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Companion Change Feedback


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Hey folks,


First off, we want to thank all of you for your feedback about Companion balance following 4.0.2. As we go into the weekend, we wanted you to know that we have gone through this thread, the forums, Reddit, and social media to gather everyone’s perspectives. We have come out of this with quite a few action items that we are going to take, including buffs for Companions. On Monday, we are going to release a forum post highlighting our plans to address current Companion balance, along with the state of Heroic Missions and Star Fortress.


Thank you all once again for your feedback.




Eric, I hope these buffs hold true mate - or i'll have to make 2 videos again , showing the pro and cons of the character like I did , and those are rather hurtful video to make

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- Give healer companions a flat 10% output increase in all of their abilities

- Buff tank companions HP a bit. 5% to 7% i'd suggest.

- Leave dps companions as they are.


Everyone is happy and the hyperbole goes away.


Everyone? - Nope I wouldn't be, not by a long way. I want more improvement than that.


The best they're going to end up with is a fix that leaves all parties equally dissatisfied.

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Everyone? - Nope I wouldn't be, not by a long way. I want more improvement than that.


The best they're going to end up with is a fix that leaves all parties equally dissatisfied.


The best fix would be a toggle, but why would they bothe doing that, they don't have the code for it.


Oh wait 12x XP had one.

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game bugs are never good they need to kick harb hamster wheel if that the server having lag


It's not the servers issue, it's the bug that is leaving hundreds (thousands) of mob corpses in the world and not properly despawning them.


Honestly, I have to wonder if they even bothered to QA/test this build internally before pushing it out. Like, they made sure it would patch to the servers correctly and said, "Welp, that's good enough for me!"


And we'll likely have a full week of the lag because of this bug. Generally games try to patch out bugs that have this kind of a negative impact on client/server performance immediately. But I guess not.

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Now please Eric, start out small and work your way to a point where we can all agree on a compromise.


That's what they should have done from the start, the other way. Incremental changes until they found the sweet spot. Because I'm betting there's a lot more going on that forums and social media. I'm betting someone in the subs department said "What the hell did you guys do now"? That last bit's sort of ironic humor, but I have to wonder...

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They have given a lot of casual content to us since the release of kotfe- and no content for pvpers or raiders. I'm OK with having one part of the game turned atleast a LITTLE harder to feel like they care about people wanting harder content too..

Since, well, there is no real point in progressing trough the nims, again, when you aready did that on previous lvcap progressions.. You forget, not everyone is a casual either. I want a bone to gnaw on too.


Fine, buff companions for planet heroics or whatever, but leave H2+ Star Fortress as it is. It was actually fun for me after companion nerf and no buffs.


um how bout you just get rid of your comp if you think it is too easy the causal players do not want to have to find someone else to run with them as this game is not very party friendly fix the damned comps because if you play a bounty hunter level 19 on dk it is almost impossible to do the rune stone quests as too many mobs spawn around the dead acolyte bodies for you to be able to take out your comp is a joke in this endeavor and they need to be fixed because at the end of the day it is casual players like myself and the thousands of others who pay for the game to continue being here and it not dying even faster than it was

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Hey folks,


First off, we want to thank all of you for your feedback about Companion balance following 4.0.2. As we go into the weekend, we wanted you to know that we have gone through this thread, the forums, Reddit, and social media to gather everyone’s perspectives. We have come out of this with quite a few action items that we are going to take, including buffs for Companions. On Monday, we are going to release a forum post highlighting our plans to address current Companion balance, along with the state of Heroic Missions and Star Fortress.


Thank you all once again for your feedback.




It's good to see the team taking feedback from all sides and listening to the community. Thank you :)

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Hey folks,


First off, we want to thank all of you for your feedback about Companion balance following 4.0.2. As we go into the weekend, we wanted you to know that we have gone through this thread, the forums, Reddit, and social media to gather everyone’s perspectives. We have come out of this with quite a few action items that we are going to take, including buffs for Companions. On Monday, we are going to release a forum post highlighting our plans to address current Companion balance, along with the state of Heroic Missions and Star Fortress.


Thank you all once again for your feedback.




I can only hope that Bioware learned that they need to PTS expansions so this kind of data and feedback can be collected before a patch like 4.0.2 goes live!


People flooded back to KotFE to see the shiny new story, got used to the newly powerful companions, and found the experience of the Death Star Companion Supernerf to be quite jarring. Sure, some of them probably felt companions were going to be nerfed, but there's a large difference between a nerf (which can be repeated in increments if truly necessary) and outright making companions so useless that they're just as likely to kill you by pulling another mob as they are to be helpful by healing you.


Yes I know that players on PTS tend to be rather vocal, but would you rather have spirited debates about balance on PTS, or the forum riots and (alleged) mass unsub of the past week?


Had the changes regarding companions been on PTS, this all could have been hashed out before all the new/returning players came back with the xpac launch, with much less forum rioting, and I do believe everyone involved would have been much happier.

Edited by AdrianDmitruk
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It's not the servers issue, it's the bug that is leaving hundreds (thousands) of mob corpses in the world and not properly despawning them.


Honestly, I have to wonder if they even bothered to QA/test this build internally before pushing it out. Like, they made sure it would patch to the servers correctly and said, "Welp, that's good enough for me!"


And we'll likely have a full week of the lag because of this bug. Generally games try to patch out bugs that have this kind of a negative impact on client/server performance immediately. But I guess not.


They're getting paid, why would they care if the game is unplayable for a week.

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It's not the servers issue, it's the bug that is leaving hundreds (thousands) of mob corpses in the world and not properly despawning them.


Honestly, I have to wonder if they even bothered to QA/test this build internally before pushing it out. Like, they made sure it would patch to the servers correctly and said, "Welp, that's good enough for me!"


And we'll likely have a full week of the lag because of this bug. Generally games try to patch out bugs that have this kind of a negative impact on client/server performance immediately. But I guess not.

At least we save credits on repairs lol :p

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I've not experienced this unplayable lag people have just started mentioning. Hadn't really stumbled upon many bodies at all until I hit Alderaan this morning and found a few groups of corpses around a couple of the Heroics, but I figured that had just been some people doing those particular ones a short time before I arrived.
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Huh that's weird, I thought people were saying low level players would have no problem with these changes.


they lied and before i spend another dime on this game or resub they better fix companions and get rid of the damn non despawning dead bodies this patch should never have gone live without extensive testing which is obvious they didnt do

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see my response below

Hey folks,




Please give us your feedback, and we simply ask you to be as constructive as possible. Include information such as:

  • Your level - 65
  • Roughly Average Item Rating 1x220, 8x216, 5x208
  • Discipline - DPS sage - telekinetics
  • Companion - Xalek (boss!!!)
  • Companion role - heals
  • Companion Influence level - 26
  • Which Mission or Star Fortress are you playing (Solo Mode? Heroic Mode?) - Heroic
  • Your personal experience while playing this content - played with another human player (LEVEL 65), with his/her companion in tank. We could not defeat the 3rd exarch section prior to the final boss fight.




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I can only hope that Bioware learned that they need to PTS expansions so this kind of data and feedback can be collected before a patch like 4.0.2 goes live!


People flooded back to KotFE to see the shiny new story, got used to the newly powerful companions, and found the experience of the Death Star Companion Supernerf to be quite jarring. Sure, some of them probably felt companions were going to be nerfed, but there's a large difference between a nerf (which can be repeated in increments if truly necessary) and outright making companions so useless that they're just as likely to kill you by pulling another mob as they are to be helpful by healing you.


Yes I know that players on PTS tend to be rather vocal, but would you rather have spirited debates about balance on PTS, or the forum riots and (alleged) mass unsub of the past week?


Had the changes regarding companions been on PTS, this all could have been hashed out before all the new/returning players came back with the xpac launch, with much less forum rioting, and I do believe everyone involved would have been much happier.


i couldnt agree with you more they need to un-nerf the companions if people think they are too powerful you can dismiss them it is bs that now you cannot do heroics by yourself as was promised and have to try and find others to do them with you when this game has never been overly party up friendly

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Huh that's weird, I thought people were saying low level players would have no problem with these changes.


The mileage varied according to player. I had a character at a similar level and influence and only had two deaths in all of Taris, and I am by no means a great player.

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I can only hope that Bioware learned that they need to PTS expansions so this kind of data and feedback can be collected before a patch like 4.0.2 goes live!


People flooded back to KotFE to see the shiny new story, got used to the newly powerful companions, and found the experience of the Death Star Companion Supernerf to be quite jarring. Sure, some of them probably felt companions were going to be nerfed, but there's a large difference between a nerf (which can be repeated in increments if truly necessary) and outright making companions so useless that they're just as likely to kill you by pulling another mob as they are to be helpful by healing you.


Yes I know that players on PTS tend to be rather vocal, but would you rather have spirited debates about balance on PTS, or the forum riots and (alleged) mass unsub of the past week?


Had the changes regarding companions been on PTS, this all could have been hashed out before all the new/returning players came back with the xpac launch, with much less forum rioting, and I do believe everyone involved would have been much happier.


^^ this

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