infact just part of the diseases that infests these forum with hardcore feedback from the start.


And we actually saw what happened at the launch of SWTOR. We see what happens now, when bioware listened to the whiney special snowflakes, once again, to get back their "challenges" into the game.

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Incoming 10% buff that doesn't really help very much!


Alright. Enough is enough.


You get something. That's the end of it? Don't like it? Then unsubscribe from the game and move on without bothering anyone. It's always baffling how Bioware can announce that there will be change, but people immediately disrespect that and call it off as useless, nonsense or diminishing without even seeing the actual numbers.


Take it or leave it. Either way is fine. But stop bothering people after getting something.


You are no nice guy, you are infact just part of the diseases that infests these forum with hardcore feedback from the start.


I don't have any hardcore raid gear. I don't have a single set bonus. I didn't run more than one operation since 4.0 launched. I have augmented 208 CDC gear. I have a companion level 27. I have a simple rotation without any maximized DPS. I still call you out on the problem too. I can solo most of the heroics with ease and pretty quickly by just having a basic understanding of my class.


What you do is diminishing any opinion of someone with better gear than you as an elitist. You're always accusing them of being stuck up and taking away your fun by saying companions are fine, yet you completely disregard the possibility that some people, even people who aren't elite raiders like me, have fun the way it is.


Why is your stance on changing companions better than theirs? What makes your stance superior? You're always saying that companions need to be stronger and that's the end of it. Why not just get 208 gear and get better? It takes less than five hours and reading two pages, yet the game has to adapt to fit your desire. Guess what? You could also get better. But that would then place you in the "hardcore gamer" group you like to call out on their elitist attitude, right?


I can return the favour: Just get out of here, at least if you believe your opinion is worth more than some "elitist" opinion, when many casual players are saying that the companions are roughly around the right spot.

Edited by Alssaran
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I don't see what this has to do with companion nerfs though. The game as it is now, is still easier than most single player RPGs. If that's what you're here for, you're not being faced with an unexpectedly insurmountable challenge or anything.


As for the grinding, I can agree that it's pretty boring, but is there any reason that someone who is only trying to blow through all the story chapters NEEDS no endlessly grind out heroics day in and day out? I doubt you're going to be locked out of chapter 10 if your alliance isn't built up enough or something.


Which brings us back to the real issue with the expansion: this "story-focused" expansion still has a lot less story than the base game did. Instead of 8 separate stories, each lasting for dozens of hours if you don't spacebar, we now have a single story that's maybe 8 hours max if you don't skip anything. The larger issue is that the people who want story were given very little of it, and all that's left to do is grind. I don't see how making the grind easier is going to satisfy them.


Well the thing is this, I saw people actually say this onsome of the threads "I didn't come here to 4.0 for another MMO. They are second jobs" and even "BW should just turn this into a SP game, it has no business being an MMO it's TOR!"


To these types of players part of an MMO is the grind and actually having to know a rotation, worry about stats and gear etc. One event said "with Mastery you don't have to track stats." Well you still have to, just different stats, The companions in their overpowered state meant that none of this was a concern. They thought they had the BW:TOR SP game because the Companions masked BW's intended game play. When the companions got nerfed they curtain ripped off and they saw they didn't have 100% what they wanted.


Yes they had their story, but the MMO parts they don't like was still there. The thing is, if they would have read more than jut what they wanted to read. Actually read the interviews...listened to Eric in a live stream saying "if you are a capable player" etc... they would have realized they were fooling themselves, not the other way around.

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Oh jolly, another patch coming soon then, eh?


I know most are in uproar about the content of the patch, but some of us players in a best case scenario end suffering huge down times due to the bad patcher, or even end up losing money due to it. I have sub left as I bought 2 months, but after my experience with the last patch, I am not certain I can even dare try patch again at all. It takes forever (sub time lost), and can end eating loads of allowance, and depending where you sit in this world, allowance can cost quite a bit.


The patcher has to be sorted and clear statements have to be made in regards to the patcher. It is not acceptable to simply point players at the forums to try find solutions themselves, and the only solution basically being to completely download the game again, and having to alter files. This is NOT acceptable, and instead I wish to hear from the company that this issue is worked on, combined with an apology to those of us who have been suffering from something faulty, a company this size should long have sorted anyway.

In any other game I have ever played, I would have been spoken to, reassured, and compensated. This game has failed to even do one of those things, which quite frankly has be buffled :eek:


I am sorry to inform you, I mean that, but this is an on-line game, and yes, there will be patches ;)

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no new operation, no new flashpoint, no new class story, only 9 chapters identical for all class.

The only redeeming part, the gameplay, is now shotdown.


I have no interest in running endless heroic 2+ grind for a speeder and a few credits, especially if the gameplay offer no thrill.


Will end my subscription, will level the few class i have yet to level as F2P. Thanks for the game, but it just won't fit my interest.


Best of luck for the future bioware, see you in ME andromeda.

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"BW should just turn this into a SP game, it has no business being an MMO it's TOR!"


To these types of players part of an MMO is the grind and actually having to know a rotation, worry about stats and gear etc. .


I agree that it should be a single player game instead of an MMO, but single player games still have some challenge to them, or at least the possibility of death.


And I don't know what single player RPGs people are playing where they don't have to worry about gear and stats. That's a staple of all RPGs, not just MMOs.

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No. I am calling you arrogant. Elitist. Biased.


You believe you deserve to solo h2+ with your raid gear and your op class combo, while others have to ask you for help. To feel your greatness.


You are no nice guy, you are infact just part of the diseases that infests these forum with hardcore feedback from the start.


And we actually saw what happened at the launch of SWTOR. We see what happens now, when bioware listened to the whiney special snowflakes, once again, to get back their "challenges" into the game.

Well someone is awfully sore. I'm sorry, I didnt realize helping people in videogame is a bad thing nowadays. No wonder people think this community has a bad wibe, when even grouping is seen offending.


I didnt record my run on low geared characters. I can if it makes you feel better.


However, there has already been several people in commgear reporting to complete H2 SF multiple times. Maybe you should go hate on them too.

Edited by Kiesu
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The hardest raiding content in this game is still easier than your average MMO. Many of the actual raiders and nolifers already quit because even at the top level, the game is not offering enough challenge for them. you are not arguing with those people. You are arguing with average players.


Raiders are no average players. They are a minority that organized in guild or raid groups.


And they have the best gear from their group choreography.

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I am sorry to inform you, I mean that, but this is an on-line game, and yes, there will be patches ;)

Lol, yeah, in any other game I have ever played, I'd be fine with a new patch - not in this one though, where patching can end entailing a day or 2 of the launcher doing things which can end up costing you a lot of money.


There are problems with the patching system, which need fixing.

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Alright. Enough is enough.


You get something. That's the end of it? Don't like it? Then unsubscribe from the game and move on without bothering anyone. It's always baffling how Bioware can announce that there will be change, but people immediately disrespect that and call it off as useless, nonsense or diminishing without even seeing the actual numbers.


Take it or leave it. Either way is fine. But stop bothering people after getting something.


Because this isn't one off behaviour. BioWare's only consistency is that they're consistently inept. They've lost a significant portion of the userbase's respect and a larger portion of player trust. How many times do you have to be lied to or disappointed before you turn on the person lying to and disappointing you?


They are allowed to voice their displeasure in any way they see fit, within legal and societal bounds. If that bothers you, perhaps you really should listen to your own advice and leave the boards, if you're not willing to extend to others the ability to voice their complaints, concerns, and criticism?

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Hey folks,


First off, we want to thank all of you for your feedback about Companion balance following 4.0.2. As we go into the weekend, we wanted you to know that we have gone through this thread, the forums, Reddit, and social media to gather everyone’s perspectives. We have come out of this with quite a few action items that we are going to take, including buffs for Companions. On Monday, we are going to release a forum post highlighting our plans to address current Companion balance, along with the state of Heroic Missions and Star Fortress.


Thank you all once again for your feedback.




Sadly I suspect it will be too little too late. putting an bandaid on a amputated arm.

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Hey folks,


First off, we want to thank all of you for your feedback about Companion balance following 4.0.2. As we go into the weekend, we wanted you to know that we have gone through this thread, the forums, Reddit, and social media to gather everyone’s perspectives. We have come out of this with quite a few action items that we are going to take, including buffs for Companions. On Monday, we are going to release a forum post highlighting our plans to address current Companion balance, along with the state of Heroic Missions and Star Fortress.


Thank you all once again for your feedback.




Okay I'll bite. Since my subs will run out before the weekend does I'll stick around for one more month just to see how this goes.

I'd still like to see an admission that the PTB's went way overboard and an apology to paying customers .. like that will ever happen, but still, it should.

Since I've now invested in some other games, it's gonna have to be good to keep my accounts here.

Why do I get the feeling that I'm being reeled in again and that I'm going to be kicking my own *** for allowing myself to trust anything this company says? :eek: Maybe it has something to do with CC investments during the honeymoon period, pre-nerf.

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However, there has already been several people in commgear reporting to complete H2 SF multiple times. Maybe you should go hate on them too.


I dont hate anyone. I just want to ensure you that you are part of a small minority.


If you actually need a ego boost, show your raid gear to your realm or guild contacts.


You wont get a "Hoo how great thou are!" from me, sorry, sir.


Your gameplay style is so completely different from mine, that we both are just not compatible in our expectations what the game should be.


Your only argument left actually is "It is just you if you dont manage to complete h2+ heroic star fortress anymore".. like the typical elitsts that thinks that people just have to learn to play, while you think you are something better. Thats actually ridiculous, but hey, if you dont have any arguments.. just continue your "its just you" argumentation here.. yes.. me, and thousands others who were able to complete h2+ sf before who arent anymore. Well, and some hundred who are still able to complete it.. Congrats to your skeel, elitist.


Go back to your raiding guild. Go back into your elitist hole. But allow players who dont share your "vision" of the game to play it as well.

Edited by geschmonz
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Alright. Enough is enough.


You get something. That's the end of it? Don't like it? Then unsubscribe...SNIP..


Sorry but no. Just something isn't enough. They need to make some effort in fixing this and 10% isn't it.


Gamers not liking it is what is forcing change now. Nerfing H2's isn't what gamers want it seems. Hopefully BW knows at least that much.


They want more powerful companions back. A level 50 companion should be "F"ing amazing. Not the mediocre crap they got turned into. Companions need to be good at all levels. For leveling and end game and especially so if you put in the time and credits to level them.


BW needs to not screw this up and nerfing the heroics or half-*** doing a companion buff isn't solving the problem.

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Hey folks,


First off, we want to thank all of you for your feedback about Companion balance following 4.0.2. As we go into the weekend, we wanted you to know that we have gone through this thread, the forums, Reddit, and social media to gather everyone’s perspectives. We have come out of this with quite a few action items that we are going to take, including buffs for Companions. On Monday, we are going to release a forum post highlighting our plans to address current Companion balance, along with the state of Heroic Missions and Star Fortress.


Thank you all once again for your feedback.




I still have about 10 days left before my account goes to ftp I'll wait and see if they actually do something.

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Okay I'll bite. Since my subs will run out before the weekend does I'll stick around for one more month just to see how this goes.

I'd still like to see an admission that the PTB's went way overboard and an apology to paying customers .. like that will ever happen, but still, it should.

Since I've now invested in some other games, it's gonna have to be good to keep my accounts here.

Why do I get the feeling that I'm being reeled in again and that I'm going to be kicking my own *** for allowing myself to trust anything this company says? :eek: Maybe it has something to do with CC investments during the honeymoon period, pre-nerf.


Let it run out, see what they announce then resub based on that.

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They want more powerful companions back. A level 50 companion should be "F"ing amazing.


But do you want the companion to be more powerful than you? Because that's what we had during 4.0. I want the companion to be like the sidekick and my character to be the main hero.

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Sorry but no. Just something isn't enough. They need to make some effort in fixing this and 10% isn't it.


Gamers not liking it is what is forcing change now. Nerfing H2's isn't what gamers want it seems. Hopefully BW knows at least that much.


They want more powerful companions back. A level 50 companion should be "F"ing amazing. Not the mediocre crap they got turned into. Companions need to be good at all levels. For leveling and end game and especially so if you put in the time and credits to level them.


BW needs to not screw this up and nerfing the heroics or half-*** doing a companion buff isn't solving the problem.


Sorry but where they say will just be 10% now you got me worry again :/

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Raiders are no average players. They are a minority that organized in guild or raid groups.


And they have the best gear from their group choreography.


His point was to say what I have said when I came here. Raiding here is not really "raiding". Half of the people complaining about OPs/raids here have never steppe in the door. They remember the junk from WoW, EQ, EQ2 whatever (outside of NiM)


In essence it is a bias or prejudice against a name without bothering to know anything about it. People seem to NEED a boogie man and that is what the term raid has become for some.

Edited by Ghisallo
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Raiders are no average players. They are a minority that organized in guild or raid groups.


And they have the best gear from their group choreography.


i guess we must accept that we are not the target audience anymore and move on.

The only thing that SWTOR has going for him, as far as i am concern, is the story, in particular the 3 first chapter of each class.


The story is not the strongest point of the game, it's the only point that make the game worth playing, but i admit, this is an excellent point. And the best thing is, the story is actually free.


only minor restriction not being a sub. My credit are limited to 350k but i have no reason to buy anything, if i only want to follow the story. No access to flashpoint and operation, but aren't any new flashpoint and operations?


peace out and have fun, 2 days before the end of my subs.

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I dont hate anyone. I just want to ensure you that you are part of a small minority.


If you actually need a ego boost, show your raid gear to your realm or guild contacts.


You wont get a "Hoo how great thou are!" from me, sorry, sir.


Your gameplay style is so completely different from mine, that we both are just not compatible in our expectations what the game should be.


Your only argument left actually is "It is just you if you dont manage to complete h2+ heroic star fortress anymore".. like the typical elitsts that thinks that people just have to learn to play, while you think you are something better. Thats actually ridiculous, but hey, if you dont have any arguments.. just continue your "its just you" argumentation here.. yes.. me, and thousands others who were able to complete h2+ sf before who arent anymore. Well, and some hundred who are still able to complete it.. Congrats to your skeel, elitist.


Go back to your raiding guild. Go back into your elitist hole. But allow players who dont share your "vision" of the game to play it as well.


Seems like a lot of hate to me right there. And all for saying "its ok to ask help".


I'm not in a hardcore raiding guild. I believe i said I had to help some guildies with H2 SF even before nerf. That sounds like a very hardcore guild doesnt it.


You are assuming awfully lot without actually reading anything I said.


Yes I recorded my first H2 run this week in half of my raiding gear thrown on alt. On a feedback topick asking for feedback. I contributed to the cause. What a terrible person i am for daring to do what the thread asked me to.


If you dont want help, its ok. But please dont be rude to people offering alternatives.

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